Help with FilterXML formula


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Aug 18, 2022
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  1. 2013
I’m having a difficult time determining Xpath for a web address, where I’m attempting to retrieve the item description. I can see the item description on the Webservice formula results, I then want to filter to only show the item description. I looked it up and I’m having a difficult time identifying the xpath.

Below is how I have it set-up on my sheet.

Query URL
UPCCombine upc with httmlWebservice formulafilterxlm formula
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<h2 class='text-center'>EAN 8420460180159</h2>
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EAN 8420460180159 is associated with <b>Lékué Macaroon Mat</b></p> <ins class="adsbygoogle ad-sm"
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<div class="r col-sm-5 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><p class="section"> EAN 8420460180159 has following Product Name Variations:</p>
<div class="cont">
<ol class="num"><li>Lekue Macaron Mat</li><li>LEKUE Baking Mat Macaron - BROWN</li><li>Lã©kuã© 40 X 30 Mm Macaron Mat, Brown</li><li>Lékué Macaroon Mat</li></ol></div></div>

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<h4 class="pull-left">More Info</h4>
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<table class="detail-list">
<tr><td>EAN-13:</td><td>8 420460 180159</td></tr>
<tr><td>Amazon ASIN:</td><td> B005QIRWBQ </td></tr>
<tr><td>Country of Registration:</td><td>Spain</td></tr>
<tr><td>Brand:</td><td> Lekue </td></tr>
<tr><td>Model #:</td><td>0146-0231440M02</td></tr>
<tr><td>Last Scanned:</td><td>2022-02-01 00:27:07</td></tr>
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<h4>Shopping Info</h4>
<div class="wheretobuy">Products with EAN 8420460180159 were listed on the following websites. Product prices are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change.</div>

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<th style="width:20%">Stores</th>
<th style="width:45%">Product Info</th>
<th style="width:15%">Price</th>
<th style="width:20%">Last Updated</th>
<td class="stale"> <a href="/norob.php?id=v2w2330333338444&tid=1&seq=1660864788&plt=4258778816f3ace224f6226346c5bb7d" rel="nofollow" target=_blank title="Go to Hudson&#039;s Bay. This link may be out of date.">Hudson's Bay</a> </td>
<td><b>LEKUE Baking Mat Macaron - BROWN</b></td>
<td>2017-08-30 15:40:24</td>
<tr class="m3825 hide">
<td class="stale"> <a href="/norob.php?id=u2w2z2y2v243e474w2&tid=1&seq=1660864788&plt=d85fe2e7afeeaba24b03ebcdcc2a9f99" rel="nofollow" target=_blank title="Go to eBay UK. This link may be out of date.">eBay UK</a> </td>
<td><b>Lã©kuã© 40 X 30 Mm Macaron Mat, Brown</b></td>
<td>2016-07-15 03:13:18</td>
<td class="stale"> <a href="/norob.php?id=z2t203u2z243c454w2&tid=1&seq=1660864788&plt=3f02498532bae076172d9e0dc4e7ada3" rel="nofollow" target=_blank title="Go to This link may be out of date."></a> </td>
<td><b>Lékué Macaroon Mat</b></td>
<td>2022-02-01 00:27:07</td>
<tr class="m3824 hide">
<td class="stale"> <a href="/norob.php?id=u2x2x2v2w223e494s2&tid=1&seq=1660864788&plt=41cd9cfd9c1cbc53155abbb7d2632a40" rel="nofollow" target=_blank title="Go to This link may be out of date."></a> </td>
<td><b>Lekue Macaron Mat</b></td>
<td>2017-01-23 04:47:11</td>


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<h4>Similar EAN Numbers</h4>
<ul class="row">
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<div class='r'>
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<div class='r'>
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<li class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
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<li class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
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<div class='r'>
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<li class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
<a href="/upc/8420460000136" class="img" title="EAN 8420460000136 product info"><img src="/barcode/ean13/8420460000136.png" width=100 alt="EAN-13 Barcode of EAN 8420460000136"></a>
<div class='r'>
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<div class='r'>
<a href="/upc/8420460000143" title="EAN 8420460000143 product info">8420460000143</a>
<p>Lekue Silicone Molten Lava Cake Mold, Model # 2413006N06M017, Set of 6</p>
<li class="col-xs-12 col-md-6">
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<div class='r'>
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<div class='r'>
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<div class='r'>
<a href="/upc/8420460000228" title="EAN 8420460000228 product info">8420460000228</a>
<p>L?ku? 27 Cm Diameter Non Spill Lid, Pink</p>

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<h2 class='text-center'>EAN 7817231480944</h2>
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EAN 7817231480944 is associated with <b>GnocchiBoard 1&#34;x3.5&#34;x10&#34; FAN -</b></p> <ins class="adsbygoogle ad-sm"
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<div class="r col-sm-5 col-md-6 col-xs-12"><p class="section"> EAN 7817231480944 has following Product Name Variations:</p>
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<ol class="num"><li>Fantes Gnocchi Board, Beechwood, 8-Inches, The Italian Market Original since 190</li><li>GnocchiBoard 1"x3.5"x10" FAN -</li><li>Harold Import Co Cousin Liana's 8" Beechwood Made In Italy Wooden Gnocchi Board</li><li>Fantes Cousin Liana?s Gnocchi Board Beachwood</li></ol></div></div>

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<tr><td>EAN-13:</td><td>7 817231 480944</td></tr>
<tr><td>Brand:</td><td> Fante's </td></tr>
<tr><td>Model #:</td><td>14809</td></tr>
<tr><td>Last Scanned:</td><td>2022-08-08 11:55:12</td></tr>
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<td><b>GnocchiBoard 1"x3.5"x10" FAN -</b></td>
<td>2021-02-10 01:17:59</td>
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<td class="stale"> <a href="/norob.php?id=z2o2z223y2z2e444w2&tid=1&seq=1660864564&plt=23af405119d76e842fc4d622bb79efeb" rel="nofollow" target=_blank title="Go to eBay US Used. This link may be out of date.">eBay US Used</a> </td>
<td><b>Harold Import Co Cousin Liana's 8" Beechwood Made In Italy Wooden Gnocchi Board</b></td>
<td>2020-11-13 05:20:15</td>
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<td><b>Fantes Cousin Liana?s Gnocchi Board Beachwood</b></td>
<td>2021-09-20 17:06:48</td>


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