First off, please accept my apologies if this has already been answered or is a common thing--I've read so many posts here, on other forums, using AI, and stack exchange that have just failed to work. It should also be noted that I have something for this that works using comboboxes, but has been met with criticism due to the extra clicks... I know... 
I have a couple of listboxes that are dependent, where the first is populated from a lookup table on a sheet, and a selection causes the second box (using a click method) to populate. The form is saved into a table row on a sheet. This works great.
The issue I have, is editing that row.
I can open the edit form, and the first listbox is always populated, with the correct item selected. The secondary listbox seemingly has no constant behaviour. Sometimes it has the correct dependent items listed, but nothing selected, sometimes it has nothing listed at all, and sometimes it just works as intended. Many thanks in anticipation of any help anyone can offer.
Initialising the edit form:
To get the dependency list listed in the second listbox:
Attempting to get the secondary list, and the selection (this is the thing that's not working):

I have a couple of listboxes that are dependent, where the first is populated from a lookup table on a sheet, and a selection causes the second box (using a click method) to populate. The form is saved into a table row on a sheet. This works great.
The issue I have, is editing that row.
I can open the edit form, and the first listbox is always populated, with the correct item selected. The secondary listbox seemingly has no constant behaviour. Sometimes it has the correct dependent items listed, but nothing selected, sometimes it has nothing listed at all, and sometimes it just works as intended. Many thanks in anticipation of any help anyone can offer.
- The first listbox items are unlikely to, but may change... that's why they need to be named and not done using listindex or whatever
- The second listbox is the same, unlikely to change but may
- The storage on the sheet is just in plain text due to the above
Initialising the edit form:
VBA Code:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Load the information
Call LoadFactor
End Sub
To get the dependency list listed in the second listbox:
VBA Code:
Private Sub lbFactorList_AfterUpdate()
Dim x As String
x = Me.lbFactorList.Value
Select Case x
Case Is = "Accommodation"
Me.lbFactorType.RowSource = shLookup.ListObjects("tblFacAccommodation")
Case Is = "Age"
Me.lbFactorType.RowSource = shLookup.ListObjects("tblFacAge")
' there are about 30 of these...
End Select
End Sub
Attempting to get the secondary list, and the selection (this is the thing that's not working):
VBA Code:
Private Sub LoadFactor()
Dim lo As ListObject
Dim findStr As Integer
Dim rw As Range
Dim i As Integer
Set lo = shFactors.ListObjects("tblFactors")
findStr = factorID
' Find the person id and details row in the table
Set rw = lo.DataBodyRange.Find( _
what:=findStr, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext _
' Setup default parameters
Me.txtRowID.Value = factorID
Me.txtFactorMasterID.Value = personID 'Global declaration
' Display information in the form
With Me
With rw
For i = 1 To lbFactorList.ListCount
If InStr(rw.Cells(1, lo.ListColumns("Factor").Index).Value, (lbFactorList.List(i - 1))) > 0 Then
lbFactorList.Selected(i - 1) = True
End If
For i = 1 To lbFactorType.ListCount
If InStr(rw.Cells(1, lo.ListColumns("Type").Index).Value, (lbFactorType.List(i - 1))) > 0 Then
lbFactorType.Selected(i - 1) = True
End If
For i = 1 To lbFactorStatus.ListCount
If InStr(rw.Cells(1, lo.ListColumns("Status").Index).Value, (lbFactorStatus.List(i - 1))) > 0 Then
lbFactorStatus.Selected(i - 1) = True
End If
txtFactorComment = .Cells(1, lo.ListColumns("Comment").Index).Value
End With
End With
End Sub