VBA ie unwanted redirecting


New Member
Jul 31, 2013
Hello Everybody (I've been using your forum for a while, but am just now posting)!!

Program: Excel 2007
Purpose: VBA to submit and extract insurance information from the web.
Problem: After navigating to a link, the webpage sometimes redirects.
Pertitent Details: Due to HIPPA I cannot post the webpage source. The problem occurs regardless of method: VBA or manual.

The issue occurs after this command:
            .Navigate2 "[URL]https://ohp.ros.regence.com/provider/wa-selfservice/protected/benefitSummaryCPSS.do?SELECTED_COVERAGE_LINE_PARAMETER_KEY[/URL]=" & viewcvrg

The webpage keeps "redirecting." I put that in quotes because the address doesn't change, only the entire HTML document is replaced with a single line:

Attempted Solutions:
I tried .Navigate, .Navigate2, refreshing the page, and pressing the back button. Remember that this problem occurs even without VBA. It seems to be some timeout issue. Sometimes it occurs instantly and other times not for a few minutes. Thank you!

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    [B]Member info[/B]: REMOVED

   <!-- when collapsed, display member name, DOB, member ID and group name -->
    [B]Expanded member info[/B]

   <!-- begin: Member summary -->
     [TABLE="class: summaryTableMedium, width: 294"]
[TD="width: 110"]Member Name:
[TD="width: 110"]REMOVED
[TD]Member ID:
[TD]Date of Birth:
[TD]Group Number:
[TD]       REMOVED

[TD]Group Name:
[TD]       REMOVED

[TD="colspan: 2"]Network Information
[TD]      Medical Network:

    <!-- end: Member summary --> <!-- begin: Payer and Primary Care summary -->
    <!-- don't display PCP table if no data --> 
     [TABLE="class: summaryTablexSmall"]
[TH="colspan: 2"]Payer Info
[TD]Primary Carrier Name:
[TD]Carrier Effective Date:
[TH="colspan: 2"]Elig/Pre Ex
[TD]Pre Ex Credits:
[TD]Original Effective Date:
         [B]Related Members[/B]
            [TABLE="class: summaryTableWide"]
[TD]          REMOVED
[TD="width: 67%"]              [URL="http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/benefitSummaryCPSS.do?SELECTED_COVERAGE_LINE_PARAMETER_KEY=0"]View Coverage[/URL] »
              [URL="http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/claimSummary.do?SELECTED_COVERAGE_LINE_PARAMETER_KEY=0"]Medical Claims[/URL] »
              [URL="http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/dentalClaimSummary.do?SELECTED_COVERAGE_LINE_PARAMETER_KEY=0"]Dental Claims[/URL] »

              [URL="http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/memberCost.do?SELECTED_COVERAGE_LINE_PARAMETER_KEY=0"]Cost Estimator[/URL] »

[*][URL="http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/#MedicalTab"]Medical Benefits[/URL]
[TABLE="class: summaryTableWide"]
[TD="class: planEmph"]REMOVED
[TD="class: planEmph"]REMOVED
[TD="class: planEmph"][/TD]
[TD]Status/End Date:
[TD="class: planEmph"]REMOVED


       [B]All information shown as of

[*]Multi-year Accumulators

******** type="text/javascript">        
 $("#medMultiSearchForm").submit(function() {
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[TD="colspan: 6"]Loading...






******** type="text/javascript"> 
$(document).ready(function() {
<!-- AJAX dumps benefits/accums tables here -->

******** type="text/javascript"> 
  url: "coverageBenefits.do",
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  timeout: 45000,
  error: function() {
   $("div#MedicalBenefitsTab, div#DentalBenefitsTab").append(($(" 
")).addClass("summaryTableCont").css("height", "315px").append($("Benefits are temporarily unavailable.  Please retry your inquiry.").addClass("redBoldText")));
   $("div#MedicalAccumsTab, div#DentalAccumsTab").append(($(" 
")).addClass("summaryTableCont").css("height", "315px").append($("Accumulators are temporarily unavailable.  Please retry your inquiry.").addClass("redBoldText")));
   $("img#MedicalBenefitsSpinner, img#MedicalAccumsSpinner, img#DentalBenefitsSpinner, img#DentalAccumsSpinner").hide();
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******** type="text/javascript"> 
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  timeout: 45000,
  error: function() {
   $("div#MedicalBookletsTab, div#DentalBookletsTab").append(($(" 
")).addClass("summaryTableCont").css("height", "315px").append($("Benefit booklets are temporarily unavailable.  Please retry your inquiry.").addClass("redBoldText")));
   $("img#MedicalBookletsSpinner, img#DentalBookletsSpinner").hide();
    var allTabs = $("li.Medical");
    $(allTabs).each( function () {
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******** type="text/javascript"> 
function jQ_******() {
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  showButtonPanel: true,
  defaultDate: "07/31/2013"});
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function onChangeDate()



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Sounds like the page is redirecting by design.
Upvote 0
I'm not sure.

It might be possible to stop the redirect with the Stop method of IE.

I suppose the problem with that is having to detect the redirect.
Upvote 0
Great idea; I think I almost got it.

        For i = 3 To 4
            Do Until .readyState = i
                b = ie.document.body.innertext
                If b = "2013" Then
                    .Application.Wait ("00:00:01")
                End If
        Next i

Is the .Stop not working?
Upvote 0
There seems to be a with statement missing, what is .stop referring back to?

Also, I doubt the entire innertext of the body of the document will equal "2013".

I was thinking more of some sort of event via a class that could monitor IE and check for a redirect.

If a redirect is detected then use Stop.
Upvote 0
Sorry, I shouldn't have assumed the with:

Function waitie(ie)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim b As String
    With ie
        For i = 3 To 4
            Do Until .readyState = i
                b = ie.document.body.innertext
                If b = "2013" Then
                    .Application.Wait ("00:00:01")
                End If
        Next i
    End With
    waitie = ""
End Function

The entire webpage really does equal "2013". (Rightclick - View Source - I would post the source but it's just
, and literally nothing else. I put a pause on .GoBack and it works.

What you're talking about sounds more useful, yet fancy. I have never written a class before (no programming background: self-taught VBA and VB Reflection = extinct language), so I wouldn't even know where to start on that.
Upvote 0
I've got code, somwhere, that will monitor IE to see if a new window is opened from a page.

That's useful when dealing with a page that has popups for further input, eg a calendar pop-up.

That kind of relies on knowing what to look for, which in turn relies knowing the source/URL etc of the page.

If what you have works then it might be best to stick with it
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