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Cannot quite work out what I am doing wrong to pull the initial price from the website listed below. It should be £585 but it is falling down on the code:
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
Cannot quite work out what I am doing wrong to pull the initial price from the website listed below. It should be £585 but it is falling down on the code:
price = html.getElementsByID("_tyxjp1").innerText
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
VBA Code:
Sub Get_Web_Data()
Dim request As Object
Dim response As String
Dim html As New HTMLDocument
Dim website As String
Dim price As Variant
website = "https://www.airbnb.co.uk/s/Cardiff-city-centre--Cardiff/homes?adults=4&place_id=ChIJE5-LOrccbkgRzfLvM7ow5xU&checkin=2022-06-18&checkout=2022-06-19&tab_id=home_tab&refinement_paths%5B%5D=%2Fhomes&query=Cardiff%20city%20centre%2C%20Cardiff&flexible_trip_lengths%5B%5D=one_week&date_picker_type=calendar&source=structured_search_input_header&search_type=filter_change&ne_lat=51.49207564654211&ne_lng=-3.1483986320495774&sw_lat=51.468395512898894&sw_lng=-3.2042314949035813&zoom=14&search_by_map=true&room_types%5B%5D=Entire%20home%2Fapt"
Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
request.Open "GET", website, False
'fresh data
'request.SetRequestHeader "If-Modified-Since", "Sun, 22 May 2022 00:00:00 GMT"
response = StrConv(request.responseBody, vbUnicode)
html.body.innerHTML = response
price = html.getElementsByID("_tyxjp1").innerText
MsgBox price
End Sub