I was wondering if anyone can help me with a VBA question to make my life as a strength coach easier when trying to print off multiple workouts based on an athletes name? Ill try to explain as best as I can!
I have a excel file that I use for each of my teams to collect data for workouts, maxes, etc. In this file, I have an athlete "table" on another sheet in the workbook that references exercises I use and the training maxes I have for each exercise based on the athletes numbers. Depending on the 4 templates (various number of days and weeks) I use to write workouts, I use a name range in the previous table with my team rosters to reference all the athletes maxes based on VLOOKUP. So....when I write a workout, I use a Data Validation drop down with my athletes name "range" and have to individually print each sheet on the same workout page to get their different maxes.
I am wanted to make a simple VBA listbox with a commandbox button somewhere on each of my 4 templates where I can just select all the athletes based on the name range I use to print workouts for......and not have to individually click and change the data validation drop down list name everytime! This is primarily when I have 40+ athletes to print off for! Any suggestions or references that could help. I also have the file if anyone wants to see it! Thanks!
I was wondering if anyone can help me with a VBA question to make my life as a strength coach easier when trying to print off multiple workouts based on an athletes name? Ill try to explain as best as I can!
I have a excel file that I use for each of my teams to collect data for workouts, maxes, etc. In this file, I have an athlete "table" on another sheet in the workbook that references exercises I use and the training maxes I have for each exercise based on the athletes numbers. Depending on the 4 templates (various number of days and weeks) I use to write workouts, I use a name range in the previous table with my team rosters to reference all the athletes maxes based on VLOOKUP. So....when I write a workout, I use a Data Validation drop down with my athletes name "range" and have to individually print each sheet on the same workout page to get their different maxes.
I am wanted to make a simple VBA listbox with a commandbox button somewhere on each of my 4 templates where I can just select all the athletes based on the name range I use to print workouts for......and not have to individually click and change the data validation drop down list name everytime! This is primarily when I have 40+ athletes to print off for! Any suggestions or references that could help. I also have the file if anyone wants to see it! Thanks!