Const TestPlan = "28384347"
Sub Copyfromtext()
Dim Prod As Range, TestPlancc As String, s As Long, i As Long, TextFile() As String, ReadData As String, ValT As Variant, Code As Variant, NumOp As Variant, Pallet As Variant, X As Long, Y As Long, Val_All() As Variant
Dim StrFile As String, Fpath As String, Serie As String, DataB As Date, Ora As String, Hour As Variant, Bench As String
Dim OP101 As Variant
Dim OP901 As Variant
Dim OP1 As Variant
Dim OP102 As Variant
Dim OP902 As Variant
Dim OP2 As Variant
Dim OP202 As Variant
Dim OP3 As Variant
Dim OP5 As Variant
Dim OP4 As Variant
Dim OP6 As Variant
Dim OP19 As Variant
Dim OP14 As Variant
Dim OP107 As Variant
Dim OP115 As Variant
Dim OP915 As Variant
Dim OP15 As Variant
Dim OP215 As Variant
Dim OP116 As Variant
Dim OP916 As Variant
Dim OP16 As Variant
Dim OP216 As Variant
Dim OP117 As Variant
Dim OP917 As Variant
Dim OP17 As Variant
Dim OP118 As Variant
Dim OP918 As Variant
Dim OP18 As Variant
Dim OP700 As Variant
Dim OP701 As Variant
Dim OP610 As Variant
Dim OP611 As Variant
Dim OP415 As Variant
Dim OP416 As Variant
Dim OP417 As Variant
Dim OP418 As Variant
Dim OP860 As Variant
Dim OP861 As Variant
Dim cod As String
Fpath = "C:\Users\123456\Desktop\Short\"
StrFile = Dir(Fpath)
Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
FilePath = Fpath & StrFile
StrFile = Dir
ReadData = ""
Rowc = Sheet1.Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Open FilePath For Input As [URL=]#1[/URL]
Serie = ""
i = 0
j = 0
X = 0
Do Until EOF(1)
i = i + 1
Line Input [URL=]#1[/URL] , ReadData
If i = 1 Then
Serie = Split(ReadData, ";")(8)
End If
'''Test plan
If i = 3 Then
TestPlancc = Split(ReadData, ";")(1)
If Left(Trim(TestPlancc), Len(TestPlan)) = TestPlan Then X = 1
End If
If i = 5 Then
datacc = Split(ReadData, ";")(0)
DataB = DateSerial(Val(Right(datacc, 4)), Val(Left(Right(datacc, 6), 2)), Val(Left(datacc, 2)))
End If
If i = 5 Then
Ora = Split(ReadData, ";")(1)
Hour = Ora / 86400
End If
If i = 1 Then
Bench = Split(ReadData, ";")(1)
End If
If i = 1 Then
Pallet = Split(ReadData, ";")(5)
End If
''date test.
If X = 1 Then
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 1 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "TIEMPO") > 0 Then
ValT = Split(ReadData, ";")(1)
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 1 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "CODIGO") > 0 Then
Line Input [URL=]#1[/URL] , ReadData
Code = Split(ReadData, ";")(0)
End If
End If
'''Num OP
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 1 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "NUM OP") > 0 Then
'Line Input [URL=]#1[/URL] , ReadData
NumOp = Split(ReadData, ";")(0)
End If
End If
'''results. Col(19) = DATO!
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000101") > 0 Then
OP101 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000901") > 0 Then
OP901 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000001") > 0 Then
OP1 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000102") > 0 Then
OP102 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000902") > 0 Then
OP902 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000002") > 0 Then
OP2 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000202") > 0 Then
OP202 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000003") > 0 Then
OP3 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000005") > 0 Then
OP5 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000004") > 0 Then
OP4 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000006") > 0 Then
OP6 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000019") > 0 Then
OP19 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000014") > 0 Then
OP14 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000107") > 0 Then
OP107 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
'''Max 1
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000115") > 0 Then
OP115 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000915") > 0 Then
OP915 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000015") > 0 Then
OP15 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000215") > 0 Then
OP215 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
'''Max 2
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000116") > 0 Then
OP116 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000916") > 0 Then
OP916 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000016") > 0 Then
OP16 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000216") > 0 Then
OP216 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000117") > 0 Then
OP117 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000917") > 0 Then
OP917 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000017") > 0 Then
OP17 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000118") > 0 Then
OP118 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000918") > 0 Then
OP918 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000018") > 0 Then
OP18 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000700") > 0 Then
OP700 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000701") > 0 Then
OP701 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000610") > 0 Then
OP610 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000611") > 0 Then
OP611 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000415") > 0 Then
OP415 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000416") > 0 Then
OP416 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000417") > 0 Then
OP417 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000418") > 0 Then
OP418 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000860") > 0 Then
OP860 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
If UBound(Split(ReadData, ";")) >= 18 Then
If InStr(1, Split(ReadData, ";")(0), "000861") > 0 Then
OP861 = CDbl(Split(ReadData, ";")(19))
End If
End If
j = j + 1
End If
Close [URL=]#1[/URL]
s = s + X
If s > 0 Then
ReDim Preserve Val_All(1 To 50, 1 To s)
Val_All(1, s) = Serie
Val_All(2, s) = DataB
Val_All(3, s) = Hour
Val_All(4, s) = Bench
Val_All(5, s) = TestPlancc
Val_All(6, s) = Code
Val_All(7, s) = NumOp
Val_All(8, s) = Pallet
Val_All(9, s) = ValT
Val_All(10, s) = OP101
Val_All(11, s) = OP901
Val_All(12, s) = OP1
Val_All(13, s) = OP102
Val_All(14, s) = OP902
Val_All(15, s) = OP2
Val_All(16, s) = OP202
Val_All(17, s) = OP3
Val_All(18, s) = OP5
Val_All(19, s) = OP4
Val_All(20, s) = OP6
Val_All(21, s) = OP19
Val_All(22, s) = OP14
Val_All(23, s) = OP107
Val_All(24, s) = OP115
Val_All(25, s) = OP915
Val_All(26, s) = OP15
Val_All(27, s) = OP215
Val_All(28, s) = OP116
Val_All(29, s) = OP916
Val_All(30, s) = OP16
Val_All(31, s) = OP216
Val_All(32, s) = OP117
Val_All(33, s) = OP917
Val_All(34, s) = OP17
Val_All(35, s) = OP118
Val_All(36, s) = OP918
Val_All(37, s) = OP18
Val_All(38, s) = OP700
Val_All(39, s) = OP701
Val_All(40, s) = OP610
Val_All(41, s) = OP611
Val_All(42, s) = OP415
Val_All(43, s) = OP416
Val_All(44, s) = OP417
Val_All(45, s) = OP418
Val_All(46, s) = OP860
Val_All(47, s) = OP861
End If
If s > 0 Then
Range("A" & Rowc + 1).Resize(s, 50).Value = Application.Transpose(Val_All)
Range("B" & Rowc + 1).Resize(s, 1).NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
Range("C" & Rowc + 1).Resize(s, 1).NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss"
End If
End Sub