Hmmm... I take it "works great" was referring to the code then?
Okay - presuming there's not a bajillion date cells, I still agree w/Norie that conditional formatting (CV) would be simpler.
Try this in a blank/new workbook:
Select Cell A1
Menubar | Format | Conditional Formatting...
In the drop-down box under Condition1, change to Formula Is.
Type in (WITHOUT the quote marks):
<TODAY()+30"< p>
Note: Excel will insert the equals sign and the quote marks for you.
Now, click the Format... button, make sure the Font tab is active, and change the color.
Click <OK>for both dialogs, and if you type "03/15/09" (or whatever format you use for dates), the font will change to red.
I have to get for a while, so in case you are still having problems with the CV, this would change the dates back to black if the user overwrote with an 'acceptable' date:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rngMyUsedRange As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Set rngMyUsedRange = Range("A1:N40")
For Each rCell In rngMyUsedRange
If IsDate(rCell.Value) _
And rCell.Value < Date + 30 Then
rCell.Font.Color = &HFF&
ElseIf IsDate(rCell.Value) _
And rCell.Value >= Date + 30 Then
rCell.Font.Color = &H0&
End If
End Sub
Hope that helps,