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I made a sheet with the VBA code posted below.
In there i have 2 methods for checking/recalculating a EAN13 code checkdigit.
But both methods are not correct according to the GS1 website.
I tried looking online (including these forums) to find an improved version of the code, but i could not find it.
Both the CheckDigit and calculateCheckdigit functions use a different approach. But they both come with FALSE results when the EAN13 code is actually correct.
Example: 3270161023430 (where the checkdigit is the last 0 and GS1 validates that this code is correct).
Can anyone help me to get a working/correct EAN13 checkdigit calculator?
I made a sheet with the VBA code posted below.
In there i have 2 methods for checking/recalculating a EAN13 code checkdigit.
But both methods are not correct according to the GS1 website.
I tried looking online (including these forums) to find an improved version of the code, but i could not find it.
Both the CheckDigit and calculateCheckdigit functions use a different approach. But they both come with FALSE results when the EAN13 code is actually correct.
Example: 3270161023430 (where the checkdigit is the last 0 and GS1 validates that this code is correct).
Can anyone help me to get a working/correct EAN13 checkdigit calculator?

VBA Code:
Option Private Module
Public Const Password As String = "1234"
Private Sub Start()
Dim ChecklistLR As Long
Dim Digit As String
Dim Result As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Start routine
PROTOFF (Password)
ChecklistLR = Sheets("Controle").Range("B65534").End(xlUp).Row
i = 0
For i = 4 To ChecklistLR Step 1
Digit = Sheets("Controle").Range("B" & i).value
Result = IsCodeValid2(Digit) 'i also tried IsCodeValid(Digit)
Sheets("Controle").Range("C" & i).value = Result
Next i
'Einde routine
PROTON (Password)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Function IsCodeValid(sNumber As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If Len(sNumber) < 8 Then Exit Function
IsCodeValid = (Right(sNumber, 1) = IsCodeValid = CheckDigit(Left(sNumber, Len(sNumber) - 1)))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Now, sNumber, Err.Number, Err.Description
End Function
Function CheckDigit(ByVal gtin As String) As String
'general purpose check digit calculator
' given all figures except last one, calculate check digit as used for GTIN-8, GTIN-12, EAN13, EDI GLN, etc ...
'parameter: number as string, WITHOUT the last digit
'works with string length up to 254 char
' returns: the last digit
'author: Patrick Honorez -
' notes: provided without any warranties
' Copyleft as long as you keep this header intact
'help for algorithm can be found here:
Dim m() As String, lSum As Long, i As Integer
Dim chk As Integer, large As Long, mult As Byte
'store string into an array
m = Split(StrConv(gtin, vbUnicode), Chr(0))
mult = 3 'multiply initial value is 3
' calc right to left to start with 3 as multiply
For i = UBound(m) - 1 To 0 Step -1 'ignore last value of array: it's always = to chr (0)
lSum = lSum + Val(m(i)) * mult
If mult = 3 Then mult = 1 Else mult = 3 'swap multiply value between 3 and 1
Next i
' find difference between lSum and the 10 that's equal or greater
wide = (lSum \ 10) * 10
If large < lSum Then large = large + 10
chk = large - lSum
CheckDigit = CStr(chk)
End Function
Function IsCodeValid2(sNumber As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If Len(sNumber) < 8 Then Exit Function
IsCodeValid2 = calculateCheckDigit(Left(sNumber, Len(sNumber) - 1))
If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Now, sNumber, Err.Number, Err.Description
End Function
Function calculateCheckDigit(value)
lenval = Len(value)
factor = 3
Sum = 0
For Index = lenval To 1 Step -1
Sum = Sum + (CInt(Mid(value, Index, 1)) * factor)
factor = 4 - factor
calculateCheckDigit = ((1000 - Sum) Mod 10)
End Function
Private Function PROTOFF(Password As String)
' Loop through all sheets in the workbook and unprotect
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
Sheets(i).Unprotect (Password)
Next i
End Function
Private Function PROTON(Password As String)
' Loop through all sheets in the workbook and protect
For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
Sheets(i).Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, AllowUsingPivotTables:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowFiltering:=True, Password:=Password
Next i
End Function