Vba copy paste macro


New Member
Jul 14, 2017
Sub sumcopy()


Dim first_day, lasy_day, month, year As Integer
Dim mmonth As String
Dim source_file As String

month = InputBox("Please enter the Month", "TCU//QNB Finansbank")
year = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(6, 2)

'Hangi ay hangi sayfada onu buluyoruz.

 If month = 1 Then
            mmonth = "January"
 ElseIf month = 2 Then
            mmonth = "February"
 ElseIf month = 3 Then
            mmonth = "March"
 ElseIf month = 4 Then
            mmonth = "April"
 ElseIf month = 5 Then
            mmonth = "May"
 ElseIf month = 6 Then
            mmonth = "June"
 ElseIf month = 7 Then
            mmonth = "July"
 ElseIf month = 8 Then
            mmonth = "August"
 ElseIf month = 9 Then
            mmonth = "September"
 ElseIf month = 10 Then
            mmonth = "October"
 ElseIf month = 11 Then
            mmonth = "November"
 ElseIf month = 12 Then
            mmonth = "December"
 End If

'target file
target_path = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\Core Pozisyon Aylık Özet"
target_mainfile = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\" & "Core Pozisyon Özet" & ".xlsm"

Dim Column, Column_2 As Integer

wb = ActiveWorkbook.Name

'target file

If aay = "January" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "February" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "March" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "April" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "May" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "June" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "July" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "August" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "September" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "October" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "November" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "December" Then

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

End If

j = 2

Do Until ActiveSheet.Cells(3, j) = ""

first_day_date = Cells(3, j)

If Day(first_day_date) <= 9 Then

first_day = "0" & Day(first_day_date)


first_day = Day(first_day_date)

End If

'source file

If month <= 9 Then

source_path = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(0" & ay & ")_" & aay
source_file = source_path & "\CORE-MİZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-0" & ay & "-" & ilk_gun & ".xlsx"
source_path = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(" & ay & ")_" & aay
source_file = source_path & "\CORE-MİZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-" & ay & "-" & ilk_gun & ".xlsx"
End If

'open file

Workbooks.Open (source_file), ReadOnly:=True
wb_core = ActiveWorkbook.Name

'to get daily summary of poz

            i = 5
            Do Until i = 24
            If aay = "January" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(1).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "February" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(2).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "March" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(3).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "April" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(4).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "May" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(5).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "June" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(6).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "July" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(7).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "August" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(8).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "September" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(9).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "October" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(10).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "November" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(11).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            ElseIf aay = "December" Then
            Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(Sheet12).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
            End If
            i = i + 1


End Sub

hi here is my code which i want to do open daily files and copy the exact same place to my main file my main file got the dates on Column like 01/01/2017 it supposed to do when i write the month like 01 open all the 01 daily files and copy the place which i wrote in the code and get them to the main file when i write the month number like 07 it only gets the first day of the month help please thanks
If I'm understanding this correctly, for a file created on the 26th July 2017 you'd have a file path & file name like
CORE-MIZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_2017-07-26.xlsx
And in row 3 starting in column B you have the dates the files were created.
is this correct?

yea and the code counts the dates and when it finished and can't find any more days it stops and closes
Upvote 0
Untested, but try this on a copy
Sub core_poz_ozet()
'Macro by Damla, April/2017
    Dim ilk_gun, son_gun, ay, yil As Integer
    Dim aay As String
    Dim kaynak_dosya As String
    Dim hedef_dizin
    Dim hedef_anadosya
    Dim sutun, sutun_2 As Integer
    Dim Wb As String
    Dim wb_core
    Dim J As Long, I As Long
    Dim ilk_gun_tarih As Long
    Dim kaynak_dizin

    'gun = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(4, 2)
    'ay = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(5, 2)
    'yil = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(6, 2)
    'aay = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(7, 2)
    'tarih = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(1, 5)
    't = InputBox("Lütfen tarih giriniz", "TCU // QNB Finansbank", tarih)
    ay = InputBox("Lütfen Dosyanin Yapilacagi Ayi Sayi ile yaziniz", "TCU//QNB Finansbank")
    yil = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(6, 2)
    'Hangi ay hangi sayfada onu buluyoruz.
    If ay = 1 Then
                  aay = "Ocak"
    ElseIf ay = 2 Then
                  aay = "Subat"
    ElseIf ay = 3 Then
                  aay = "Mart"
    ElseIf ay = 4 Then
                  aay = "Nisan"
    ElseIf ay = 5 Then
                  aay = "Mayis"
    ElseIf ay = 6 Then
                  aay = "Haziran"
    ElseIf ay = 7 Then
                  aay = "Temmuz"
    ElseIf ay = 8 Then
                  aay = "Agustos"
    ElseIf ay = 9 Then
                aay = "Eylül"
    ElseIf ay = 10 Then
                aay = "Ekim"
    ElseIf ay = 11 Then
                aay = "Kasim"
    ElseIf ay = 12 Then
                aay = "Aralik"
    End If
'    'hedef dosya
'    hedef_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\Core Pozisyon Aylik Özet"
'    hedef_anadosya = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\" & "Core Pozisyon Özet" & ".xlsm"
    Wb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    'hedef dosya sütun saydirma
    J = 2
    Do Until ActiveSheet.Cells(3, J) = ""
        ilk_gun = WorksheetFunction.Text(Day(Cells(3, J)), "00")
        'kaynak dosya
        If ay <= 9 Then
            kaynak_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(0" & ay & ")_" & aay
            kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MIZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-0" & ay & "-" & ilk_gun & ".xlsx"
            kaynak_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(" & ay & ")_" & aay
            kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MIZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-" & ay & "-" & ilk_gun & ".xlsx"
        End If
        'pozisyon dosyasi açma
        Workbooks.Open Filename:=kaynak_dosya, ReadOnly:=True
        wb_core = ActiveWorkbook.Name
        'Özet total pozisyonu günlük bazda getirmek
        I = 5
        Do Until I = 24
            Workbooks(Wb).Worksheets(ay).Cells(I - 1, J).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(I, 7).Value
            I = I + 1
        J = J + 1

 End Sub
Upvote 0
Untested, but try this on a copy
Sub core_poz_ozet()
'Macro by Damla, April/2017
    Dim ilk_gun, son_gun, ay, yil As Integer
    Dim aay As String
    Dim kaynak_dosya As String
    Dim hedef_dizin
    Dim hedef_anadosya
    Dim sutun, sutun_2 As Integer
    Dim Wb As String
    Dim wb_core
    Dim J As Long, I As Long
    Dim ilk_gun_tarih As Long
    Dim kaynak_dizin

    'gun = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(4, 2)
    'ay = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(5, 2)
    'yil = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(6, 2)
    'aay = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(7, 2)
    'tarih = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(1, 5)
    't = InputBox("Lütfen tarih giriniz", "TCU // QNB Finansbank", tarih)
    ay = InputBox("Lütfen Dosyanin Yapilacagi Ayi Sayi ile yaziniz", "TCU//QNB Finansbank")
    yil = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(6, 2)
    'Hangi ay hangi sayfada onu buluyoruz.
    If ay = 1 Then
                  aay = "Ocak"
    ElseIf ay = 2 Then
                  aay = "Subat"
    ElseIf ay = 3 Then
                  aay = "Mart"
    ElseIf ay = 4 Then
                  aay = "Nisan"
    ElseIf ay = 5 Then
                  aay = "Mayis"
    ElseIf ay = 6 Then
                  aay = "Haziran"
    ElseIf ay = 7 Then
                  aay = "Temmuz"
    ElseIf ay = 8 Then
                  aay = "Agustos"
    ElseIf ay = 9 Then
                aay = "Eylül"
    ElseIf ay = 10 Then
                aay = "Ekim"
    ElseIf ay = 11 Then
                aay = "Kasim"
    ElseIf ay = 12 Then
                aay = "Aralik"
    End If
'    'hedef dosya
'    hedef_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\Core Pozisyon Aylik Özet"
'    hedef_anadosya = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\" & "Core Pozisyon Özet" & ".xlsm"
    Wb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    'hedef dosya sütun saydirma
    J = 2
    Do Until ActiveSheet.Cells(3, J) = ""
        ilk_gun = WorksheetFunction.Text(Day(Cells(3, J)), "00")
        'kaynak dosya
        If ay <= 9 Then
            kaynak_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(0" & ay & ")_" & aay
            kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MIZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-0" & ay & "-" & ilk_gun & ".xlsx"
            kaynak_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(" & ay & ")_" & aay
            kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MIZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-" & ay & "-" & ilk_gun & ".xlsx"
        End If
        'pozisyon dosyasi açma
        Workbooks.Open Filename:=kaynak_dosya, ReadOnly:=True
        wb_core = ActiveWorkbook.Name
        'Özet total pozisyonu günlük bazda getirmek
        I = 5
        Do Until I = 24
            Workbooks(Wb).Worksheets(ay).Cells(I - 1, J).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(I, 7).Value
            I = I + 1
        J = J + 1

 End Sub

got debug on Workbooks(Wb).Worksheets(ay).Activate
Upvote 0
Some of the variables had not been declared properly.
Try this
Sub core_poz_ozet()
'Macro by Damla, April/2017
    Dim ilk_gun As String, ay As Long, yil As Long
    Dim aay As String
    Dim kaynak_dosya As String
'    Dim hedef_dizin
'    Dim hedef_anadosya
'    Dim sutun, sutun_2 As Integer
    Dim Wb As String
    Dim wb_core As String
    Dim j As Long, I As Long
    Dim ilk_gun_tarih As Long
    Dim kaynak_dizin As String

    'gun = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(4, 2)
    'ay = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(5, 2)
    'yil = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(6, 2)
    'aay = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(7, 2)
    'tarih = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(1, 5)
    't = InputBox("Lütfen tarih giriniz", "TCU // QNB Finansbank", tarih)
    ay = InputBox("Lütfen Dosyanin Yapilacagi Ayi Sayi ile yaziniz", "TCU//QNB Finansbank")
'    yil = Worksheets("Macro").Cells(6, 2)
    'Hangi ay hangi sayfada onu buluyoruz.
    If ay = 1 Then
                  aay = "Ocak"
    ElseIf ay = 2 Then
                  aay = "Subat"
    ElseIf ay = 3 Then
                  aay = "Mart"
    ElseIf ay = 4 Then
                  aay = "Nisan"
    ElseIf ay = 5 Then
                  aay = "Mayis"
    ElseIf ay = 6 Then
                  aay = "Haziran"
    ElseIf ay = 7 Then
                  aay = "Temmuz"
    ElseIf ay = 8 Then
                  aay = "Agustos"
    ElseIf ay = 9 Then
                aay = "Eylül"
    ElseIf ay = 10 Then
                aay = "Ekim"
    ElseIf ay = 11 Then
                aay = "Kasim"
    ElseIf ay = 12 Then
                aay = "Aralik"
    End If
'    'hedef dosya
'    hedef_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\Core Pozisyon Aylik Özet"
'    hedef_anadosya = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\" & "Core Pozisyon Özet" & ".xlsm"
    Wb = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    'hedef dosya sütun saydirma
    j = 2
    Do Until ActiveSheet.Cells(3, j) = ""
        ilk_gun = WorksheetFunction.Text(Day(Cells(3, j)), "00")
        'kaynak dosya
        If ay <= 9 Then
            kaynak_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(0" & ay & ")_" & aay
            kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MIZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-0" & ay & "-" & ilk_gun & ".xlsx"
            kaynak_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(" & ay & ")_" & aay
            kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MIZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-" & ay & "-" & ilk_gun & ".xlsx"
        End If
        'pozisyon dosyasi açma
        Workbooks.Open (kaynak_dosya), ReadOnly:=True
        wb_core = ActiveWorkbook.Name
        'Özet total pozisyonu günlük bazda getirmek
        I = 5
        Do Until I = 24
            Workbooks(Wb).Worksheets(ay).Cells(I - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(I, 7).Value
            I = I + 1
        j = j + 1

 End Sub
For your information a Dim staement like this
Dim ilk_gun, son_gun, ay, yil As Integer
only yil is declared as integer, the other 3 are all variant
Upvote 0
If I'm understanding this correctly, for a file created on the 26th July 2017 you'd have a file path & file name like
CORE-MIZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_2017-07-26.xlsx
And in row 3 starting in column B you have the dates the files were created.
is this correct?

yes i ve a file in row 3 starting in column B you have the dates the files were created.also in that file i ve 12 sheets for every month For example Ocak(January),subat(february) tc 12 sheets for the 12 months and all has the working dates which stars at row 3 starting column B then i ve a different folder with excel files in it daily files like file name is Ocak(January) and it has 20 excel files becouse January has 20 workdays
my main file name is core pozisyon ozet i need to open 1st of january file copy the area in the code and pase it to the my mainfile which is core pozisyon then close it.then i need to open 2nd of january and do the same thing again but this time i need to start from row 3 column C.
Upvote 0
Some of the variables had not been declared properly.
Try thisFor your information a Dim staement like this
Dim ilk_gun, son_gun, ay, yil As Integer
only yil is declared as integer, the other 3 are all variant

hey i ve upgraded my macro and i got only 1 problem
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Dim ilk_gun, son_gun, ay, yil As Integer
Dim ilkGun As String
Dim aay As String
Dim kaynak_dosya As String

Application.Calculation = XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual
     Application.DisplayAlerts = False
ay = InputBox("Lütfen Dosyanın Yapılacağı Ayı Sayı ile yazınız", "TCU//QNB Finansbank")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

If ay = 1 Then
aay = "Ocak"

ElseIf ay = 2 Then
aay = "Şubat"

ElseIf ay = 3 Then
aay = "Mart"

ElseIf ay = 4 Then
aay = "Nisan"

ElseIf ay = 5 Then
aay = "Mayıs"

ElseIf ay = 6 Then
aay = "Haziran"

ElseIf ay = 7 Then
aay = "Temmuz"

ElseIf ay = 8 Then
aay = "Ağustos"

ElseIf ay = 9 Then
aay = "Eylül"

ElseIf ay = 10 Then
aay = "Ekim"

ElseIf ay = 11 Then
aay = "Kasım"

ElseIf ay = 12 Then
aay = "Aralık"

End If

'hedef_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\Core Pozisyon Aylık Özet"
'hedef_anadosya = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\" & "Core Pozisyon Özet" & ".xlsm"
'hedef_dizin = "E:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\Core Pozisyon Aylık Özet"
'hedef_anadosya = "E:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\" & "Core Pozisyon Özet" & ".xlsm"

wb = ActiveWorkbook.Name

If aay = "Ocak" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Şubat" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Mart" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Nisan" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Mayıs" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Haziran" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Temmuz" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Ağustos" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Eylül" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Ekim" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Kasım" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

ElseIf aay = "Aralık" Then
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
sutun = Application.Count(Selection) + 2

End If
j = 2
Do Until ActiveSheet.Cells(3, j) = " "

    ilk_gun_tarih = Worksheets(1).Cells(3, j)
        If Day(ilk_gun_tarih) <= 9 Then
        ilkGun = "0" & Day(ilk_gun_tarih)
        yil = Year(ilk_gun_tarih)
        ilkGun = Day(ilk_gun_tarih)
        yil = Year(ilk_gun_tarih)
        End If
        If ay <= 9 Then
        kaynak_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(0" & ay & ")_" & aay
        kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MİZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-0" & ay & "-" & ilkGun & ".xlsx"
        'kaynak_dizin = "E:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(0" & ay & ")_" & aay
        'kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MİZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-0" & ay & "-" & ilkGun & ".xlsx"
        dosya_kapama = "CORE-MİZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-0" & ay & "-" & ilkGun & ".xlsx"
        kaynak_dizin = "G:\HOME\MALIKONT\_Hazine_Kontrol\TCU_" & yil & "\Bilanço_Kontrolleri\Core_Pozisyon\(" & ay & ")_" & aay
        kaynak_dosya = kaynak_dizin & "\CORE-MİZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-" & ay & "-" & ilkGun & ".xlsx"
        dosya_kapama = "CORE-MİZAN Pozisyon Kontrolü_" & yil & "-" & ay & "-" & ilkGun & ".xlsx"
        End If
    Workbooks.Open kaynak_dosya, Editable
    wb_core = ActiveWorkbook.Name
    i = 5
        Do Until i = 24
        If aay = "Ocak" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(1).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Şubat" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(2).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Mart" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(3).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Nisan" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(4).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Mayıs" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(5).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Haziran" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(6).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Temmuz" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(7).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Ağustos" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(8).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Eylül" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(9).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Ekim" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(10).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Kasım" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(11).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        ElseIf aay = "Aralık" Then
        Workbooks(wb).Worksheets(Sheet12).Cells(i - 1, j).Value = Workbooks(wb_core).Worksheets("summary").Cells(i, 7).Value
        End If
        i = i + 1
        Workbooks(dosya_kapama).Close SaveChanges:=False
        j = j + 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
my last problem is the part
 ilk_gun_tarih = Worksheets(1).Cells(3, j)
my problem is Worksheets 1 mean Ocak and if i wanted to do for other months it gives error becouse workdays on months are different how can make it work other things are fixed it works perfectly but one thing it can't see the firs_gun_tarih which means first_day_date i need to find every months first day and all are on b3 on different sheets we got 12 sheets i can find it withc hanging Worksheets(2) or 3 or 4 manually but i couldn't figure out how to work for all the months
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