Hello everyone. Seeking help on a function i want to create in a worksheet that mimics the "comment box" function but with a twist.
I would like the user to be able to click a cell (A1) and then a userform with a textbox will appear to the right of it.
The user then inputs a comment , hits save and the form will disappear.
However i would like the text input and saved to be linked to a particular cell in another worksheet (worksheet B) within the workbook.
I Will be using this function for mutilple cells in the workbook. Can anyone helpp with this.
I am using Excel 2007 and inexperienced with VBA.
Thanks so much for all the help in advance. Love the msg board!!!
I would like the user to be able to click a cell (A1) and then a userform with a textbox will appear to the right of it.
The user then inputs a comment , hits save and the form will disappear.
However i would like the text input and saved to be linked to a particular cell in another worksheet (worksheet B) within the workbook.
I Will be using this function for mutilple cells in the workbook. Can anyone helpp with this.
I am using Excel 2007 and inexperienced with VBA.
Thanks so much for all the help in advance. Love the msg board!!!