Option Explicit
'On another sheet "CalcPlot"
Private Sub CommandButton21_Click()
[c5] = Timer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
[d5] = Timer - [c5]
End Sub
Sub OutITT()
' makes data labels if XY scatter Graph better to read
Dim v#, ri%, Rot%, DR#
Rot = 10: DR = 1.2
For ri = 11 To 29
Rot = Rot + 1 ' back to point
Cells(Rot, 10) = Cells(ri, 6)
Cells(Rot, 11) = Cells(ri, 7)
Cells(Rot, 12) = Cells(ri, 6)
Cells(Rot, 13) = Cells(ri, 7)
v = Cells(ri, 8)
' back from bearing to OX rotation
v = 90 - v
If v < -90 Then v = 360 + v
v = v * 22 / 7 / 180 ' * Deg2Rad
' Go out in the bearing and back to dray its direction
Rot = Rot + 1 ' out in direction
Cells(Rot, 10) = Cells(Rot - 1, 10) + DR * Cos(v)
Cells(Rot, 11) = Cells(Rot - 1, 11) + 10 * DR * Sin(v) ' y scale about 10* X scale
Cells(Rot, 13) = Cells(ri, 8)
Rot = Rot + 1 ' back to point
Cells(Rot, 10) = Cells(Rot - 2, 10)
Cells(Rot, 11) = Cells(Rot - 2, 11)
Next ri
Range("j4").Resize(67, 4).Cells.NumberFormat = "0.0"
End Sub
Sub CalcG()
Dim LH%, Wc As Worksheet, Ti%, Rot%, rS#
Dim sRiseA#, sSetA#, RiseTime#, SetTime#, RiseAzimuth#, SetAzimuth#
Set Wc = Sheets("Calculations")
'NOAA solar Calculations with "D4 to end cell deleted
'have al ook at it as it is first
' http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/so...lcdetails.html
Wc.Cells(3, 4) = [b7] ' set the Date [D3] to what everdate is in B7 of this sheet
Rot = 10 ' Row Out
RiseTime = Wc.Cells(3, 25)
Wc.Cells(6, 2) = RiseTime
RiseAzimuth = Wc.Cells(3, 34)
sRiseA = Wc.Cells(3, 33)
RiseAzimuth = Wc.Cells(3, 34)
RiseTime = RiseTime * 24
SetTime = Wc.Cells(3, 26)
Wc.Cells(6, 2) = SetTime
sSetA = Wc.Cells(3, 33)
SetAzimuth = Wc.Cells(3, 34)
SetTime = SetTime * 24 '
For Ti = 4 To 20
rS = Ti
If Ti > RiseTime And RiseTime <> 0 Then ' put in rise
Rot = Rot + 1
Cells(Rot, 6) = RiseTime
Cells(Rot, 7) = sRiseA
Cells(Rot, 8) = RiseAzimuth
RiseTime = 0 ' stop redo
End If
If Ti > SetTime And SetTime <> 0 Then ' put in set
Rot = Rot + 1
Cells(Rot, 6) = SetTime
Cells(Rot, 7) = sSetA
Cells(Rot, 8) = SetAzimuth
SetTime = 0 ' stop repeat
End If
Rot = Rot + 1
Wc.Cells(6, 2) = rS / 24 ' time
Cells(Rot, 6) = rS
Cells(Rot, 7) = Wc.Cells(3, 33)
Cells(Rot, 8) = Wc.Cells(3, 34)
Next Ti
End Sub
Sub Labelit()
Dim ri, SS$
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate
For ri = 2 To 56 Step 3
SS = "='CalcPlot'!R" & ri + 10 & "C13"
Selection.Formula = SS
Next ri
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton22_Click()
End Sub