VBA search tool to return data and cell color


Board Regular
Jan 30, 2021
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
  2. MacOS

This is my first post so please go easy on me!! I have an excel file that allows me to enter in data in 2 cells and return any matching values, it works great but when it returns the data it is not returning the cell color.

So when a cell matches it should bring back the content and the color.

here is the code I am using at the minute

VBA Code:
Sub Lookup()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wSht As Worksheet, crow As Long, frow As Long, i As Long, wThis As Worksheet
Dim searchCode As String

Set wThis = Sheet1
searchCode = Trim(wThis.Range("B3"))
wThis.Range("A6:AL" & Rows.Count) = Empty

crow = 6
If Trim(wThis.Range("C3")) = "Y" Then
    Set wSht = Sheet2
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim CnumA As Integer
    Dim CnumB As Integer
    Dim CnumC As Integer
    Dim CnumD As Integer
    Dim CnumE As Integer
    Dim CnumF As Integer
    Dim CnumG As Integer
    Dim CnumH As Integer
    Dim CnumI As Integer
    Dim CnumJ As Integer
    Dim CnumK As Integer
    Dim CnumL As Integer
    Dim CnumM As Integer
    Dim CnumN As Integer
    Dim CnumO As Integer
    Dim CnumP As Integer
    Dim CnumQ As Integer
    Dim CnumR As Integer
    Dim CnumS As Integer
    Dim CnumT As Integer
    Dim CnumU As Integer
    Dim CnumV As Integer
    Dim LookCnum As Integer
    Dim ColA As String
    Dim ColB As String
    Dim ColC As String
    Dim ColD As String
    Dim ColE As String
    Dim ColF As String
    Dim ColG As String
    Dim ColH As String
    Dim ColI As String
    Dim ColJ As String
    Dim ColK As String
    Dim ColL As String
    Dim ColM As String
    Dim ColN As String
    Dim ColO As String
    Dim ColP As String
    Dim ColQ As String
    Dim ColR As String
    Dim ColS As String
    Dim ColT As String
    Dim ColU As String
    Dim ColV As String
    Dim LookCol As String
    ColA = Cells(5, 1).Value
    ColB = Cells(5, 2).Value
    ColC = Cells(5, 3).Value
    ColD = Cells(5, 4).Value
    ColE = Cells(5, 5).Value
    ColF = Cells(5, 6).Value
    ColG = Cells(5, 7).Value
    ColH = Cells(5, 8).Value
    ColI = Cells(5, 9).Value
    ColJ = Cells(5, 10).Value
    ColK = Cells(5, 11).Value
    ColL = Cells(5, 12).Value
    ColM = Cells(5, 13).Value
    ColN = Cells(5, 14).Value
    ColO = Cells(5, 15).Value
    ColP = Cells(5, 16).Value
    ColQ = Cells(5, 17).Value
    ColR = Cells(5, 18).Value
    ColS = Cells(5, 19).Value
    ColT = Cells(5, 20).Value
    ColU = Cells(5, 21).Value
    ColV = Cells(5, 22).Value
    Set rng = Range("Raw_Data_Headers") 'You only need the headers and not all the table
    'variable used to filter data
    LookCol = Cells(2, 2).Value
    LookCnum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(LookCol, rng, 0)
    LookCol = Split(Cells(1, LookCnum).Address, "$")(1)
    'looking for column numbers
    CnumA = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColA, rng, 0)
    CnumB = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColB, rng, 0)
    CnumC = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColC, rng, 0)
    CnumD = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColD, rng, 0)
    CnumE = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColE, rng, 0)
    CnumF = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColF, rng, 0)
    CnumG = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColG, rng, 0)
    CnumH = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColH, rng, 0)
    CnumI = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColI, rng, 0)
    CnumJ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColJ, rng, 0)
    CnumK = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColK, rng, 0)
    CnumL = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColL, rng, 0)
    CnumM = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColM, rng, 0)
    CnumN = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColN, rng, 0)
    CnumO = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColO, rng, 0)
    CnumP = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColP, rng, 0)
    CnumQ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColQ, rng, 0)
    CnumR = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColR, rng, 0)
    CnumS = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColS, rng, 0)
    CnumT = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColT, rng, 0)
    CnumU = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColU, rng, 0)
    CnumV = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColV, rng, 0)
    'Convert To Column Letter
    ColA = Split(Cells(1, CnumA).Address, "$")(1)
    ColB = Split(Cells(1, CnumB).Address, "$")(1)
    ColC = Split(Cells(1, CnumC).Address, "$")(1)
    ColD = Split(Cells(1, CnumD).Address, "$")(1)
    ColE = Split(Cells(1, CnumE).Address, "$")(1)
    ColF = Split(Cells(1, CnumF).Address, "$")(1)
    ColG = Split(Cells(1, CnumG).Address, "$")(1)
    ColH = Split(Cells(1, CnumH).Address, "$")(1)
    ColI = Split(Cells(1, CnumI).Address, "$")(1)
    ColJ = Split(Cells(1, CnumJ).Address, "$")(1)
    ColK = Split(Cells(1, CnumK).Address, "$")(1)
    ColL = Split(Cells(1, CnumL).Address, "$")(1)
    ColM = Split(Cells(1, CnumM).Address, "$")(1)
    ColN = Split(Cells(1, CnumN).Address, "$")(1)
    ColO = Split(Cells(1, CnumO).Address, "$")(1)
    ColP = Split(Cells(1, CnumP).Address, "$")(1)
    ColQ = Split(Cells(1, CnumQ).Address, "$")(1)
    ColR = Split(Cells(1, CnumR).Address, "$")(1)
    ColS = Split(Cells(1, CnumS).Address, "$")(1)
    ColT = Split(Cells(1, CnumT).Address, "$")(1)
    ColU = Split(Cells(1, CnumU).Address, "$")(1)
    ColV = Split(Cells(1, CnumV).Address, "$")(1)
    frow = wSht.Range("V" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To frow
        If wSht.Range(LookCol & i) = searchCode Then
            wThis.Range("A" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColA & i)
            wThis.Range("B" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColB & i)
            wThis.Range("C" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColC & i)
            wThis.Range("d" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColD & i)
            wThis.Range("e" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColE & i)
            wThis.Range("f" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColF & i)
            wThis.Range("g" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColG & i)
            wThis.Range("h" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColH & i)
            wThis.Range("i" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColI & i)
            wThis.Range("j" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColJ & i)
            wThis.Range("k" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColK & i)
            wThis.Range("l" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColL & i)
            wThis.Range("m" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColM & i)
            wThis.Range("n" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColN & i)
            wThis.Range("o" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColO & i)
            wThis.Range("p" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColP & i)
            wThis.Range("q" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColQ & i)
            wThis.Range("r" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColR & i)
            wThis.Range("S" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColS & i)
            wThis.Range("T" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColT & i)
            wThis.Range("U" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColU & i)
            wThis.Range("V" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColV & i)
            crow = crow + 1
        End If
    Next i
End If

If Trim(wThis.Range("D3")) = "Y" Then
    Set wSht = Sheet2
    ColA = Cells(5, 1).Value
    ColB = Cells(5, 2).Value
    ColC = Cells(5, 3).Value
    ColD = Cells(5, 4).Value
    ColE = Cells(5, 5).Value
    ColF = Cells(5, 6).Value
    ColG = Cells(5, 7).Value
    ColH = Cells(5, 8).Value
    ColI = Cells(5, 9).Value
    ColJ = Cells(5, 10).Value
    ColK = Cells(5, 11).Value
    ColL = Cells(5, 12).Value
    ColM = Cells(5, 13).Value
    ColN = Cells(5, 14).Value
    ColO = Cells(5, 15).Value
    ColP = Cells(5, 16).Value
    ColQ = Cells(5, 17).Value
    ColR = Cells(5, 18).Value
    ColS = Cells(5, 19).Value
    ColT = Cells(5, 20).Value
    ColU = Cells(5, 21).Value
    ColV = Cells(5, 22).Value
    Set rng = Range("Raw_Data_Headers")
    'variable used to filter data
    LookCol = Right(Cells(2, 2).Value, Len(Cells(2, 2).Value) - 7)
    LookCnum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(LookCol, rng, 0)
    LookCol = Split(Cells(1, LookCnum).Address, "$")(1)
    'looking for column numbers
    CnumA = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColA, rng, 0)
    CnumB = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColB, rng, 0)
    CnumC = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColC, rng, 0)
    CnumD = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColD, rng, 0)
    CnumE = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColE, rng, 0)
    CnumF = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColF, rng, 0)
    CnumG = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColG, rng, 0)
    CnumH = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColH, rng, 0)
    CnumI = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColI, rng, 0)
    CnumJ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColJ, rng, 0)
    CnumK = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColK, rng, 0)
    CnumL = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColL, rng, 0)
    CnumM = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColM, rng, 0)
    CnumN = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColN, rng, 0)
    CnumO = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColO, rng, 0)
    CnumP = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColP, rng, 0)
    CnumQ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColQ, rng, 0)
    CnumR = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColR, rng, 0)
    CnumS = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColS, rng, 0)
    CnumT = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColT, rng, 0)
    CnumU = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColU, rng, 0)
    CnumV = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColV, rng, 0)

    'Convert To Column Letter
    ColA = Split(Cells(1, CnumA).Address, "$")(1)
    ColB = Split(Cells(1, CnumB).Address, "$")(1)
    ColC = Split(Cells(1, CnumC).Address, "$")(1)
    ColD = Split(Cells(1, CnumD).Address, "$")(1)
    ColE = Split(Cells(1, CnumE).Address, "$")(1)
    ColF = Split(Cells(1, CnumF).Address, "$")(1)
    ColG = Split(Cells(1, CnumG).Address, "$")(1)
    ColH = Split(Cells(1, CnumH).Address, "$")(1)
    ColI = Split(Cells(1, CnumI).Address, "$")(1)
    ColJ = Split(Cells(1, CnumJ).Address, "$")(1)
    ColK = Split(Cells(1, CnumK).Address, "$")(1)
    ColL = Split(Cells(1, CnumL).Address, "$")(1)
    ColM = Split(Cells(1, CnumM).Address, "$")(1)
    ColN = Split(Cells(1, CnumN).Address, "$")(1)
    ColO = Split(Cells(1, CnumO).Address, "$")(1)
    ColP = Split(Cells(1, CnumP).Address, "$")(1)
    ColQ = Split(Cells(1, CnumQ).Address, "$")(1)
    ColR = Split(Cells(1, CnumR).Address, "$")(1)
    ColS = Split(Cells(1, CnumS).Address, "$")(1)
    ColT = Split(Cells(1, CnumT).Address, "$")(1)
    ColU = Split(Cells(1, CnumU).Address, "$")(1)
    ColV = Split(Cells(1, CnumV).Address, "$")(1)
    frow = wSht.Range("V" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To frow
        If wSht.Range(LookCol & i) = searchCode Then
            wThis.Range("A" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColA & i)
            wThis.Range("B" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColB & i)
            wThis.Range("C" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColC & i)
            wThis.Range("d" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColD & i)
            wThis.Range("e" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColE & i)
            wThis.Range("f" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColF & i)
            wThis.Range("g" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColG & i)
            wThis.Range("h" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColH & i)
            wThis.Range("i" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColI & i)
            wThis.Range("j" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColJ & i)
            wThis.Range("k" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColK & i)
            wThis.Range("l" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColL & i)
            wThis.Range("m" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColM & i)
            wThis.Range("n" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColN & i)
            wThis.Range("o" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColO & i)
            wThis.Range("p" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColP & i)
            wThis.Range("q" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColQ & i)
            wThis.Range("r" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColR & i)
            wThis.Range("S" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColS & i)
            wThis.Range("T" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColT & i)
            wThis.Range("U" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColU & i)
            wThis.Range("V" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColV & i)
            crow = crow + 1
        End If
    Next i
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

MsgBox "Process Complete" & vbNewLine & _
        crow - 6 & " Records found"

End Sub
Last edited by a moderator:
Your code is very long and inefficient, it will also be very slow because you are accessing the worksheet multiple times, it could be much more compact and much mcuh faster.
I have done some modifications to introduce the idea of using some basic arrays and doing a few thing in loops.
One really basic thing to learn is that although in EXCEL it uses letters for columns and number for rows, in VBA one can address cells using numbers for columns and rows. This means all your efforts to convert a number of a column to a letter is unnecessary . If you ever do need to find the letter of a column for column A to this equation works very well, It works by adding 64 to the number and then finding the ascii character that correspond:
tt= 4 ' i.e column D
colletter = Chr(64+tt)
I have commented out the unecessary code for half of it nad adding equivalent code ( but it is untested) . Note I have NOT made efforts to really speed up the code becuase that would make even more difficult to understand. This involves getting rid of all the refence to ranges and celsl and using variant arrays instead.
Finally you are saying you want to copy the colour of a cell using VBA. This is the real reason I decided to answer this query, because in a well designed system colour should be used to assist in dispaying the data, and conditional formatting can be useful in doing that. In a well designed VBA system Colour should never be used to "store" data or as a source of data. If it reflects some real world characteristic then it should be held as a data item in a separate coluimn. This is because dealing with colours in VBA is really quite complicated and it makes vBA really slow because colour can only be detected one cell at a time, while values can be read from the worksheet the entire sheet in one go.
Here is my updated code:
VBA Code:
Sub Lookup()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wSht As Worksheet, crow As Long, frow As Long, i As Long, wThis As Worksheet
Dim searchCode As String

Set wThis = Sheet1
searchCode = Trim(wThis.Range("B3"))
wThis.Range("A6:AL" & Rows.Count) = Empty

crow = 6
If Trim(wThis.Range("C3")) = "Y" Then
    Set wSht = Sheet2
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim LookCnum As Integer
    Dim LookCol As String
    row5values = Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(5, 22)) ' this pick up all the values below in one line in an array
    Dim row5col(1 To 22) As Long   ' we use this array to store the column numbers a found in in raw data headers
'    ColA = Cells(5, 1).Value
'    ColB = Cells(5, 2).Value
'    ColC = Cells(5, 3).Value
'    ColD = Cells(5, 4).Value
'    ColE = Cells(5, 5).Value
'    ColF = Cells(5, 6).Value
'    ColG = Cells(5, 7).Value
'    ColH = Cells(5, 8).Value
'    ColI = Cells(5, 9).Value
'    ColJ = Cells(5, 10).Value
'    ColK = Cells(5, 11).Value
'    ColL = Cells(5, 12).Value
'    ColM = Cells(5, 13).Value
'    ColN = Cells(5, 14).Value
'    ColO = Cells(5, 15).Value
'    ColP = Cells(5, 16).Value
'    ColQ = Cells(5, 17).Value
'    ColR = Cells(5, 18).Value
'    ColS = Cells(5, 19).Value
'    ColT = Cells(5, 20).Value
'    ColU = Cells(5, 21).Value
'    ColV = Cells(5, 22).Value
    ' load the header into a variant array
    Set rng = Range("Raw_Data_Headers") 'You only need the headers and not all the table
    'variable used to filter data
    LookCol = Cells(2, 2).Value
    LookCnum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(LookCol, rng, 0)
 '   LookCol = Split(Cells(1, LookCnum).Address, "$")(1)
    'looking for column numbers
    For i = 1 To 22
     row5col(i) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(row5values(1, i), rng, 0)
    Next i
    'CnumA = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColA, rng, 0)
    'CnumB = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColB, rng, 0)
    'CnumC = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColC, rng, 0)
    'CnumD = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColD, rng, 0)
    'CnumE = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColE, rng, 0)
    'CnumF = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColF, rng, 0)
    'CnumG = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColG, rng, 0)
    'CnumH = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColH, rng, 0)
    'CnumI = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColI, rng, 0)
    'CnumJ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColJ, rng, 0)
    'CnumK = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColK, rng, 0)
    'CnumL = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColL, rng, 0)
    'CnumM = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColM, rng, 0)
    'CnumN = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColN, rng, 0)
    'CnumO = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColO, rng, 0)
    'CnumP = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColP, rng, 0)
    'CnumQ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColQ, rng, 0)
    'CnumR = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColR, rng, 0)
    'CnumS = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColS, rng, 0)
    'CnumT = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColT, rng, 0)
    'CnumU = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColU, rng, 0)
    'CnumV = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColV, rng, 0)
    'Convert To Column Letter
    'ColA = Split(Cells(1, CnumA).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColB = Split(Cells(1, CnumB).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColC = Split(Cells(1, CnumC).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColD = Split(Cells(1, CnumD).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColE = Split(Cells(1, CnumE).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColF = Split(Cells(1, CnumF).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColG = Split(Cells(1, CnumG).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColH = Split(Cells(1, CnumH).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColI = Split(Cells(1, CnumI).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColJ = Split(Cells(1, CnumJ).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColK = Split(Cells(1, CnumK).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColL = Split(Cells(1, CnumL).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColM = Split(Cells(1, CnumM).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColN = Split(Cells(1, CnumN).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColO = Split(Cells(1, CnumO).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColP = Split(Cells(1, CnumP).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColQ = Split(Cells(1, CnumQ).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColR = Split(Cells(1, CnumR).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColS = Split(Cells(1, CnumS).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColT = Split(Cells(1, CnumT).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColU = Split(Cells(1, CnumU).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColV = Split(Cells(1, CnumV).Address, "$")(1)
    frow = wSht.Range("V" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To frow
        If wSht.Range(LookCol & i) = searchCode Then
             For j = 1 To 22
               wThis.Range(Cells(crow, j), Cells(crow, j)) = wSht.Range(Cells(i, row5col(j)), Cells(i, row5col(j)))
             Next j
'            wThis.Range("A" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColA & i)
'            wThis.Range("B" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColB & i)
'            wThis.Range("C" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColC & i)
'            wThis.Range("d" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColD & i)
'            wThis.Range("e" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColE & i)
'            wThis.Range("f" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColF & i)
'            wThis.Range("g" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColG & i)
'            wThis.Range("h" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColH & i)
'            wThis.Range("i" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColI & i)
'            wThis.Range("j" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColJ & i)
'            wThis.Range("k" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColK & i)
'            wThis.Range("l" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColL & i)
'            wThis.Range("m" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColM & i)
'            wThis.Range("n" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColN & i)
'            wThis.Range("o" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColO & i)
'            wThis.Range("p" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColP & i)
'            wThis.Range("q" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColQ & i)
'            wThis.Range("r" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColR & i)
'            wThis.Range("S" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColS & i)
'            wThis.Range("T" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColT & i)
'            wThis.Range("U" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColU & i)
'            wThis.Range("V" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColV & i)
            crow = crow + 1
        End If
    Next i
End If
Upvote 0
Your code is very long and inefficient, it will also be very slow because you are accessing the worksheet multiple times, it could be much more compact and much mcuh faster.
I have done some modifications to introduce the idea of using some basic arrays and doing a few thing in loops.
One really basic thing to learn is that although in EXCEL it uses letters for columns and number for rows, in VBA one can address cells using numbers for columns and rows. This means all your efforts to convert a number of a column to a letter is unnecessary . If you ever do need to find the letter of a column for column A to this equation works very well, It works by adding 64 to the number and then finding the ascii character that correspond:
tt= 4 ' i.e column D
colletter = Chr(64+tt)
I have commented out the unecessary code for half of it nad adding equivalent code ( but it is untested) . Note I have NOT made efforts to really speed up the code becuase that would make even more difficult to understand. This involves getting rid of all the refence to ranges and celsl and using variant arrays instead.
Finally you are saying you want to copy the colour of a cell using VBA. This is the real reason I decided to answer this query, because in a well designed system colour should be used to assist in dispaying the data, and conditional formatting can be useful in doing that. In a well designed VBA system Colour should never be used to "store" data or as a source of data. If it reflects some real world characteristic then it should be held as a data item in a separate coluimn. This is because dealing with colours in VBA is really quite complicated and it makes vBA really slow because colour can only be detected one cell at a time, while values can be read from the worksheet the entire sheet in one go.
Here is my updated code:
VBA Code:
Sub Lookup()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wSht As Worksheet, crow As Long, frow As Long, i As Long, wThis As Worksheet
Dim searchCode As String

Set wThis = Sheet1
searchCode = Trim(wThis.Range("B3"))
wThis.Range("A6:AL" & Rows.Count) = Empty

crow = 6
If Trim(wThis.Range("C3")) = "Y" Then
    Set wSht = Sheet2
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim LookCnum As Integer
    Dim LookCol As String
    row5values = Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(5, 22)) ' this pick up all the values below in one line in an array
    Dim row5col(1 To 22) As Long   ' we use this array to store the column numbers a found in in raw data headers
'    ColA = Cells(5, 1).Value
'    ColB = Cells(5, 2).Value
'    ColC = Cells(5, 3).Value
'    ColD = Cells(5, 4).Value
'    ColE = Cells(5, 5).Value
'    ColF = Cells(5, 6).Value
'    ColG = Cells(5, 7).Value
'    ColH = Cells(5, 8).Value
'    ColI = Cells(5, 9).Value
'    ColJ = Cells(5, 10).Value
'    ColK = Cells(5, 11).Value
'    ColL = Cells(5, 12).Value
'    ColM = Cells(5, 13).Value
'    ColN = Cells(5, 14).Value
'    ColO = Cells(5, 15).Value
'    ColP = Cells(5, 16).Value
'    ColQ = Cells(5, 17).Value
'    ColR = Cells(5, 18).Value
'    ColS = Cells(5, 19).Value
'    ColT = Cells(5, 20).Value
'    ColU = Cells(5, 21).Value
'    ColV = Cells(5, 22).Value
    ' load the header into a variant array
    Set rng = Range("Raw_Data_Headers") 'You only need the headers and not all the table
    'variable used to filter data
    LookCol = Cells(2, 2).Value
    LookCnum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(LookCol, rng, 0)
'   LookCol = Split(Cells(1, LookCnum).Address, "$")(1)
    'looking for column numbers
    For i = 1 To 22
     row5col(i) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(row5values(1, i), rng, 0)
    Next i
    'CnumA = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColA, rng, 0)
    'CnumB = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColB, rng, 0)
    'CnumC = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColC, rng, 0)
    'CnumD = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColD, rng, 0)
    'CnumE = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColE, rng, 0)
    'CnumF = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColF, rng, 0)
    'CnumG = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColG, rng, 0)
    'CnumH = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColH, rng, 0)
    'CnumI = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColI, rng, 0)
    'CnumJ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColJ, rng, 0)
    'CnumK = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColK, rng, 0)
    'CnumL = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColL, rng, 0)
    'CnumM = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColM, rng, 0)
    'CnumN = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColN, rng, 0)
    'CnumO = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColO, rng, 0)
    'CnumP = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColP, rng, 0)
    'CnumQ = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColQ, rng, 0)
    'CnumR = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColR, rng, 0)
    'CnumS = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColS, rng, 0)
    'CnumT = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColT, rng, 0)
    'CnumU = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColU, rng, 0)
    'CnumV = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(ColV, rng, 0)
    'Convert To Column Letter
    'ColA = Split(Cells(1, CnumA).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColB = Split(Cells(1, CnumB).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColC = Split(Cells(1, CnumC).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColD = Split(Cells(1, CnumD).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColE = Split(Cells(1, CnumE).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColF = Split(Cells(1, CnumF).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColG = Split(Cells(1, CnumG).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColH = Split(Cells(1, CnumH).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColI = Split(Cells(1, CnumI).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColJ = Split(Cells(1, CnumJ).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColK = Split(Cells(1, CnumK).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColL = Split(Cells(1, CnumL).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColM = Split(Cells(1, CnumM).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColN = Split(Cells(1, CnumN).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColO = Split(Cells(1, CnumO).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColP = Split(Cells(1, CnumP).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColQ = Split(Cells(1, CnumQ).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColR = Split(Cells(1, CnumR).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColS = Split(Cells(1, CnumS).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColT = Split(Cells(1, CnumT).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColU = Split(Cells(1, CnumU).Address, "$")(1)
    'ColV = Split(Cells(1, CnumV).Address, "$")(1)

    frow = wSht.Range("V" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To frow
        If wSht.Range(LookCol & i) = searchCode Then
             For j = 1 To 22
               wThis.Range(Cells(crow, j), Cells(crow, j)) = wSht.Range(Cells(i, row5col(j)), Cells(i, row5col(j)))
             Next j
'            wThis.Range("A" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColA & i)
'            wThis.Range("B" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColB & i)
'            wThis.Range("C" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColC & i)
'            wThis.Range("d" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColD & i)
'            wThis.Range("e" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColE & i)
'            wThis.Range("f" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColF & i)
'            wThis.Range("g" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColG & i)
'            wThis.Range("h" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColH & i)
'            wThis.Range("i" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColI & i)
'            wThis.Range("j" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColJ & i)
'            wThis.Range("k" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColK & i)
'            wThis.Range("l" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColL & i)
'            wThis.Range("m" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColM & i)
'            wThis.Range("n" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColN & i)
'            wThis.Range("o" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColO & i)
'            wThis.Range("p" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColP & i)
'            wThis.Range("q" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColQ & i)
'            wThis.Range("r" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColR & i)
'            wThis.Range("S" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColS & i)
'            wThis.Range("T" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColT & i)
'            wThis.Range("U" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColU & i)
'            wThis.Range("V" & crow) = wSht.Range(ColV & i)
            crow = crow + 1
        End If
    Next i
End If
@offthelip Thank you for a detailed answer! really helpful and good to understand the color question could lead to issues in speed.

The reason for fulling the color also is because it gives people a visual of what has happened to a specific item in the cell, using a traffic light system.

I loaded the code into the sheet but I get a compile error "Variable not defined" for row5values = in this air go code:- row5values = Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(5, 22)) ' this pick up all the values below in one line in an array.

I think that I have missed something.

Attached is the lookup screen and then a data page. Noting that the lookup starts with titles on line 5 but the data tabs are from line 1.

Thanks again for your help with this!


  • Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 00.45.25.png
    Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 00.45.25.png
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  • Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 00.45.05.png
    Screenshot 2021-01-31 at 00.45.05.png
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Upvote 0
The reason for fulling the color also is because it gives people a visual of what has happened to a specific item in the cell, using a traffic light system.
This was exactly what I was talking about, if it is useful for the people to be able to see what the status of a record is , then this should be captured with a cell that records the status e.g. a drop down with the different status a record can be for example : ordered, in stock, outfor delivery, delivered, or whatever you are recording with the colours. Then you can use conditional formating to do the colouring.
I presume you must have option explicit, because of the variable not defined error. which means you must define the variable. Setting option explicit is supposed to be helpful in this case it doesn't seemed to have helped!! If you remove the option explicit declaration the line where the error is will go away and the excel will automatically define Row5values as a two dimensional variant array of dimensions 1 to 1 and 1 to 22.
If you want to retain the option explicit then you just need to define the variable as variant array e.g.
VBA Code:
dim Row5values ()
Upvote 0
This was exactly what I was talking about, if it is useful for the people to be able to see what the status of a record is , then this should be captured with a cell that records the status e.g. a drop down with the different status a record can be for example : ordered, in stock, outfor delivery, delivered, or whatever you are recording with the colours. Then you can use conditional formating to do the colouring.
I presume you must have option explicit, because of the variable not defined error. which means you must define the variable. Setting option explicit is supposed to be helpful in this case it doesn't seemed to have helped!! If you remove the option explicit declaration the line where the error is will go away and the excel will automatically define Row5values as a two dimensional variant array of dimensions 1 to 1 and 1 to 22.
If you want to retain the option explicit then you just need to define the variable as variant array e.g.
VBA Code:
dim Row5values ()
Thanks @offthelip for the reply.

I uploaded the file here Filebin :: bin galp3b1t6okktx0w after I loaded your code but. It won't work for me.

To expand on the color reasoning:- Each box is being used to indicate action taken on the contents of the cell, so if I have started the task that is mentioned in the cell then I will just change the color of the to Amber and once I have completed it then I would go back and mark it as Green. Changing the cell color is manual as I can't apply conditional formatting as we don't have strict rules around the content of the box.

Im not sure if you want to help with this anymore but I would be grateful if you would be willing.

Upvote 0
I downloaded your workbook: and you haven't even added the one line modfication that I suggested which is :
VBA Code:
Dim row5values()
So I am not impressed! once I had corrected that one the same error comes up somewhere else , I will leave you to debug your code. Until you can debug these really simple errors you should just keep studying and reading up about VBA
Upvote 0
I downloaded your workbook: and you haven't even added the one line modfication that I suggested which is :
VBA Code:
Dim row5values()
So I am not impressed! once I had corrected that one the same error comes up somewhere else , I will leave you to debug your code. Until you can debug these really simple errors you should just keep studying and reading up about VBA
Thanks. Im no expert, far from it :-( sadly i am reaching having to reach out for help because I can't fix it myself.

All self taught here and some of the (including debugging) is beyond my understanding.

As I said, thanks for your help with this.

Would welcome help from others in the forum to get this working.
Upvote 0
once I had corrected that one the same error comes up somewhere else , I will leave you to debug your code.
Both the undeclared variables are actually in your code not the OP's
Until you can debug these really simple errors
They maybe simple to some, but not to everybody, especially when it's your code that caused the error.
Upvote 0
@ fluff, :Very sorry
to get the code to run add these two lines to the top of the code:
VBA Code:
Dim row5values()
Dim j As Long
Upvote 0
@ fluff, :Very sorry
to get the code to run add these two lines to the top of the code:
VBA Code:
Dim row5values()
Dim j As Long
thanks again @offthelip for your help with this, I know it's frustrating having people ask questions that know very little about the subject mater in general. I feel like I am so close here.... can't see the wood for the trees... if you like.

I think I updated the line you said @offthehip and the code now looks like this with all the commented buts removed but I still get a compile error for End if without block if.

It should like you have got it working on your end? would it be too much to ask you to paste the full code from the workbook that is working for you? I understand if you don't want to and appreciate all your time thus far.

Thanks again.

VBA Code:
Option Explicit
Option Compare Text
Sub Lookup()

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim row5values()
Dim j As Long
Dim wSht As Worksheet, crow As Long, frow As Long, i As Long, wThis As Worksheet
Dim searchCode As String

Set wThis = Sheet1
searchCode = Trim(wThis.Range("B3"))
wThis.Range("A6:AL" & Rows.Count) = Empty

crow = 6
For Each wSht In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    Dim rng As Range
    Dim LookCnum As Integer
    Dim LookCol As String
    row5values = Range(Cells(5, 1), Cells(5, 22)) ' this pick up all the values below in one line in an array
    Dim row5col(1 To 22) As Long   ' we use this array to store the column numbers a found in in raw data headers

    ' load the header into a variant array
    Set rng = Range("Raw_Data_Headers") 'You only need the headers and not all the table
    'variable used to filter data
    LookCol = Cells(2, 2).Value
    LookCnum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(LookCol, rng, 0)
    'looking for column numbers
    For i = 1 To 22
     row5col(i) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(row5values(1, i), rng, 0)
    Next i

    frow = wSht.Range("V" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
    For i = 2 To frow
        If wSht.Range(LookCol & i) = searchCode Then
             For j = 1 To 22
               wThis.Range(Cells(crow, j), Cells(crow, j)) = wSht.Range(Cells(i, row5col(j)), Cells(i, row5col(j)))
             Next j

            crow = crow + 1
        End If
    Next i
End If

End Sub
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