Hi all,
I have a code below that works perfectly fine in excel 2010. I've upgraded to 2013 and now my excel gets the not responding issue, along with the excel not working. I need help optimizing this for use in excel 2013.
Any help would be appreciated.
#Empty is a string btw.
quicksort function:
I have a code below that works perfectly fine in excel 2010. I've upgraded to 2013 and now my excel gets the not responding issue, along with the excel not working. I need help optimizing this for use in excel 2013.
Any help would be appreciated.
#Empty is a string btw.
For thisScen = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
thisEqShocks = filterIn(eqShocks, 2, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 1), keepcols)
If thisEqShocks(1, 1) = "[URL=https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/usertag.php?do=list&action=hash&hash=Empty]#Empty[/URL] " Then
For i = 2 To nRows
If dataCols(i, 4) <> "Excel" And dataCols(i, 4) <> "OBI" And (dataCols(i, 1) = "value1" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value2") Then
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).Value = "No shock found"
End If
Next i
Else 'calculate shocks
Call quicksort(thisEqShocks, 3, 1, UBound(thisEqShocks, 1))
For i = 2 To nRows
If dataCols(i, 4) <> "Excel" And dataCols(i, 4) <> "ITS" And (dataCols(i, 1) = "value1" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value2" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value3") Then
thisCurrRow = findInArrCol(dataCols(i, 3), 3, thisEqShocks)
If thisCurrRow = 0 Then 'could not find currency so use generic shock
thisCurrRow = findInArrCol("OTHERS", 3, thisEqShocks)
End If
If thisCurrRow = 0 Then
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).Value = "No shock found"
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).Value = Replace(dataCols(i, 2), "-", 0) * (thisEqShocks(thisCurrRow, 4) - 1)
End If
End If
Next i
End If
Next thisScen
quicksort function:
Sub quicksort(ByRef arr() As Variant, ByVal sortCol As Long, ByVal left As Long, ByVal right As Long)
If right > left Then
Dim pivotIndex As Long
pivotIndex = left + Int((right - left) / 2)
Dim pivotIndexNew As Long
pivotIndexNew = partition(arr, sortCol, left, right, pivotIndex)
Call quicksort(arr, sortCol, left, pivotIndexNew - 1)
Call quicksort(arr, sortCol, pivotIndexNew + 1, right)
End If
End Sub