The following code requires all TextBoxes that you want to have the number entry functionality describe earlier in the thread have names that start with the letters "wtbox". You must put the code in the indicated code modules in order for it to work.Would anyone know if this code can be modified to work with a form that has several textboxs and 15 of them are called the same thing with sequential numbers wtbox1-15
[COLOR=#008000][B]' Place the following in the UserForm's code module
' =======================================[/B][/COLOR]
Dim wtBoxes() As New Class1
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim intCtlCnt As Integer, objControl As Control
For Each objControl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf objControl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
If LCase(Left(objControl.Name, 5)) = "wtbox" Then
intCtlCnt = intCtlCnt + 1
ReDim Preserve wtBoxes(1 To intCtlCnt)
Set wtBoxes(intCtlCnt).TextBoxEvents = objControl
End If
End If
Next objControl
Set objControl = Nothing
[COLOR=#008000]'Place any other Initialize event code here[/COLOR]
End Sub
[COLOR=#008000][B]' Place in a Class module, NOT a general module
' NOTE: Only one colored section below should be active
' (the rest should be commented out) depending on
what functionality you want for all the TextBoxes
' ==========================================[/B][/COLOR]
Public WithEvents TextBoxEvents As MSForms.TextBox
Dim LastPosition As Long
Private Sub TextBoxEvents_Change()
Static LastText As String
Static SecondTime As Boolean
If Not SecondTime Then
With TextBoxEvents
[COLOR=#ff0000]' Digits Only (no plus or minus)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#ff0000][B]'If .Text Like "*[!0-9]*" Then[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#800080] ' Digits Only (plus or minus allowed)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#800080][B]'If .Text Like "*[!0-9+-]*" Or .Text Like "?*[+-]*" Then[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000ff]' Floating Point Numbers (no plus or minus)[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=#0000ff]'If .Text Like "*[!0-9.]*" Or .Text Like "*.*.*" Then[/COLOR][/B]
[COLOR=#008000]' Floating Point Numbers (plus or minus allowed)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#008000][B]If .Text Like "*[!0-9.+-]*" Or .Text Like "?*[+-]*" Or .Text Like "*.*.*" Then[/B][/COLOR]
SecondTime = True
.Text = LastText
.SelStart = LastPosition
LastText = .Text
End If
End With
End If
SecondTime = False
End Sub
Private Sub TextBoxEvents_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, _
ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
With TextBoxEvents
LastPosition = .SelStart
[COLOR=#008000]'Place any other MouseDown event code here[/COLOR]
End With
End Sub
Private Sub TextBoxEvents_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)
With TextBoxEvents
LastPosition = .SelStart
[COLOR=#008000]'Place any other KeyPress checking code here[/COLOR]
End With
End Sub
Actually, it looks like the way I wrote the code, the letter casing of the first five letters does not matter as long as they are the letter w, t, b, o and x in any combination of upper/lower case letters. So, I think my code should work for you as written.Firstly thank you Rick for helping on this old thread. I know I typed wtbox in the question but should have been wtBox is it a tough fix this? Sorry I should have proof read prior to posting the question.
Const MaxDecimal As Integer = 2
If Not SecondTime Then
If .Text Like "[!0-9.-]*" Or _
.Text Like "*.*.*" Or .Text Like "*." & String$(1 + MaxDecimal, "#") Or _
.Text Like "?*[!0-9.]*" Then
SecondTime = True
.Text = LastText
LastText = .Text
End If
End If
SecondTime = False
If .Text Like "[!0-9.-]*[!%]" Or _
.Text Like "*." & String$(1 + MaxDecimal, "#") & "[!%]" Or _
.Text Like "?*[!0-9.]*[!%]" Then
...(I don't think it was this actual post - was definitely a Rick Rothstein solution though).
Lightly tested, but I think this may do what you want...How would I update this to require a percent sign at the end of the entry?
I've tried
Code:If .Text Like "[!0-9.-]*[!%]" Or _ .Text Like "*." & String$(1 + MaxDecimal, "#") & "[!%]" Or _ .Text Like "?*[!0-9.]*[!%]" Then
If .Text Like "[!0-9.-]*" Or _
.Text Like "*.*.*" Or _
.Text Like "*." & String$(1 + MaxDecimal, "#") Or _
.Text Like "*%*" Or _
.Text Like "?*[!0-9.%]*" Then