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Team Mr. excel
I am encountering a frustrating issue. I have a workbook with two seemingly basic routines. I keep getting an error message that does not tell me where the issue is. And it is intermittent. The message is "User-define Type not Defined". The message header is "Microsoft Basic for Applications".
I have scoured the code and cannot determine what or where the error is. I did not intend to use a user-defined type.
I really appreciate your assistance. What should I look for and where in code?
I am encountering a frustrating issue. I have a workbook with two seemingly basic routines. I keep getting an error message that does not tell me where the issue is. And it is intermittent. The message is "User-define Type not Defined". The message header is "Microsoft Basic for Applications".
I have scoured the code and cannot determine what or where the error is. I did not intend to use a user-defined type.
I really appreciate your assistance. What should I look for and where in code?
Excel Formula:
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: SetNewPriceDataLinks
' Purpose: Set link-to-price for new stocks and funds entered by user.
' Procedure Kind: Sub
' Procedure Access: Public
' Author: Jim
' Date: 8/21/2024
' Comments: Iterate all cells in the Symbols range. First, determine if
' there are any new entries. If so then sub adds the link-to-price
' for new holding(s) entered to retrieve the price for an issue.
' That link-to-price uses Excel's built-in stock price retrieval
' functionality.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
Sub SetNewPriceDataLinks()
' ----------------------
' Error Handling
' ----------------------
Dim sSubName As String
Dim sStepID As String
Dim sErrMsg As String
sSubName = "SetNewPriceDataLinks"
sStepID = ""
sErrMsg = ""
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
' ----------------------
sStepID = "Declarations"
Dim rCell As Range
Dim rSymbols As Range
Dim sLink As String
Set rSymbols = [Prices].Range("SymbolsList")
With [Prices]
sStepID = "Checking for new holding(s)"
' Iterate through each symbol cell to dtermine if there is a new holding(s).
' Note that rCell.value = symbol and rCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = price.
For Each rCell In rSymbols
' Is a new entry if len symbol >0 and len price = 0. If so then
' 1. a new entry was found and 2. exit for.
If Len(rCell.Value) <> 0 And Len(rCell.Offset(0, 2).Value) = 0 _
Exit For
' No new holding(s) exist if encountering this scenario: len symbol = 0 AND
' len price = 0. If so then 1. tell user "no new holdings (entered)" and 2. exit sub.
ElseIf Len(rCell.Value) = 0 _
And Len(rCell.Offset(0, 2).Value) = 0 _
MsgBox "No new holding(s) symbol(s) were found", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Adding new holdings."
Exit Sub
End If
Next rCell
sStepID = "Iterating through symbols' cells"
' Iterate all symbols cells to process any new holding(s) entered by user.
For Each rCell In rSymbols
' Process cells in the Symbols range. If encountering an empty cell
' then there are no more symbols to iterate through.
sStepID = "Checking symbol cell is empty. If so then done."
If rCell.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
sStepID = "Checking price cell is a string"
' Establish the link-to-price for the current symbol if 1. Typename
' for the price is either String or Empty.
If TypeName(rCell.Offset(0, 2).Value) = "String" _
Or Len(rCell.Offset(0, 2).Value) = 0 _
sStepID = "Putting symbol into link cell"
' Make the symbol upper case.
rCell.Value = UCase(rCell.Value)
' Put the symbol into the link cell.
rCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = rCell.Value
sStepID = "Setting link-to-price for " & rCell.Value
sErrMsg = "Sometimes setting the link-to-price for" & Chr(10) _
& "a symbol does not work so TRY AGAIN!"
' Try to put the link--to-price for the SYmbol into its corresponding link cell.
rCell.Offset(0, 1).ConvertToLinkedDataType ServiceID:=268435456, LanguageCulture:="en-US"
End If
Next rCell
End With
Exit Sub
Call ErrorMessage(Err.Number, Err.Description, sSubName, sStepID, sErrMsg)
End Sub
Excel Formula:
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
' Procedure Name: ErrorMessage
' Purpose: Use to render the error messages from error handler.
' Procedure Kind: Function
' Procedure Access: Public
' Parameter piErrNum (Long): The Excel error number from the error handler.
' Parameter psErrDescr (): The Excel error description from the error handler.
' Parameter psSubName (): Name of calling sub or function.
' Parameter psStepID (): Name of the step within caller where the error occurred.
' Parameter psErrMsg (): Message to user about the error.
' Author: Jim
' Date: 7/24/2020
' ----------------------------------------------------------------
Function ErrorMessage( _
piErrNum As Long, _
psErrDescr As String, _
Optional psSubName As String = "", _
Optional psStepID As String = "", _
Optional psErrMsg As String = "")
' User interrupted operation
' If piErrNum = 18 Then Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0
Dim sMsg As String
Dim sTitle As String
sTitle = "Error Message"
sMsg = "Error #" & piErrNum & " occurred"
If psSubName <> "" _
Then sMsg = sMsg & " in procedure " & psSubName
sMsg = sMsg & "."
sMsg = sMsg & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Error Type: " & psErrDescr
If Right(psErrDescr, 1) <> "." And Right(psErrDescr, 1) <> "!" _
Then sMsg = sMsg & "."
If psStepID <> "" _
sMsg = sMsg & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Step ID: " & psStepID
If Right(psStepID, 1) <> "." _
Then sMsg = sMsg & "."
End If
If psErrMsg <> "" _
sMsg = sMsg & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & psErrMsg
If Right(psErrMsg, 1) <> "." And Right(psErrMsg, 1) <> "!" _
Then sMsg = sMsg & "."
End If
MsgBox sMsg, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, sTitle
Application.StatusBar = False
End Function