VBA Code Required


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Jul 23, 2010
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  1. 2016
  1. Windows
Hello Friends,

I want to copy specific data in specific format from one worksheet to another (both worksheet in the same workbook)

Here is the short sample data

Running Orders New Style.xlsm
337742163329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Normal143,760Set(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421Bed Set$699,576In Process
437742263329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Dyed + Dispers Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Multiple233,544Pair(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421 - 377422Bed Set - Pillow Pair$452,181In Process
537742363329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Over94,240Set(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421 - 377422 - 377423Bed Set - Pillow Pair$673,612In Process
637742463329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66King37,110Set(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421 - 377422 - 377423 - 377424Bed Set - Pillow Pair$309,762In Process
737742563329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsSide PillowMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Dyed + Dispers Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X6640x145176,532Pc(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421 - 377422 - 377423 - 377424 - 377425Bed Set - Pillow Pair - Side Pillow$307,166In Process
898015463410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Normal59,976Set(s)6-Jun-22OCT - 2021980154Bed Set$249,122In Process
998015563410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66King25,410Set(s)6-Jun-22OCT - 2021980154 - 980155Bed Set$170,777In Process
1098015663410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Over47,976Set(s)6-Jun-22OCT - 2021980154 - 980155 - 980156Bed Set$254,075In Process
1198015763410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Multiple51,240Pair(s)6-Jun-22OCT - 2021980154 - 980155 - 980156 - 980157Bed Set - Pillow Pair$ 41,313In Process
1212345663510-Dec-21ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton100x2003,920Pc(s)13-Feb-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967123456Fitted Sheet$ 14,896Shipped
1312345763510-Dec-21ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton150x2002,400Pc(s)13-Feb-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967123456 - 123457Fitted Sheet$ 12,960Shipped
1422998863614-Dec-21LOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmPigment Printed Rotary100% Cotton30X30 / 76X50Single1,416Set(s)28-Feb-22229988Sheet Set$ 14,168In Process
1522990063614-Dec-21LOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmPigment Printed Rotary100% Cotton30X30 / 76X50Single3,456Set(s)28-Feb-22229988 - 229900Sheet Set$ 41,437In Process
1640317563721-Dec-21OFFTowelTerry Beach TowelCTN 320 GSMReactive Print100% Cotton70x150 cm60,160Pc(s)18-Apr-22Amount in euro increased to 13%403175Terry Beach Towel$205,982In Process
1740317663721-Dec-21OFFTowelPonchoCTN 320 GSMReactive Print100% Cotton60x120 cm56,092Pc(s)18-Apr-22Amount in euro increased to 13%403175 - 403176Terry Beach Towel - Poncho$205,998In Process
183100886387-Jan-22OFFTowelTerry TowelCTN 385 GSMReactive Dyed100% Cotton50x100 cm (2 Pc Set)142,566Set(s)10-Jun-22Young Living ▬ Amount in euro increased to 14%310088Terry Towel$367,307Shipped
193100896387-Jan-22OFFTowelTerry TowelCTN 385 GSMReactive Dyed100% Cotton70x140 cm124,382Pc(s)10-Jun-22Young Living ▬ Amount in euro increased to 14%310088 - 310089Terry Towel$314,786Shipped
2056789163912-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton100x2004,080Pc(s)13-May-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967567891Fitted Sheet$ 15,504Shipped
2156789263912-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton150x2002,220Pc(s)13-May-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967567891 - 567892Fitted Sheet$ 11,988Shipped
2212987564012-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton100x2003,840Pc(s)1-Jun-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967129875Fitted Sheet$ 14,592Shipped
2312987664012-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton150x2002,400Pc(s)1-Jun-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967129875 - 129876Fitted Sheet$ 12,960Shipped
Cell Formulas
R3:R23R3=IF(ISBLANK(B3),"",IF(B3<>B2,A3,IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(A3,R2)),R2,R2&" - "&A3)))
S3:S23S3=IF(ISBLANK(B3),"",IF(B3<>B2,F3,IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(F3,S2)),S2,S2&" - "&F3)))

Sheet 1: Copy from Sheet ORDERS
Sheet2: Copy to Sheet RUNNING ORDER STATUS

I want the data to copied to sheet 2 with following conditions

1) Copy all rows showing "In Process" in Column V from sheet 1 to sheet 2 starting from cell B4
Columns to copy would be A,B,C,D,E,F,G,K,L,M,N & P (Total 12 Columns)

2) Sort Data - 1st by Customer in Alphabetical order then by Ascending order PO ship date

3) Insert a Line when a Ref # changes
a) On the inserted Line: Show 1st instance for columns PO #, REF #, PO Date, Customer, Supplier, Article, Quality, PO Shape Date Columns
b) On the inserted Line: Show "Multiple" if more than one entry is found for Size, Unit & Remarks Columns else show 1st Instance
c) On the inserted Line: Show Total for the Qty Column

4) In Column A add value 1 to all the copied rows & value 2 to all the inserted rows (This is because I will be filtering records further)

5) Content Banding When a Ref # Changes

6) Dark grey color to the Inserted Rows

So, the final look will be like this

Running Orders New Style.xlsm
5137742163329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmNormal143,760Set(s)2-May-22
6137742263329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple233,544Pair(s)2-May-22
7137742363329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmOver94,240Set(s)2-May-22
8137742463329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmKing37,110Set(s)2-May-22
9137742563329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsSide PillowMicrofiber Satin - 100 Gsm40x145176,532Pc(s)2-May-22
10237742163329-Dec-22TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple685,186Multiple2-May-22
11198015463410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmNormal59,976Set(s)6-Jun-22
12198015563410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmKing25,410Set(s)6-Jun-22
13198015663410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmOver47,976Set(s)6-Jun-22
14198015763410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple51,240Pair(s)6-Jun-22
15298015463410-Dec-22TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple184,602Multiple6-Jun-22
16122998863614-Dec-21LOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmSingle1,416Set(s)28-Feb-22
17122990063614-Dec-21LOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmSingle3,456Set(s)28-Feb-22
18222998863614-Dec-22LOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmSingle4,872Set(s)28-Feb-22
19140317563721-Dec-21OFFTowelTerry Beach TowelCTN 320 GSM70x150 cm60,160Pc(s)18-Apr-22Amount in euro increased to 13%
20140317663721-Dec-21OFFTowelPonchoCTN 320 GSM60x120 cm56,092Pc(s)18-Apr-22Amount in euro increased to 13%
21240317563721-Dec-22OFFTowelTerry Beach TowelCTN 320 GSMMultiple116,252Pc(s)18-Apr-22
22137742163329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmNormal143,760Set(s)2-May-22
23137742263329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple233,544Pair(s)2-May-22
24137742363329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmOver94,240Set(s)2-May-22
25137742463329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmKing37,110Set(s)2-May-22
26137742563329-Dec-21TEX 1MillsSide PillowMicrofiber Satin - 100 Gsm40x145176,532Pc(s)2-May-22
27237742163329-Dec-22TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple685,186Multiple2-May-22
28198015463410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmNormal59,976Set(s)6-Jun-22
29198015563410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmKing25,410Set(s)6-Jun-22
30198015663410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmOver47,976Set(s)6-Jun-22
31198015763410-Dec-21TEX 1MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple51,240Pair(s)6-Jun-22
32298015463410-Dec-22TEX 1MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple184,602Multiple6-Jun-22

Any help would be appreciated,


Last edited:
Ok I will again use the XL2BB addin

This is the order sheet, from which the data is supposed to be copied
Running Orders New Style.xlsm
237742163329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Normal143,760Set(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421Bed Set$699,576In Process
337742263329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Dyed + Dispers Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Multiple233,544Pair(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421 - 377422Bed Set - Pillow Pair$452,181In Process
437742363329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Over94,240Set(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421 - 377422 - 377423Bed Set - Pillow Pair$673,612In Process
537742463329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66King37,110Set(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421 - 377422 - 377423 - 377424Bed Set - Pillow Pair$309,762In Process
637742563329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsSide PillowMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Dyed + Dispers Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X6640x145176,532Pc(s)2-May-22OCT - 2021377421 - 377422 - 377423 - 377424 - 377425Bed Set - Pillow Pair - Side Pillow$307,166In Process
798015463410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Normal59,976Set(s)6-Jun-22OCT - 2021980154Bed Set$249,122In Process
898015563410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66King25,410Set(s)6-Jun-22OCT - 2021980154 - 980155Bed Set$170,777In Process
998015663410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Over47,976Set(s)6-Jun-22OCT - 2021980154 - 980155 - 980156Bed Set$254,075In Process
1098015763410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmDisperse Print100% Polyester75D X 200D 107X66Multiple51,240Pair(s)6-Jun-22OCT - 2021980154 - 980155 - 980156 - 980157Bed Set - Pillow Pair$ 41,313In Process
1112345663510-Dec-21ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton100x2003,920Pc(s)13-Feb-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967123456Fitted Sheet$ 14,896Shipped
1212345763510-Dec-21ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton150x2002,400Pc(s)13-Feb-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967123456 - 123457Fitted Sheet$ 12,960Shipped
1322998863614-Dec-21zLOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmPigment Printed Rotary100% Cotton30X30 / 76X50Single1,416Set(s)28-Feb-22229988Sheet Set$ 14,168In Process
1422990063614-Dec-21zLOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmPigment Printed Rotary100% Cotton30X30 / 76X50Single3,456Set(s)28-Feb-22229988 - 229900Sheet Set$ 41,437In Process
1540317563721-Dec-21OFFTowelTerry Beach TowelCTN 320 GSMReactive Print100% Cotton70x150 cm60,160Pc(s)18-Apr-22Amount in euro increased to 13%403175Terry Beach Towel$205,982In Process
1640317663721-Dec-21OFFTowelPonchoCTN 320 GSMReactive Print100% Cotton60x120 cm56,092Pc(s)18-Apr-22Amount in euro increased to 14%403175 - 403176Terry Beach Towel - Poncho$205,998In Process
173100886387-Jan-22OFFTowelTerry TowelCTN 385 GSMReactive Dyed100% Cotton50x100 cm (2 Pc Set)142,566Set(s)10-Jun-22Young Living ▬ Amount in euro increased to 14%310088Terry Towel$367,307Shipped
183100896387-Jan-22OFFTowelTerry TowelCTN 385 GSMReactive Dyed100% Cotton70x140 cm124,382Pc(s)10-Jun-22Young Living ▬ Amount in euro increased to 14%310088 - 310089Terry Towel$314,786Shipped
1956789163912-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton100x2004,080Pc(s)13-May-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967567891Fitted Sheet$ 15,504In Process
2056789263912-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmReactive Dyed100% Cotton30'S Cotton150x2002,220Pc(s)13-May-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967567891 - 567892Fitted Sheet$ 11,988In Process
Cell Formulas
R2:R20R2=IF(ISBLANK(B2),"",IF(B2<>B1,A2,IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(A2,R1)),R1,R1&" - "&A2)))
S2:S20S2=IF(ISBLANK(B2),"",IF(B2<>B1,F2,IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(F2,S1)),S1,S1&" - "&F2)))

And this is the result sheet

Running Orders New Style.xlsm
4140317563721-Dec-21OFFTowelTerry Beach TowelCTN 320 GSM70x150 cm60,160Pc(s)18-Apr-22Amount in euro increased to 13%
5140317663721-Dec-21OFFTowelPonchoCTN 320 GSM60x120 cm56,092Pc(s)18-Apr-22Amount in euro increased to 14%
6240317563721-Dec-21OFFTowelTerry Beach TowelCTN 320 GSMMultiple116,252Pc(s)18-Apr-22Multiple
7156789163912-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 Gsm100x2004,080Pc(s)13-May-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967
8156789263912-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 Gsm150x2002,220Pc(s)13-May-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967
9256789163912-Jan-22ROS 2UsmanFitted SheetCTN Jersey - 135 GsmMultiple6,300Pc(s)13-May-22Best Price & Easy Sleep - Contract # 21176967
10137742163329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmNormal143,760Set(s)2-May-22
11137742263329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple233,544Pair(s)2-May-22
12137742363329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmOver94,240Set(s)2-May-22
13137742463329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmKing37,110Set(s)2-May-22
14137742563329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsSide PillowMicrofiber Satin - 100 Gsm40x145176,532Pc(s)2-May-22
15237742163329-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple685,186Multiple2-May-22
16198015463410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmNormal59,976Set(s)6-Jun-22
17198015563410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmKing25,410Set(s)6-Jun-22
18198015663410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmOver47,976Set(s)6-Jun-22
19198015763410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsPillow PairMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple51,240Pair(s)6-Jun-22
20298015463410-Dec-21TEX 11MillsBed SetMicrofiber Satin - 100 GsmMultiple184,602Multiple6-Jun-22
21122998863614-Dec-21zLOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmSingle1,416Set(s)28-Feb-22
22122990063614-Dec-21zLOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmSingle3,456Set(s)28-Feb-22
23222998863614-Dec-21zLOSFabricsSheet SetCTN Renforce - 100 GsmSingle4,872Set(s)28-Feb-22

And this is the final code I am using

VBA Code:
Sub CopyData()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim LastRow As Long, srcWS As Worksheet, desWS As Worksheet, rng As Range, x As Long, i As Long, fRow As Long, lRow As Long, y As Long: y = 19
    Set srcWS = Sheets("ORDERS")
    Set desWS = Sheets("RUNNING ORDER STATUS")
    With srcWS
        .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter 22, "In Process"
        Intersect(.AutoFilter.Range, .Range("A:G,K:N,P:P")).Copy desWS.Range("B3")
    End With
    LastRow = desWS.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1
    With desWS.Sort
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("E3:E" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("L3:L" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SetRange Range("B3:M" & LastRow)
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    For x = LastRow To 5 Step -1
        With desWS
            If .Cells(x, 3) <> .Cells(x - 1, 3) Then
            End If
        End With
    Next x
    LastRow = desWS.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    With desWS.Range("B4:B" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
        For i = 1 To .Areas.Count
            fRow = .Areas(i).Cells(1).Row
            lRow = .Areas(i).Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            With desWS
                .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":M" & lRow + 1).Value = .Range("B" & fRow & ":M" & fRow).Value
                .Range("J" & lRow + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(.Range("J" & fRow & ":J" & lRow))
                .Range("A" & fRow & ":A" & lRow) = 1
                .Range("A" & fRow & ":M" & lRow).Interior.ColorIndex = y
                .Range("A" & lRow + 1) = 2
                .Range("A" & lRow + 1 & ":M" & lRow + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
                Set rng = .Range("I" & fRow & ":I" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("I" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                    .Range("I" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                Set rng = .Range("K" & fRow & ":K" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("K" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                    .Range("K" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                Set rng = .Range("M" & fRow & ":M" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                ElseIf rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "") Then
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = ""
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                If y = 19 Then
                    y = 20
                    y = 19
                End If
            End With
        Next i
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I only require 2 changes in the above code

1) At the moment, code is copying the data with the headings starting from row # 3. What I want is, I will type in the headings manually once & format it once manually. I want the code to copy data without the headings starting from row # 4

2) When I re-run the code, don't do anything From row # 1 to 3. Like leave the headings & its formats as it is & erase everything from row # 4 till the last row, before copying fresh data so that it does not get overlap with the existing data
Upvote 0
VBA Code:
Sub CopyData()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim LastRow As Long, srcWS As Worksheet, desWS As Worksheet, rng As Range, x As Long, i As Long, fRow As Long, lRow As Long, y As Long: y = 19
    Set srcWS = Sheets("ORDERS")
    Set desWS = Sheets("RUNNING ORDER STATUS")
    With srcWS
        .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter 22, "In Process"
        Intersect(.AutoFilter.Range, .Range("A:G,K:N,P:P")).Copy desWS.Range("B1")
    End With
    LastRow = desWS.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    With desWS.Sort
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("E2:E" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("L2:L" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SetRange Range("B1:M" & LastRow)
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    For x = LastRow To 3 Step -1
        With desWS
            If .Cells(x, 3) <> .Cells(x - 1, 3) Then
            End If
        End With
    Next x
    LastRow = desWS.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    With desWS.Range("B2:B" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
        For i = 1 To .Areas.Count
            fRow = .Areas(i).Cells(1).Row
            lRow = .Areas(i).Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            With desWS
                .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":M" & lRow + 1).Value = .Range("B" & fRow & ":M" & fRow).Value
                .Range("J" & lRow + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(.Range("J" & fRow & ":J" & lRow))
                .Range("A" & fRow & ":A" & lRow) = 1
                .Range("A" & fRow & ":M" & lRow).Interior.ColorIndex = y
                .Range("A" & lRow + 1) = 2
                .Range("A" & lRow + 1 & ":M" & lRow + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
                Set rng = .Range("I" & fRow & ":I" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("I" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                    .Range("I" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                Set rng = .Range("K" & fRow & ":K" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("K" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                    .Range("K" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                Set rng = .Range("M" & fRow & ":M" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                ElseIf rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "") Then
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = ""
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                If y = 19 Then
                    y = 20
                    y = 19
                End If
            End With
        Next i
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
Thanks mumps but it did not work as it is now pasting the data to the destination sheet starting from row # 1 with the headers
Whereas I wanted it to copy the data without the headers & start pasting in the destination sheet starting from Row # 4

Anyways, Just a bit of amendment in your code did the trick

VBA Code:
 Intersect(.AutoFilter.Range, .Range("A:G,K:N,P:P")).Offset(1, 0).Copy desWS.Range("B4")

since I did not want to copy the headers from the source sheet, all I did is added the offset function telling the code not to copy row # 1 and set the desWS.Range("B4") so that it starts pasting from row # 4

Thanks again for your time & effort you have put in to help me out. Job is done now :)

Just out of curiosity & for learning purpose, can you please tell me what the below part of the code is actually doing

VBA Code:
For x = LastRow To 5 Step -1
        With desWS
             If .Cells(x, 3) <> .Cells(x - 1, 3) Then
            End If
        End With
Upvote 0
That code loops through the rows starting from the last row going up to the fifth row and inserts a blank row at each change in column C.
Upvote 0
That code loops through the rows starting from the last row going up to the fifth row and inserts a blank row at each change in column C.

After reading this reply, I just tried to play with the code a bit. Like I changed the column number from 3 to 13 & it did exactly as you said so
Many Thanks, Great Learning for me
Upvote 0
You are very welcome. :)
Hi mumps,

One more question as I am still in learning stage
Can we change this part of the code to count unique entries instead of sum

VBA Code:
.Range("K" & lRow + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(.Range("K" & fRow & ":K" & lRow))

I tried changing it to count & it does, but I can't get it to work to count unique values
Upvote 0
Is this what you want?
VBA Code:
Sub CopyData()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim LastRow As Long, srcWS As Worksheet, desWS As Worksheet, rng As Range, dic As Object
    Dim cel As Range, x As Long, i As Long, fRow As Long, lRow As Long, y As Long: y = 19
    Set srcWS = Sheets("ORDERS")
    Set desWS = Sheets("RUNNING ORDER STATUS")
    With srcWS
        .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter 22, "In Process"
        Intersect(.AutoFilter.Range, .Range("A:G,K:N,P:P")).Copy desWS.Range("B1")
    End With
    LastRow = desWS.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    With desWS.Sort
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("E2:E" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("L2:L" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SetRange Range("B1:M" & LastRow)
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    For x = LastRow To 3 Step -1
        With desWS
            If .Cells(x, 3) <> .Cells(x - 1, 3) Then
            End If
        End With
    Next x
    LastRow = desWS.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    With desWS.Range("B2:B" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
        For i = 1 To .Areas.Count
            fRow = .Areas(i).Cells(1).Row
            lRow = .Areas(i).Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
            With desWS
                .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":M" & lRow + 1).Value = .Range("B" & fRow & ":M" & fRow).Value
                .Range("J" & lRow + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(.Range("J" & fRow & ":J" & lRow))
                .Range("A" & fRow & ":A" & lRow) = 1
                .Range("A" & fRow & ":M" & lRow).Interior.ColorIndex = y
                .Range("A" & lRow + 1) = 2
                .Range("A" & lRow + 1 & ":M" & lRow + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
                Set rng = .Range("I" & fRow & ":I" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("I" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                    .Range("I" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                Set rng = .Range("K" & fRow & ":K" & lRow)
                Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                For Each cel In rng
                    If Not dic.exists(cel.Value) Then
                        dic.Add cel.Value, Nothing
                    End If
                Next cel
                .Range("K" & lRow + 1) = dic.Count
                Set rng = .Range("M" & fRow & ":M" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                ElseIf rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "") Then
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = ""
                    .Range("M" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                If y = 19 Then
                    y = 20
                    y = 19
                End If
            End With
        Next i
    End With
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Upvote 0
Hi Mumps,
Bingo! Works Just Perfect
I have done a lot of tweaking with code you provided & everything is working just PERFECT

Here is the final code. Please check the red part containing the count unique value & guide me, is it the right way of doing it
What I did is, tell the code that if the unique count = 1 then just show rng(1) otherwise count unique & show units besides the count number
It is working as intended - but, still I would request you to check it & let me know if the approach is right ?

VBA Code:
Sub copydata()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim LastRow As Long, srcWS As Worksheet, desWS As Worksheet, rng As Range, x As Long, i As Long, fRow As Long, lRow As Long, y As Long: y = 19
    Set srcWS = Sheets("ORDERS")
    Set desWS = Sheets("RUNNING ORDER STATUS")
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
    Rows("4:1000").EntireRow.Hidden = False
    With srcWS
        .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter 22, "In Process"
        Intersect(.AutoFilter.Range, .Range("A:G,K:N,P:P")).Offset(1, 0).Copy desWS.Range("C4")
    End With
    LastRow = desWS.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row + 1
    With desWS.Sort
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("G3:G" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("M3:M" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SortFields.Add Key:=Range("D3:D" & LastRow), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
        .SetRange Range("C3:N" & LastRow)
        .Header = xlYes
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    For x = LastRow To 5 Step -1
        With desWS
            If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 1" And .Cells(x, 7) <> .Cells(x - 1, 7) Then .Rows(x).EntireRow.Insert
            If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 2" And .Cells(x, 4) <> .Cells(x - 1, 4) Then .Rows(x).EntireRow.Insert
            If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 3" And .Cells(x, 4) <> .Cells(x - 1, 4) Then .Rows(x).EntireRow.Insert
        End With
    Next x
    LastRow = desWS.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
    With desWS.Range("G4:G" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
        For i = 1 To .Areas.Count
            fRow = .Areas(i).Cells(1).Row
            lRow = .Areas(i).Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
With desWS

    .Range("C" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Value = .Range("C" & fRow & ":N" & fRow).Value
    .Range("K" & lRow + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Sum(.Range("K" & fRow & ":K" & lRow))
    .Range("B" & fRow & ":B" & lRow) = 1
    .Range("B" & fRow & ":N" & lRow).Interior.ColorIndex = y
    .Range("B" & fRow & ":N" & lRow).Interior.TintAndShade = 0.5
.Range("B" & lRow + 1) = 2
If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 1" Then .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = y
If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 1" Then .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Interior.TintAndShade = 0.5
If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 1" Then .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Font.Bold = False
If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 2" Then .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = y
If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 2" Then .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Interior.TintAndShade = 0.5
If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 2" Then .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Font.Bold = False
If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 3" Then .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 15
If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 3" Then .Range("B" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Font.Bold = True
    .Range("C" & fRow & ":N" & lRow).Borders(xlInsideVertical).Weight = xlThin
    .Range("C" & fRow & ":N" & lRow).Borders(xlInsideVertical).ColorIndex = 15
    .Range("C" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Borders(xlInsideVertical).Weight = xlThin
    .Range("C" & lRow + 1 & ":N" & lRow + 1).Borders(xlInsideVertical).ColorIndex = 15
'(START) Apply horizontal broders___________________________________________________

If Range("H1").Value = "LEVEL 1" Then
    .Range("C" & fRow & ":N" & lRow + 2).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).Weight = xlThin
    .Range("C" & fRow & ":N" & lRow + 2).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).ColorIndex = 15
End If
'(END) Apply horizontal broders_____________________________________________________
    Set rng = .Range("J" & fRow & ":J" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("J" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                    .Range("J" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
'    Set rng = .Range("L" & fRow & ":L" & lRow)
'                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
'                    .Range("L" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
'                Else
'                    .Range("L" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
'                End If

[COLOR=rgb(235, 107, 86)][B]Set rng = .Range("L" & fRow & ":L" & lRow)
                Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
                For Each cel In rng
                    If Not dic.exists(cel.Value) Then
                        dic.Add cel.Value, Nothing
                    End If
                    Next cel
                .Range("L" & lRow + 1) = dic.Count & " Unit(s)"
             If .Range("L" & lRow + 1) = 1 & " Unit(s)" Then
                     .Range("L" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                End If[/B][/COLOR]
    Set rng = .Range("N" & fRow & ":N" & lRow)
                If rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, rng(1)) Then
                    .Range("N" & lRow + 1) = rng(1)
                ElseIf rng.Count = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rng, "") Then
                    .Range("N" & lRow + 1) = ""
                    .Range("N" & lRow + 1) = "Multiple"
                End If
                If y = 19 Then
                    y = 20
                    y = 19
                End If
            End With
        Next i

    End With

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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