VBA Loop to remove specific named worksheets within a folder


New Member
Apr 9, 2015
Hello, I'm needing some help from you experts out there. I have a folder with multiple xlsx spreadsheets within it. I would truly love to have VBA Loop code rummage through all the folder's xlsx spreadsheets and keep worksheets named AR20, AR21, VT77, and GG65 and delete all the other worksheets. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Ok ... I'm glad we cleared that up.

Would you consider posting your workbook to a download site ? That way we can directly see what is going on and
hopefully how to correct it.
I wish I could but I cant, hence why I am adding the Sensitivity label...sorry. Do you think my other suggestion could work? I meant you got it to work perfectly before with the exception that the previously named spreadsheets still existed.
Upvote 0
Ok ... I'm glad we cleared that up.

Would you consider posting your workbook to a download site ? That way we can directly see what is going on and
hopefully how to correct it.
Hello Logit, I did search thru some forums and pretty sure I figured out how to save the files with Sensitivity Label = Confidential.....but Im not even sure how I would add that piece to your code. I have tried but keep getting variable not defined. Here is the code I utilized I hope you are able to mesh this with your code to get the saving part to work properly. Definitely let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much for all your help thus far! :)

/**** The code right below sets up the use of the very last small code to set the Sensitivity Label ****/

'WB: The workbook you want to change the Sensitivity on

'LblName: General

' Public

' Internal Use

' Confidential

' Restricted

Function SetSensitivityLabel(WB As Workbook, LblName As String)

Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo

Dim Context As Variant

Dim objWorkbook As Workbook

Dim CurLabelID As String

Dim sPublic As String

Dim sGeneral As String

Dim sInternal_Use As String

Dim sConfidential As String

Dim sRestricted As String

Set objWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook

Set myLabelInfo = objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()

Set Context = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

sPublic = "174b6716-c2ea-4041-b631-5633733fbe46-8420s"

sInternal_Use = "1f9c9bcd-f315-4c3b-87a0-7682e230e7e4-8420z"

sConfidential = "eb0be65c-43df-47d1-8c45-69f1d3d476a9-8420p"

sRestricted = "48d9d89d-06ce-4535-b1a5-059e3329e9c8-8420n"

Select Case LblName

Case "General"

CurLabelID = sGeneral

Case "Public"

CurLabelID = sPublic

Case "Internal Use"

CurLabelID = sInternal_Use

Case "Confidential"

CurLabelID = sConfidential

Case "Restricted"

CurLabelID = sRestricted

End Select

With myLabelInfo

.AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED '1

.ContentBits = 4

.IsEnabled = True

.Justification = "Because" 'Make this whatever you want

.LabelId = CurLabelID

.LabelName = LblName

.SetDate = Now()

End With

objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, Context

End Function

/*** The below Part identifies the Sensitivity IDs for Public, Internal Use, Confidential, and Restricted ****/

Sub GetSensitivityID()

Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo

Set myLabelInfo = ActiveWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.GetLabel()

Debug.Print myLabelInfo.LabelId

End Sub

/****** The below will change the Label of the Spreadsheet to what you want it to be ****/

Sub SetSLabel()

SetSensitivityLabel ActiveWorkbook, "Confidential"

End Sub
Upvote 0
I am not certain about "sensitivitylabel". Until you mentioned it here in this thread I did not know it existed. Did some research on the internet but still
uncertain about it. Having said that ... try this combination of the code and see if it works for you. Don't forget to edit the code to include your path.

VBA Code:
Sub KeepSpecificSheets()
    Dim FolderPath As String
    Dim Filename As String
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim MasterWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim KeepSheets As Object
    Dim wsName As String
    Dim FoundSheet As Boolean
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ' Set the folder path
    FolderPath = "C:\Your\Folder\Path\" ' Change this to your folder path
    If Right(FolderPath, 1) <> "\" Then FolderPath = FolderPath & "\"
    ' Store the master workbook
    Set MasterWorkbook = ThisWorkbook
    ' Define sheets to keep in a dictionary
    Set KeepSheets = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    KeepSheets.Add "AR20", True
    KeepSheets.Add "AR21", True
    KeepSheets.Add "VT77", True
    KeepSheets.Add "GG65", True
    ' Loop through all xlsx files in the folder
    Filename = Dir(FolderPath & "*.xlsx")
    Do While Filename <> ""
        ' Open the workbook if it is not the master workbook
        If StrComp(FolderPath & Filename, MasterWorkbook.FullName, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
            Set wb = Workbooks.Open(FolderPath & Filename)
            FoundSheet = False ' Initialize flag
            ' Check if any sheets to keep exist
            For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
                If KeepSheets.exists(ws.Name) Then
                    FoundSheet = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next ws
            ' If no sheets match the keep list, delete the workbook
            If Not FoundSheet Then
                wb.Close SaveChanges:=False ' Close without saving changes
                Kill FolderPath & Filename ' Delete the file
                ' Loop through all worksheets in the workbook to delete non-matching sheets
                For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
                    wsName = ws.Name
                    If Not KeepSheets.exists(wsName) Then
                        ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible ' Make sheet visible if hidden
                    End If
                Next ws

                ' Save the workbook with a 'Confidential' setting
                Dim SavePath As String
                SavePath = FolderPath & wb.Name & ".xlsx"     ''& "_Confidential.xlsx"

                ' Add a custom document property to indicate confidentiality
                'On Error Resume Next
                'wb.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Confidential", _
                '    LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="True"
                'On Error GoTo 0

                ' Set the Sensitivity Label
                SetSensitivityLabel wb, "Confidential"

                ' Save the workbook
                wb.SaveAs Filename:=SavePath, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
                wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
            End If
        End If

        ' Get the next file
        Filename = Dir
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    MsgBox "Process Completed!", vbInformation
End Sub

Function SetSensitivityLabel(wb As Workbook, LblName As String)
    Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
    Dim Context As Variant
    Dim objWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim CurLabelID As String

    Dim sPublic As String
    Dim sGeneral As String
    Dim sInternal_Use As String
    Dim sConfidential As String
    Dim sRestricted As String

    Set objWorkbook = wb
    Set myLabelInfo = objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()
    Set Context = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    sPublic = "174b6716-c2ea-4041-b631-5633733fbe46-8420s"
    sInternal_Use = "1f9c9bcd-f315-4c3b-87a0-7682e230e7e4-8420z"
    sConfidential = "eb0be65c-43df-47d1-8c45-69f1d3d476a9-8420p"
    sRestricted = "48d9d89d-06ce-4535-b1a5-059e3329e9c8-8420n"

    Select Case LblName
        Case "General"
            CurLabelID = sGeneral
        Case "Public"
            CurLabelID = sPublic
        Case "Internal Use"
            CurLabelID = sInternal_Use
        Case "Confidential"
            CurLabelID = sConfidential
        Case "Restricted"
            CurLabelID = sRestricted
    End Select

    With myLabelInfo
        .AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED '1
        .ContentBits = 4
        .IsEnabled = True
        .Justification = "Because" 'Make this whatever you want
        .LabelId = CurLabelID
        .LabelName = LblName
        .SetDate = Now()
    End With

    objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, Context
End Function
Upvote 0
I am not certain about "sensitivitylabel". Until you mentioned it here in this thread I did not know it existed. Did some research on the internet but still
uncertain about it. Having said that ... try this combination of the code and see if it works for you. Don't forget to edit the code to include your path.

VBA Code:
Sub KeepSpecificSheets()
    Dim FolderPath As String
    Dim Filename As String
    Dim wb As Workbook
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim MasterWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim KeepSheets As Object
    Dim wsName As String
    Dim FoundSheet As Boolean
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ' Set the folder path
    FolderPath = "C:\Your\Folder\Path\" ' Change this to your folder path
    If Right(FolderPath, 1) <> "\" Then FolderPath = FolderPath & "\"
    ' Store the master workbook
    Set MasterWorkbook = ThisWorkbook
    ' Define sheets to keep in a dictionary
    Set KeepSheets = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    KeepSheets.Add "AR20", True
    KeepSheets.Add "AR21", True
    KeepSheets.Add "VT77", True
    KeepSheets.Add "GG65", True
    ' Loop through all xlsx files in the folder
    Filename = Dir(FolderPath & "*.xlsx")
    Do While Filename <> ""
        ' Open the workbook if it is not the master workbook
        If StrComp(FolderPath & Filename, MasterWorkbook.FullName, vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then
            Set wb = Workbooks.Open(FolderPath & Filename)
            FoundSheet = False ' Initialize flag
            ' Check if any sheets to keep exist
            For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
                If KeepSheets.exists(ws.Name) Then
                    FoundSheet = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next ws
            ' If no sheets match the keep list, delete the workbook
            If Not FoundSheet Then
                wb.Close SaveChanges:=False ' Close without saving changes
                Kill FolderPath & Filename ' Delete the file
                ' Loop through all worksheets in the workbook to delete non-matching sheets
                For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
                    wsName = ws.Name
                    If Not KeepSheets.exists(wsName) Then
                        ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible ' Make sheet visible if hidden
                    End If
                Next ws

                ' Save the workbook with a 'Confidential' setting
                Dim SavePath As String
                SavePath = FolderPath & wb.Name & ".xlsx"     ''& "_Confidential.xlsx"

                ' Add a custom document property to indicate confidentiality
                'On Error Resume Next
                'wb.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="Confidential", _
                '    LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="True"
                'On Error GoTo 0

                ' Set the Sensitivity Label
                SetSensitivityLabel wb, "Confidential"

                ' Save the workbook
                wb.SaveAs Filename:=SavePath, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
                wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
            End If
        End If

        ' Get the next file
        Filename = Dir
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    MsgBox "Process Completed!", vbInformation
End Sub

Function SetSensitivityLabel(wb As Workbook, LblName As String)
    Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
    Dim Context As Variant
    Dim objWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim CurLabelID As String

    Dim sPublic As String
    Dim sGeneral As String
    Dim sInternal_Use As String
    Dim sConfidential As String
    Dim sRestricted As String

    Set objWorkbook = wb
    Set myLabelInfo = objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()
    Set Context = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

    sPublic = "174b6716-c2ea-4041-b631-5633733fbe46-8420s"
    sInternal_Use = "1f9c9bcd-f315-4c3b-87a0-7682e230e7e4-8420z"
    sConfidential = "eb0be65c-43df-47d1-8c45-69f1d3d476a9-8420p"
    sRestricted = "48d9d89d-06ce-4535-b1a5-059e3329e9c8-8420n"

    Select Case LblName
        Case "General"
            CurLabelID = sGeneral
        Case "Public"
            CurLabelID = sPublic
        Case "Internal Use"
            CurLabelID = sInternal_Use
        Case "Confidential"
            CurLabelID = sConfidential
        Case "Restricted"
            CurLabelID = sRestricted
    End Select

    With myLabelInfo
        .AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED '1
        .ContentBits = 4
        .IsEnabled = True
        .Justification = "Because" 'Make this whatever you want
        .LabelId = CurLabelID
        .LabelName = LblName
        .SetDate = Now()
    End With

    objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, Context
End Function
I get this error:


Here is the Debug:


Im guessing this part needs to be incorporated somewhere within the code:
/****** The below will change the Label of the Spreadsheet to what you want it to be ****/

Sub SetSLabel()

SetSensitivityLabel ActiveWorkbook, "Confidential"

End Sub
Upvote 0
Change the Function to this :

VBA Code:
Function SetSensitivityLabel(wb As Workbook, LblName As String)
    Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
    Dim Context As Variant
    Dim objWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim CurLabelID As String

    Dim sPublic As String
    Dim sGeneral As String
    Dim sInternal_Use As String
    Dim sConfidential As String
    Dim sRestricted As String

    Set objWorkbook = wb
    Set myLabelInfo = objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()
    Context = Nothing ' Set context to Nothing

    sPublic = "174b6716-c2ea-4041-b631-5633733fbe46-8420s"
    sInternal_Use = "1f9c9bcd-f315-4c3b-87a0-7682e230e7e4-8420z"
    sConfidential = "eb0be65c-43df-47d1-8c45-69f1d3d476a9-8420p"
    sRestricted = "48d9d89d-06ce-4535-b1a5-059e3329e9c8-8420n"

    Select Case LblName
        Case "General"
            CurLabelID = sGeneral
        Case "Public"
            CurLabelID = sPublic
        Case "Internal Use"
            CurLabelID = sInternal_Use
        Case "Confidential"
            CurLabelID = sConfidential
        Case "Restricted"
            CurLabelID = sRestricted
    End Select

    With myLabelInfo
        .AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED '1
        .ContentBits = 4
        .IsEnabled = True
        .Justification = "Because" 'Make this whatever you want
        .LabelId = CurLabelID
        .LabelName = LblName
        .SetDate = Now()
    End With

    objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, Context
End Function
Upvote 0
Change the Function to this :

VBA Code:
Function SetSensitivityLabel(wb As Workbook, LblName As String)
    Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
    Dim Context As Variant
    Dim objWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim CurLabelID As String

    Dim sPublic As String
    Dim sGeneral As String
    Dim sInternal_Use As String
    Dim sConfidential As String
    Dim sRestricted As String

    Set objWorkbook = wb
    Set myLabelInfo = objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()
    Context = Nothing ' Set context to Nothing

    sPublic = "174b6716-c2ea-4041-b631-5633733fbe46-8420s"
    sInternal_Use = "1f9c9bcd-f315-4c3b-87a0-7682e230e7e4-8420z"
    sConfidential = "eb0be65c-43df-47d1-8c45-69f1d3d476a9-8420p"
    sRestricted = "48d9d89d-06ce-4535-b1a5-059e3329e9c8-8420n"

    Select Case LblName
        Case "General"
            CurLabelID = sGeneral
        Case "Public"
            CurLabelID = sPublic
        Case "Internal Use"
            CurLabelID = sInternal_Use
        Case "Confidential"
            CurLabelID = sConfidential
        Case "Restricted"
            CurLabelID = sRestricted
    End Select

    With myLabelInfo
        .AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED '1
        .ContentBits = 4
        .IsEnabled = True
        .Justification = "Because" 'Make this whatever you want
        .LabelId = CurLabelID
        .LabelName = LblName
        .SetDate = Now()
    End With

    objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, Context
End Function
Error reads:


I know this has to be close darn it. Thanks for plugging away at this.
Upvote 0
Change the Function to this :

VBA Code:
Function SetSensitivityLabel(wb As Workbook, LblName As String)
    Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
    Dim Context As Variant
    Dim objWorkbook As Workbook
    Dim CurLabelID As String

    Dim sPublic As String
    Dim sGeneral As String
    Dim sInternal_Use As String
    Dim sConfidential As String
    Dim sRestricted As String

    Set objWorkbook = wb
    Set myLabelInfo = objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()
    Context = Nothing ' Set context to Nothing

    sPublic = "174b6716-c2ea-4041-b631-5633733fbe46-8420s"
    sInternal_Use = "1f9c9bcd-f315-4c3b-87a0-7682e230e7e4-8420z"
    sConfidential = "eb0be65c-43df-47d1-8c45-69f1d3d476a9-8420p"
    sRestricted = "48d9d89d-06ce-4535-b1a5-059e3329e9c8-8420n"

    Select Case LblName
        Case "General"
            CurLabelID = sGeneral
        Case "Public"
            CurLabelID = sPublic
        Case "Internal Use"
            CurLabelID = sInternal_Use
        Case "Confidential"
            CurLabelID = sConfidential
        Case "Restricted"
            CurLabelID = sRestricted
    End Select

    With myLabelInfo
        .AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED '1
        .ContentBits = 4
        .IsEnabled = True
        .Justification = "Because" 'Make this whatever you want
        .LabelId = CurLabelID
        .LabelName = LblName
        .SetDate = Now()
    End With

    objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, Context
End Function
I hadnt shown you this message before, but this is the reason I need the sensitivity label satisfied. Thanks

Upvote 0
I apologize but I am at a complete loss how to assist you further. Hopefully someone else on this or another forum can
be of assistance.

I would recommend you start a new thread, provide the last working macros you are using and again indicate the error you
are encountering with images, etc. for others to review.

Best wishes. 😞
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