I have several workbooks that contain a lot (3,500+) of old, unused named ranges, and I want to clean these up by deleting the unused names. Some of my used names are constants or formulas, so not all valid names refer to a range of cells in my workbook. There are no names used in other macros, conditional formatting, etc. I thought the best way to find unused names would be to put all the names into an array, and all the workbook data into a second array, then compare the arrays.
What would be the most efficient way to compare the two arrays, and delete items from the first array that are not found in the second? I found an old post by pbornemier with a function that looks like it should do exactly what I need to compare the two arrays, but I get a compile error when I try to use it, so I can't even test to see for sure if it will do what I need. Seeking further wisdom...
This is what I have so far...
pbornemier's function
Actually, it looks like the Scripting Dictionary is only getting 256 items from aryB, so I'm not sure the function will work for me at all. ... Any other ideas?
What would be the most efficient way to compare the two arrays, and delete items from the first array that are not found in the second? I found an old post by pbornemier with a function that looks like it should do exactly what I need to compare the two arrays, but I get a compile error when I try to use it, so I can't even test to see for sure if it will do what I need. Seeking further wisdom...
This is what I have so far...
Sub DeleteUnusedNames()[INDENT] Dim xWB As Workbook: Set xWB = ActiveWorkbook
[INDENT] Dim xNameCount As Long: xNameCount = xWB.Names.count
Dim xArrNames As Variant: ReDim xArrNames(xWB.Names.count)
Dim xArrWholeData As Variant: ReDim xArrWholeData(xWB.Worksheets.count)
Dim xArrNotUsed As Variant
Dim xNum As Long 'used for looping through worksheets
Dim xCount As Long
For xNum = 1 To xWB.Names.count
[INDENT=2]xArrNames(xNum) = xWB.Names(xNum)[/INDENT]
[INDENT] Next xNum
For xNum = 1 To xWB.Worksheets.count
[INDENT=2]xArrWholeData(xNum) = xWB.Worksheets(xNum).UsedRange.Formula[/INDENT]
[INDENT] Next xNum
xArrNotUsed = ReturnItemsNotInA(xArrWholeData, xArrNames)
xCount = UBound(xArrNotUsed) - LBound(xArrNotUsed) + 1
xArrNotUsed.Delete [B][COLOR=#0000ff]'Not sure if this will work to delete the names??[/COLOR][/B]
If xCount = 0 Then
[INDENT=2]MsgBox "No unused named ranges were found in this workbook", vbOKOnly, "No unused names were found"[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2]MsgBox xCount & " named ranges were deleted", vbOKOnly, "Unused names were deleted"[/INDENT]
End Sub
pbornemier's function
Function ReturnItemsNotInA(aryA As Variant, aryB As Variant) As Variant
' [URL]https://www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/959337-vba-looping-through-two-arrays-find-entries-dont-match.html[/URL][INDENT]
'Receive 2 arrays, compare & return list of items in B not in A
'Modify code depending on how arrays were generated
'If 2D with dimensions (1 to Count, 1 to 1) use (xIndex, 1)
'If 1D with dimension (1 to Count) use (xIndex)[INDENT]
Dim xSD As Object
Dim xIndex As Long
Dim xKey As Variant
Set xSD = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With xSD
[INDENT=2]'Array B
For xIndex = LBound(aryB) To UBound(aryB)
[INDENT=3].Item(aryB(xIndex)) = .Item(aryB(xIndex)) + 1[/INDENT]
[INDENT=2] Next
'Remove items from Array A that are also in Array B
[INDENT=2]For xIndex = LBound(aryA) To UBound(aryA)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=3]If .Exists(aryA(xIndex, 1)) Then .Remove (aryA(xIndex, 1)) [B][COLOR=#0000ff]'Run-time error '9': Subscript our of range[/COLOR][/B][/INDENT]
[INDENT=2] Next
'Get Scripting.Dictionary data to array
[INDENT=2]If .count > 0 Then
[INDENT=3]xKey = .Keys[/INDENT]
[INDENT] End With
ReturnItemsNotInA = xKey
Set xSD = Nothing[/INDENT]
End Function
Actually, it looks like the Scripting Dictionary is only getting 256 items from aryB, so I'm not sure the function will work for me at all. ... Any other ideas?
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