VBA Outlook mail attachment


New Member
Nov 11, 2022
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  1. 365
  1. Windows
Hi All:

I am creating a spreadsheet that will send automatic email reminders to clients using a VBA Macros code. The code uses outlook. I have created the code and spreadsheet to do everything I'd like except attach individual files and keep my signature in my outlook e-mail. I know it can be done (attach files) as I have attached files this way in a previous version of the code. However, now with this new advanced code I can't get the files to attach. If I add the Attachment.Add function, no e-mail are sent at all. If I take the Attachment.Add function out then my e-mails send fine but without the attachment. I'm hoping someone can help me with this. Below is my code. Thank you!

Public Sub Send_Email_Automatically2()
Dim rngD, rngS, rngT, rngU As Range
Dim ob1, ob2 As Object
Dim LRow, x As Long
Dim l, strbody, rSendValue, mSub As String
On Error Resume Next
Set rngD = Range("P2", Range("p2").End(xlDown))
If rngD Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set rngS = Range("I2", Range("i2").End(xlDown))
If rngS Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set rngT = Range("S2", Range("s2").End(xlDown))
If rngT Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set rngU = Range("U2", Range("u2").End(xlDown))
If rngU Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
strFolder = "X:\Nuclear Medicine\NEW LEAD APRON EXCEL REPORTS\New Lead Apron Logs 11.2022"
LRow = rngD.Rows.Count
Set rngD = rngD(1)
Set rngS = rngS(1)
Set rngT = rngT(1)
Set rngU = rngU(1)
Set ob1 = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
For x = 1 To LRow
rngDValue = ""
rngDValue = rngD.Offset(x - 1).Value
If rngDValue <> "" Then
If CDate(rngDValue) - Date < 0 Then
rngSValue = rngS.Offset(x - 1).Value
mSub = rngT.Offset(0, -1).Value
l = ""
strbody = ""
strbody = strbody & rngT.Offset(x - 1).Value & l
strbody = strbody
Set ob2 = ob1.CreateItem(0)
With ob2
.Subject = mSub
.To = rngS
.Body = strbody
'.Attachments.Add strFolder & "\" & rngU
End With
Set ob2 = Nothing
End If
End If
Set ob1 = Nothing
End Sub
I see a couple of options...
1) for example you modify the addressee to yourself; it will be a reminder to yourself that there is a strange situation pending
2) or we use the column next to the "sent email date" as a flag: if it's empty then sending is allowed; any text ther means "ignore"
To deal with this second hypotesis, modify this line
VBA Code:
If CDate(rngDValue) - Date < 0 And Date > (SentDt.Cells(x, 1) + 7) and SentDt.Cells(x, 2)=""Then   'MMMmmm
Any text will stop the sending, so you may use it as a memo: "Call Joe", "On a long long holiday", "Check with the boss", "No" (beware that also "Yes" will stop the email), ...
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I see a couple of options...
1) for example you modify the addressee to yourself; it will be a reminder to yourself that there is a strange situation pending
2) or we use the column next to the "sent email date" as a flag: if it's empty then sending is allowed; any text ther means "ignore"
To deal with this second hypotesis, modify this line
VBA Code:
If CDate(rngDValue) - Date < 0 And Date > (SentDt.Cells(x, 1) + 7) and SentDt.Cells(x, 2)=""Then   'MMMmmm
Any text will stop the sending, so you may use it as a memo: "Call Joe", "On a long long holiday", "Check with the boss", "No" (beware that also "Yes" will stop the email), ...
This works great! Now let me ask you: Can I change the font color of the e-mail without having to convert the code to HTML? This is the line i'm looking to change:

l = vbCrLf & "Medical/Health Physics Technologist" & vbCrLf & "LVHN Imaging Physics & Radiation Safety" & vbCrLf & "(P) 484-224-1626"
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No, this is a plain text email.
To apply formats you have to switch to an html message
It is not difficult, you have to use vba commands to create a string that represents an HTMLBody using html commands
For example this string:
myMsg = "<body>Hello my friend,<br>rush sending me your report or I will be in a bad mood<br>Sicerely yours,<br>
<font color='red'>Medical/Health Physics Technologist<br>LVHN Imaging Physics & Radiation Safety<br>(P) 484-224-1626</font></body>"

<br> is the equivalent to vbCrLf
color is an attribute of the <font> tag

Then you will use .HTMLBody = myMsg (instead of .Body = ....)
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Hi Anthony, I'm hoping you get this. So I've been using the code we came up with a few months ago and overall things have been going well. However, I thought we had it set up to be able to send a second reminder e-mail if nothing was received. This doesn't seem to be the case. The code doesn't seem to send a second reminder for some reason. I tried looking at it myself and will continue to do so but I thought maybe you can help me find the error as this is out of my wheelhouse. I had posted the code I am currently using.

VBA Code:
Sub Send_Email_Automatically33()
Dim rngDValue
Dim olApp As Object, olEml As Object
Dim LRow As Long, x As Long
Dim rngD As Range, rngTo As Range, rngTxt As Range, rngAtt As Range
Dim l As String, strBody As String, mSub As String
Dim ckCnt As Long, emCnt As Long
Set rngD = Range(Cells(2, "P"), Cells(Rows.Count, "P").End(xlUp))  'Date
If rngD Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Set rngTo = Range("I2")                                  'To
Set rngTxt = Range("S2")                                 'Text
Set rngAtt = Range("U2")                                 'Attachment
Dim SentDt As Range
Set SentDt = Range("V2")
LRow = rngD.Rows.Count
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
For x = 1 To LRow
    rngDValue = rngD.Cells(x, 1).Value
    If rngDValue <> "" Then
        ckCnt = ckCnt + 1
        If CDate(rngDValue) - Date <= 0 And Date > (SentDt.Cells(x, 1) + 30) And SentDt.Cells(x, 2) = "" Then
            SentDt.Cells(x, 1) = Date
            mSub = rngTxt.Cells(x, 0).Value              'Subj is in column R?
            l = vbCrLf & "Medical/Health Physics Technologist" & vbCrLf & "LVHN Imaging Physics & Radiation Safety" & vbCrLf & "(P) 484-224-1626"
            strBody = ""
            strBody = strBody & rngTxt.Cells(x, 1).Value & l
            Set olEml = olApp.CreateItem(0)
            With olEml
               .Subject = mSub
               .To = rngTo.Cells(x, 1)
               .CC = "pamela.garciabuleje@lvhn.org"
               .Body = strBody
               If Dir(rngAtt.Cells(x, 1).Value) <> "" Then         'Check attachmt exists
                    .Attachments.Add rngAtt.Cells(x, 1).Value
               End If
                .Display    'or .Send
               emCnt = emCnt + 1
            End With
'            Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))         'to be enabled if .Send
            Set olEml = Nothing
            AppActivate Application.Caption         'Focus to excel
        End If
    End If
Next x
Set olApp = Nothing
MsgBox ("Checked: " & ckCnt & vbCrLf & "Emails: " & emCnt)
End Sub
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The macro should send an email when all the following conditions are met:
Column P has a past date; column V contains a date older than 30 days; column Z is empty
Doublecheck that the lines you think should rend a reminder match the above conditions.

If that doesn't switch on the light, add these 2 "Debug.Print" lines in the following positions:
VBA Code:
If rngDValue <> "" Then
        ckCnt = ckCnt + 1
        Debug.Print x, rngDValue, Date, SentDt.Cells(x, 1), "#" & SentDt.Cells(x, 2) & "#"
        If CDate(rngDValue) - Date <= 0 And Date > (SentDt.Cells(x, 1) + 30) And SentDt.Cells(x, 2) = "" Then
            Debug.Print "-----SENT"
            SentDt.Cells(x, 1) = Date
            mSub = rngTxt.Cells(x, 0).Value              'Subj is in column R?

At the end of the macro open the vba "Immediate" window (from vba, typing Contr-g should do the job; or Menu /View /Immediate window), copy ALL what you find there (no confidential info should be there) and share the content with your next message.
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Soooo I think the problem was that I was trying to send the 2nd reminder e-mails before the 30 day time period or I didn't notice the column the date was being dropped in (see below). Regardless, I forgot we had it set up in a 30 day increment. However, once I discovered this I stumbled upon another issue I'm wondering if we can fix.

When I send the 2nd e-mail after the 30 day parameter, the code puts the date in column V and replaces the first reminder date in that column. I am hoping to be able to Keep the first reminder date in Column V and have the second reminder date (if one is sent) placed in column W. However, I'd like to keep all the other codes for column W the same. Just to put a date in there if a second e-mail is sent. Thoughts?
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VBA Code:
If CDate(rngDValue) - Date <= 0 And Date > (SentDt.Cells(x, 1) + 30) And SentDt.Cells(x, 2) = "" Then
You may change the delay before the next reminder modifying that "30" in the above instruction

To keep the reminder dates, lets use column Z and above: add in the corrent code a new If /End If block as follows:
VBA Code:
        If CDate(rngDValue) - Date <= 0 And Date > (SentDt.Cells(X, 1) + 30) And SentDt.Cells(X, 2) = "" Then
       'Add this If /End If block >>>:
            If SentDt.Cells(X, 1).Value <> "" Then
                SentDt.Cells(X, 5).Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
                SentDt.Cells(X, 1).Copy SentDt.Cells(X, 5)
            End If
            SentDt.Cells(X, 1) = Date
            mSub = rngTxt.Cells(X, 0).Value              'Subj is in column R?
In this way before the new date is inserted in column V, the previus one is saved in col Z, after shifting the Z content to the righ
So the reminder dates are stored (newest to oldest) in V, Z, AA, AB, ...
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You may change the delay before the next reminder modifying that "30" in the above instruction

To keep the reminder dates, lets use column Z and above: add in the corrent code a new If /End If block as follows:
VBA Code:
        If CDate(rngDValue) - Date <= 0 And Date > (SentDt.Cells(X, 1) + 30) And SentDt.Cells(X, 2) = "" Then
       'Add this If /End If block >>>:
            If SentDt.Cells(X, 1).Value <> "" Then
                SentDt.Cells(X, 5).Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
                SentDt.Cells(X, 1).Copy SentDt.Cells(X, 5)
            End If
            SentDt.Cells(X, 1) = Date
            mSub = rngTxt.Cells(X, 0).Value              'Subj is in column R?
In this way before the new date is inserted in column V, the previus one is saved in col Z, after shifting the Z content to the righ
So the reminder dates are stored (newest to oldest) in V, Z, AA, AB, ...
Thank you. I changed the code a bit to use column W rather than column Z. This is how I adjusted the code:

VBA Code:
 If CDate(rngDValue) - Date <= 0 And Date > (SentDt.Cells(x, 1) + 30) And SentDt.Cells(x, 2) = "" Then
            If SentDt.Cells(x, 1).Value <> "" Then
                SentDt.Cells(x, 2).Insert Shift:=xlToRight, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
                SentDt.Cells(x, 1).Copy SentDt.Cells(x, 2)
            End If
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If that modification works for you we all are ok (but I remember that we used W for a free note, so I should be suspicious...)
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If that modification works for you we all are ok (but I remember that we used W for a free note, so I should be suspicious...)
This is true and I still want to keep the conditions for W that we had previously. Therefore, if there is already a note in W a second e-mail will not be sent. This should also make it so that when the second e-mail is sent the date will go in W and then a 3rd e-mail will not be sent which is what I want. Appreciate all your help. I'll see if this works next month.
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