Ok ... I'm glad we cleared that up.
Would you consider posting your workbook to a download site ? That way we can directly see what is going on and
hopefully how to correct it.
Hello Logit, I did search thru some forums and pretty sure I figured out how to save the files with Sensitivity Label = Confidential.....but Im not even sure how I would add that piece to your code. I have tried but keep getting variable not defined. Here is the code I utilized I hope you are able to mesh this with your code to get the saving part to work properly. Definitely let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much for all your help thus far!
/**** The code right below sets up the use of the very last small code to set the Sensitivity Label ****/
'WB: The workbook you want to change the Sensitivity on
'LblName: General
' Public
' Internal Use
' Confidential
' Restricted
Function SetSensitivityLabel(WB As Workbook, LblName As String)
Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
Dim Context As Variant
Dim objWorkbook As Workbook
Dim CurLabelID As String
Dim sPublic As String
Dim sGeneral As String
Dim sInternal_Use As String
Dim sConfidential As String
Dim sRestricted As String
Set objWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
Set myLabelInfo = objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.CreateLabelInfo()
Set Context = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
sPublic = "174b6716-c2ea-4041-b631-5633733fbe46-8420s"
sInternal_Use = "1f9c9bcd-f315-4c3b-87a0-7682e230e7e4-8420z"
sConfidential = "eb0be65c-43df-47d1-8c45-69f1d3d476a9-8420p"
sRestricted = "48d9d89d-06ce-4535-b1a5-059e3329e9c8-8420n"
Select Case LblName
Case "General"
CurLabelID = sGeneral
Case "Public"
CurLabelID = sPublic
Case "Internal Use"
CurLabelID = sInternal_Use
Case "Confidential"
CurLabelID = sConfidential
Case "Restricted"
CurLabelID = sRestricted
End Select
With myLabelInfo
.AssignmentMethod = MsoAssignmentMethod.PRIVILEGED '1
.ContentBits = 4
.IsEnabled = True
.Justification = "Because" 'Make this whatever you want
.LabelId = CurLabelID
.LabelName = LblName
.SetDate = Now()
End With
objWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.SetLabel myLabelInfo, Context
End Function
/*** The below Part identifies the Sensitivity IDs for Public, Internal Use, Confidential, and Restricted ****/
Sub GetSensitivityID()
Dim myLabelInfo As Office.LabelInfo
Set myLabelInfo = ActiveWorkbook.SensitivityLabel.GetLabel()
Debug.Print myLabelInfo.LabelId
End Sub
/****** The below will change the Label of the Spreadsheet to what you want it to be ****/
Sub SetSLabel()
SetSensitivityLabel ActiveWorkbook, "Confidential"
End Sub