i would like help in creating VBA code that will convert the 1st cell in the selected column...lets say column "E" and then every 4th cell after that from formulas to values until the last row.."180000" or when the next cell is blank. I found this code that works for me but you have to run it for each cell manually. if you could help construct a loop until it has gone through the column until the next cell is blank then exit.
Thank you so much!
i would like help in creating VBA code that will convert the 1st cell in the selected column...lets say column "E" and then every 4th cell after that from formulas to values until the last row.."180000" or when the next cell is blank. I found this code that works for me but you have to run it for each cell manually. if you could help construct a loop until it has gone through the column until the next cell is blank then exit.
Sub SelectEveryXRow()
'Created by Sumit Bansal at https://trumpexcel.com/ added code by cairo95
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim RowSelect As Range
Dim i As Integer
Set MyRange = Selection
Set RowSelect = MyRange.Rows(4)
For i = 4 To MyRange.Rows.Count Step 4
Set RowSelect = Union(RowSelect, MyRange.Rows(i))
Next i
Application.Goto RowSelect
' this is what i need for it to execute
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
Thank you so much!