I've looked around and haven't managed to find and/or put together what I'm looking for.
I've made a "template" using text(number/letter/words/symbolss) on PowerPoint as follows:

The same text (numbers in this case) has been inserted into column A in Excel - the Find column.
The text (words) in column B - text to replace with.

My main aim is to compare an array of cells ("A1", "A2", "A3"...) to the input in a Slide and then replace with another array of cells ("B1", "B2", "B3"...) depending on if they match resulting in:

So far, I've managed to get VBA on Excel to open the PowerPoint Presentation through part of the following code:
Even managed to get the first two replacement words to copy over to only one slide using:
Original source:
VBA Copy/Paste Multiple Excel Ranges To PowerPoint Slides
Closest edit of source I've found:
VBA: Populate array from range with range coordinates?
What I come across with the above is an error stating:
"Invalid or unqualified reference."
Regardless, it was a few of my trial and errors which didn't give the results expected
Find/Replace in PPT via Excel VBA
And again in this version above I tried to compare the question and the answer however couldn't find the right variables.
Additional things I've considered (if possible to request)
- Would it be better to split the text templates for the slide on different sheets?
(i.e slide(1) would refer to find and replace on sheet1
slide(2) would refer to find and replace on sheet2
slide(3) would refer to find and replace on sheet3
- Would it be possible to have the replaced text keep the font and color from Excel but keep within the size of the text template in PowerPoint?
- If one of the arrays do not match then only that one is ignored/skipped if possible - otherwise do not continue.
- Max of approx 70 text inputs and arrays to be found/compared (approx. amount might not reach that much)
Finally, :')
I'm fairly new to using Microsoft Applications and though I've spent a lot more time using Google Apps, Microsoft has plenty to offer.
Anyhow, please let me know if there's anything that needs more explaining.
p.s - have tried inputting tags #vba and #powerpoint/#ppt, however are unavailable.
I've made a "template" using text(number/letter/words/symbolss) on PowerPoint as follows:

The same text (numbers in this case) has been inserted into column A in Excel - the Find column.
The text (words) in column B - text to replace with.

My main aim is to compare an array of cells ("A1", "A2", "A3"...) to the input in a Slide and then replace with another array of cells ("B1", "B2", "B3"...) depending on if they match resulting in:

So far, I've managed to get VBA on Excel to open the PowerPoint Presentation through part of the following code:
Rich (BB code):
Set myPresentation = PowerPointApp.Presentations.Add
Set myPresentation = PowerPointApp.Presentations.Open("C:\Users\ctefy\Desktop\Dtvs\Trl\RndTs.pptx")
Even managed to get the first two replacement words to copy over to only one slide using:
Rich (BB code):
Sub PasteMultipleSlides()
'PURPOSE: Copy Excel Ranges and Paste them into the Active PowerPoint presentation slides
'SOURCE: www.TheSpreadsheetGuru.com
Dim myPresentation As Object
Dim mySlide As Object
Dim PowerPointApp As Object
Dim shp As Object
Dim MySlideArray As Variant
Dim MyRangeArray As Variant
Dim x As Long
'Create an Instance of PowerPoint
On Error Resume Next
'Is PowerPoint already opened?
Set PowerPointApp = GetObject(class:="PowerPoint.Application")
'Clear the error between errors
'If PowerPoint is not already open then Exit
If PowerPointApp Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "PowerPoint Presentation is not open, aborting."
Exit Sub
End If
'Handle if the PowerPoint Application is not found
If Err.Number = 429 Then
MsgBox "PowerPoint could not be found, aborting."
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'Open the Presentation
Set myPresentation = PowerPointApp.Presentations.Open("INSERT FILE PATH HERE")
'List of PPT Slides to Paste to
MySlideArray = Array(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
'List of Excel Ranges to Copy from
MyRangeArray = Array(Range("A1"), Range("A2"), Range("A3"), Range("A4"), Range("A5"))
'Loop through Array data
For x = LBound(MySlideArray) To UBound(MySlideArray)
'Copy Excel Range
'Paste to PowerPoint and position
On Error Resume Next
Set shp = myPresentation.Slides(MySlideArray(x)).Shapes.PasteSpecial(DataType:=7) 'Excel 2007-2010
Set shp = PowerPointApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange 'Excel 2013
On Error GoTo 0
'Center Object
With myPresentation.PageSetup
shp.Left = 30
shp.Top = 29
End With
Next x
'Transfer Complete
Application.CutCopyMode = False
MsgBox "Complete!"
End Sub
Original source:
VBA Copy/Paste Multiple Excel Ranges To PowerPoint Slides
Closest edit of source I've found:
VBA: Populate array from range with range coordinates?
What I come across with the above is an error stating:
"Invalid or unqualified reference."
Regardless, it was a few of my trial and errors which didn't give the results expected
Rich (BB code):
Sub ReplacePowerpoint() ' <- You may want to delete this
FindArray = Application.Transpose(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PPTRecapData").Range("A2:A13"))
ReplaceArray = Application.Transpose(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PPTRecapData").Range("B2:B13"))
Dim objPPT As Object
Set objPPT = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
objPPT.Visible = True
For Each sld In objPPT.activepresentation.slides
For Y = LBound(FindArray) To UBound(FindArray)
fnd = FindArray(Y)
rplc = ReplaceArray(Y)
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.HasTextFrame Then
If shp.TextFrame.HasText Then
Set TxtRng = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Find(fnd, 0, True, WholeWords:=msoFalse)
If Not TxtRng Is Nothing Then
Set tmprng = TxtRng.Replace(FindWhat:=fnd, ReplaceWhat:=rplc, WholeWords:=False, MatchCase:=False)
Loop While Not tmprng Is Nothing
End If
End If
End If
Next shp
Next Y
Next sld
AppActivate Application.Caption
MsgBox "Cover Page Population Done!"
'**********************END PPT COVER SLIDE POPULATION
End Sub ' <- You may want to delete this
Find/Replace in PPT via Excel VBA
And again in this version above I tried to compare the question and the answer however couldn't find the right variables.
Additional things I've considered (if possible to request)
- Would it be better to split the text templates for the slide on different sheets?
(i.e slide(1) would refer to find and replace on sheet1
slide(2) would refer to find and replace on sheet2
slide(3) would refer to find and replace on sheet3
- Would it be possible to have the replaced text keep the font and color from Excel but keep within the size of the text template in PowerPoint?
- If one of the arrays do not match then only that one is ignored/skipped if possible - otherwise do not continue.
- Max of approx 70 text inputs and arrays to be found/compared (approx. amount might not reach that much)
Finally, :')
I'm fairly new to using Microsoft Applications and though I've spent a lot more time using Google Apps, Microsoft has plenty to offer.
Anyhow, please let me know if there's anything that needs more explaining.
p.s - have tried inputting tags #vba and #powerpoint/#ppt, however are unavailable.