I am trying to write a sub that compares the values from one range to the values in another range, and to perform certain functions if it finds a match. However, if the corresponding value is "N/A" I want the loop to automatically skip to the next checked value "a" . I do not know how to skip to the next "a" however and I get an error that says it does not have a corresponding for in the program. Can someone help me with this? it should be a relatively easy solution but I am new to VBA still. The code is attached below.
Sub solubility()
Dim coeff As Range, groups As Range
Dim anion As Range
Dim a As Range
Dim nextrow As Long
Dim j As Range
'solubility groups range
groups = Worksheets("Solubility").Range("A2:A33")
'group coefficients range
coeff = Worksheets("Solubility").Range("B2:B33")
anion = Worksheets("properties").Range("AB7:AB887")
[COLOR=red] For Each a In anion
[/COLOR] For Each j In groups
If UCase(a.Value) = UCase(groups(j).Value) Then
If groups(j).Value = "" Or "N/A" Then
Worksheets("properties").Range("P" & a.Row).Value = "N/A"
[COLOR=red] Next a
[/COLOR] Else
anvalue = coeff(j).Value * Range("AC" & a.Row).Value
End If
End If
If UCase(Range("AD" & a.Row).Value) = UCase(groups(j).Value) Then
cavalue = coeff(j).Value * Worksheets("properties").Range("AE" & a.Row).Value
If UCase(Range("AF" & a.Row).Value) = UCase(groups(j).Value) Then
cb1value = coeff(j).Value * Worksheets("properties").Range("AG" & a.Row).Value
End If
If UCase(Range("AH" & a.Row).Value) = UCase(groups(j).Value) Then
cb2value = coeff(j).Value * Worksheets("properties").Range("AI" & a.Row).Value
End If
Next j
If UCase(Range("AD" & a.Row).Value) = UCase("[MIm]") Then
cavalue = Range("AE" & a.Row) * Worksheets("solubility").Range("B2").Value + Range("AE" & a.Row) * Worksheets("solubility").Range("B7").Value
End If
nextrow = Worksheets("properties").Cells(Rows.Count, 15).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Row
Worksheets("properties").Range("P" & nextrow).Value = _
anvalue + cavalue + cb1value + cb2value + Worksheets("solubility").Range("b34").Value
[COLOR=red] Next a
[/COLOR]End Sub
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