Hi All
I'm not sure whats happened but i had the below codes written so that if i changed either 'A5' or 'A10' all columns between 2 - 100 would hide except the columns with heading that match 'A5' or 'A10'.
This is a little above me i wrote most of it from this web site and Youtube, and it had been working fine for several months now.
I'm not sure what has changed, i haven't touched the code and have also used it in other workbooks and they've stopped working also,
So when i change these cells just nothing happens?
I have the public function save in it's own module and the Private Sub is saved to each sheet that uses it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Public Function GetColumnLetter_ByInteger(what_number As Integer) As String
'Converts to column number from a number to a letter!
GetColumnLetter_ByInteger = ""
MyColumn_integer = what_number
If MyColumn_integer <= 26 Then
column_letter = Chr(64 + MyColumn_integer)
End If
If MyColumn_integer > 26 Then
column_letter = Chr(Int((MyColumn_integer - 1) / 26) + 64) & Chr(((MyColumn_integer - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
End If
GetColumnLetter_ByInteger = column_letter
End Function
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'When Cell A5 is changed only columns that have this heading will be displayed
If Target.Address = "$A$5" Then
Dim the_selection As String
Dim product_sales As String
the_selection = Sheet30.Range("A5")
Dim Rep As Integer
For Rep = 2 To 100
the_column = GetColumnLetter_ByInteger(Rep)
product_sales = Sheet30.Range(the_column & "2")
If the_selection = product_sales Then
Sheet30.Range(the_column & ":" & the_column).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Sheet30.Range(the_column & ":" & the_column).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End If
Next Rep
End If
'When Cell A10 is changed only columns that have this heading will be displayed
If Target.Address = "$A$10" Then
Dim Outlet_Option As String
Dim Outlet_Choice As String
Outlet_Option = Sheet30.Range("A10")
Dim Rept As Integer
For Rept = 2 To 100
total_column = GetColumnLetter_ByInteger(Rept)
Outlet_Choice = Sheet30.Range(total_column & "1")
If Outlet_Option = Outlet_Choice Then
Sheet30.Range(total_column & ":" & total_column).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Sheet30.Range(total_column & ":" & total_column).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End If
Next Rept
End If
End Sub
I'm not sure whats happened but i had the below codes written so that if i changed either 'A5' or 'A10' all columns between 2 - 100 would hide except the columns with heading that match 'A5' or 'A10'.
This is a little above me i wrote most of it from this web site and Youtube, and it had been working fine for several months now.
I'm not sure what has changed, i haven't touched the code and have also used it in other workbooks and they've stopped working also,
So when i change these cells just nothing happens?
I have the public function save in it's own module and the Private Sub is saved to each sheet that uses it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Public Function GetColumnLetter_ByInteger(what_number As Integer) As String
'Converts to column number from a number to a letter!
GetColumnLetter_ByInteger = ""
MyColumn_integer = what_number
If MyColumn_integer <= 26 Then
column_letter = Chr(64 + MyColumn_integer)
End If
If MyColumn_integer > 26 Then
column_letter = Chr(Int((MyColumn_integer - 1) / 26) + 64) & Chr(((MyColumn_integer - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
End If
GetColumnLetter_ByInteger = column_letter
End Function
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'When Cell A5 is changed only columns that have this heading will be displayed
If Target.Address = "$A$5" Then
Dim the_selection As String
Dim product_sales As String
the_selection = Sheet30.Range("A5")
Dim Rep As Integer
For Rep = 2 To 100
the_column = GetColumnLetter_ByInteger(Rep)
product_sales = Sheet30.Range(the_column & "2")
If the_selection = product_sales Then
Sheet30.Range(the_column & ":" & the_column).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Sheet30.Range(the_column & ":" & the_column).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End If
Next Rep
End If
'When Cell A10 is changed only columns that have this heading will be displayed
If Target.Address = "$A$10" Then
Dim Outlet_Option As String
Dim Outlet_Choice As String
Outlet_Option = Sheet30.Range("A10")
Dim Rept As Integer
For Rept = 2 To 100
total_column = GetColumnLetter_ByInteger(Rept)
Outlet_Choice = Sheet30.Range(total_column & "1")
If Outlet_Option = Outlet_Choice Then
Sheet30.Range(total_column & ":" & total_column).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Sheet30.Range(total_column & ":" & total_column).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End If
Next Rept
End If
End Sub