' I put the cursor in various places in the Worksheet, with just one "%t"
' Sometimes you have to click it twice for it to work. What's that about?
[Alt+t is being sent again, which collapses it]
' I don't know, but instead of clicking it twice, I see that it works if I put in another "%t" in there, so I'll do that.
' SendKeys ("%t%t"), True
' The next day, this doesn't work.
' Try two of Alt+t's, with a second in between.
' VBA pausing by tenths of seconds (or milliseconds)
' . . . I think we have established in prior threads that Wait and OnTime functions only have a "resolution" of one second.
' . . . For finer control, I think you'll need to use API calls
' . . .
' SendKeys ("%t"), True
' Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
' SendKeys ("%t"), True
' Then, this didn't work . . . Is there some issue with Sendkeys not working?
' What if I put a wait of 1 second between the opening of "Find and Replace," and sending Alt+t?
' Fails. When you click it again, it collapses "Find and Replace" . . . Wait, that's what it's doing.
' What's going on is, the first time you open it, Alt+t works to expand "Find and Replace"
' . . . But click the macro a second time, and Alt+t collapses "Find and Replace"
' So, Alt+t is good to get it to open the first time, but since the behavior of this dialog is to remain how you set it throughout your Excel session,
' . . . the next time you click it, the macro collapses it.
' So, you could have one button that opens "Find and Replace," and another (without Alt+t) for your next use of "Find and Replace",
' . . . or, simply open it *without* Alt+t, and manually click "Options" to see that if you want it, or leave it collapsed (functionality is there),
' . . . and it will be how you set it for your Excel session - THIS SEEMS EASIEST, DO THIS