I keep getting an error and don't really know what it means or how to fix it. I have spent a couple of hours trying to debug this and finally have to admit I'm stuck. I would be grateful for any assistance. Thanks. Bob
Sub CheckForBlanks(Optional HasABlank)
' The goal of this subroutine is to check for blank cells prior to printing or when the spreadsheet changes.
' If there are blanks, then they need to be flagged in a different color.
' Locked cells are ignored.
Dim MyCell, MyLine As Range
Call ProtectIt
HasABlank = False
' Start it with everything OK each check. HasABlank is a Public boolean variable.
For Each MyCell In Range("A1:H58")
If MyCell.Locked = False And MyCell.Value = Empty Then
If MyCell.MergeCells Then
If MyCell.Address <> Left(MyCell.MergeArea.Address, Len(MyCell.Address)) Then
GoTo MoveOn
End If
End If
' If this cell is in a merged range and isn't the first cell, keep going.
If (MyCell.Address = "$A$8" Or MyCell.Address = "$A$9" Or MyCell.Address = "$A$10" Or _
MyCell.Address = "$A$11" Or MyCell.Address = "$A$12") And MyCell.Value = Empty Then GoTo MoveOn
' If this cell is in the funding area, but isn't the first line, and if the value is empty, keep going.
If ((InRange((MyCell), Range("B8:H12")) = True) And (Range("A" & MyCell.Row) = "")) Then GoTo MoveOn
' If this cell is in the funding area, but isn't the first line, and if the value of the first
' column is empty, keep going.
'If InRange(MyCell, Range("B8:H12")) = True And (Range("A" & MyCell.Row) = "")) Then GoTo TurnLineBlue
' This point should only be reached if an unlocked cell, first in (or not in) merged range,
' is empty, and also if it isn't the first row/column of funding.
Call UnProtectIt
MyCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 27
' Give the empty, unlocked cell a yellow background.
Call ProtectIt
HasABlank = True
' This lets the printing routine know that we have at least one blank cell that should have data.
End If
GoTo MoveOn
Call UnProtectIt
For Each MyLine In Range("A" & MyCell.Row & ":H" & MyCellRow)
MyLine.Interior.ColorIndex = 34
'MyLine.Value = ""
Next MyLine
' Give the empty, unlocked cell a light blue background.
Call ProtectIt
Next MyCell
End Sub
Function InRange(Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range) As Boolean
' returns True if Range1 is within Range2'
Dim InterSectRange As Range
Set InterSectRange = Application.Intersect(Range1, Range2)
InRange = Not InterSectRange Is Nothing
Set InterSectRange = Nothing
End Function
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