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Thanks in advance for your assistance.
How can I get the code to delete any row with a date in Column B that is contained in the name range “Holidays”?
In a series of dates in a column (Column B) starting in row 7 of sheet “WL.Menu”, I would like to delete any date that falls on a weekend or holiday. The holidays or in another sheet “Name.Ranges” where they are Globally (Workbook) named (name range) “Holidays”.
I check the weekend with the function Weekday and the code is as follows and works. No issues there.
The issue is with the holidays. I developed a function to check if the date within “WL.Menu” is within “Holidays”, but it never gives indication if the date is within the name range “Holidays”. I believe the issue is with the date format as when use a number “1” and format it as general it works.
The code is as follows:
The functions used are:
LastRow_Val1 = LastRowColF(SheetName, ColNum)
Date_Holiday = Date_HolidayF(WL_Date)
Checks to see if the Sheet Exists:
How can I get the code to delete any row with a date in Column B that is contained in the name range “Holidays”?
In a series of dates in a column (Column B) starting in row 7 of sheet “WL.Menu”, I would like to delete any date that falls on a weekend or holiday. The holidays or in another sheet “Name.Ranges” where they are Globally (Workbook) named (name range) “Holidays”.
I check the weekend with the function Weekday and the code is as follows and works. No issues there.
VBA Code:
If Weekday(WL_Date) = 7 Or Weekday(WL_Date) = 1 Then
The issue is with the holidays. I developed a function to check if the date within “WL.Menu” is within “Holidays”, but it never gives indication if the date is within the name range “Holidays”. I believe the issue is with the date format as when use a number “1” and format it as general it works.
The code is as follows:
VBA Code:
Sub WL_Insert()
'01. Turn off alerts, screen updates, and automatic calculation
'Activate Workbook
'Workbooks(“ACT - Watchlist, Historical - " & "(" & "Active" & ")").Activate
'Turn off Display Alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Turn off Screen Update
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Turn off Automatic Calculations
Application.Calculation = xlManual
'02. Dimensioning
'Dimensioning Long
Dim i As Long
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim LastRowColA As Long
Dim LastRow_Val As Long
Dim LastRow_Val1 As Long
Dim LastRow_Val2 As Long
Dim Count As Long
Dim ColNum As Long
Dim Sht_Start As Long
Dim Sht_End As Long
'Dimensioning Sheets
Dim Sht_Place As Worksheet
'Dimensioning Words/Strings
Dim WL_Date As String
Dim SheetName As String
Dim Date_Holiday As String
'03. Activate the Watch List Menu tab "WL.Menu", find the last row within column B
'Activate the StockList sheet
'Set SheetName to "WL.Menu" and column number to 1 so it can find the last row
SheetName = "WL.Menu"
ColNum = 2
LastRow_Val1 = LastRowColF(SheetName, ColNum)
'Delete any weekends and holidays
For i = LastRow_Val1 To 7 Step -1
WL_Date = Range("B" & i).Value
Date_Holiday = Date_HolidayF(WL_Date)
MsgBox WL_Date
MsgBox Weekday(WL_Date)
MsgBox Date_Holiday
If Weekday(WL_Date) = 7 Or Weekday(WL_Date) = 1 Then
ElseIf Date_Holiday = "Yes" Then
End If
Next i
'Find the last row of all dates and then the last row for the sheets that exist already
ColNum = 2
LastRow_Val1 = LastRowColF(SheetName, ColNum)
ColNum = 4
LastRow_Val2 = LastRowColF(SheetName, ColNum) + 1 'starts with the first blank entry
Set Sht_Place = Sheets("WL.START")
If Range("A" & LastRow_Val2 - 1).Value = "NO." Then
Count = 0
Count = Range("A" & LastRow_Val2 - 1).Value
End If
With Sht_Place
For i = LastRow_Val2 To LastRow_Val1
'Inserts the WL number in column A
Cells(i, 1) = Count + 1
Count = Count + 1
'Inserts the Tab Name into Column C
Cells(i, 3) = Format(Cells(i, 2), "YYYY.MM.DD")
'Inserts the word "Current" in column D
Cells(i, 4).Value = "Current"
'Check if the sheet exists:
SheetName = Cells(i, 3).Value
Exist = FSheetExists(SheetName)
'If then Condition to make sheet if it does not exist
If Exist = "No" Then
'Make the Sheet
WL_Date = Sheets("WL.Menu").Cells(i, 3).Value
ActiveSheet.Copy After:=Sht_Place
ActiveSheet.Name = WL_Date
'Format(WL_Date, "YYYY.MM.DD")
Sheets(WL_Date).Tab.Color = 13434879
Set Sht_Place = Sheets(WL_Date)
'Sets the hyperlink in the "WL.Menu" Tab
Range("C" & i).Select
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", _
SubAddress:=WL_Date & "!A7"
Sheets("WL.Menu").Cells(i, 3).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End If
Next i
End With
'Arrange the sheets in decending order
Sht_Start = Worksheets("WL.START").Index
Sht_End = Worksheets("WL.END").Index
For i = Sht_Start + 1 To Sht_End - 1
For j = Sht_Start + 1 To Sht_End - 2
If UCase$(Application.Sheets(j).Name) < UCase$(Application.Sheets(j + 1).Name) Then
Sheets(j).Move After:=Sheets(j + 1)
End If
'Format the columns
'Activate the "WL.Menu" tab
'Format column A
Range("A7:A" & LastRow_Val1).Select
Range("A7:A" & LastRow_Val1).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
'Format column B
Range("B7:B" & LastRow_Val1).Select
Range("B7:B" & LastRow_Val1).NumberFormat = "YYYY-MM-DD, DDD"
Range("B7:B" & LastRow_Val1).HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
'Format column C
Range("C7:C" & LastRow_Val1).Select
Range("C7:C" & LastRow_Val1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
'Format Column D
Range("D7:D" & LastRow_Val1).Select
Range("D7:D" & LastRow_Val1).HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
'Select the cell for the cursor to rest
Range("C" & LastRow_Val1).Select
'Turn on alerts, screen updates, and calculate
'Turn On Display Alerts
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
'Turn on Screen Update
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'Turn off Automatic Calculations
End Sub
The functions used are:
LastRow_Val1 = LastRowColF(SheetName, ColNum)
VBA Code:
'This function finds the last row within a worksheet/tab for a particular column
Function LastRowColF(ByVal SheetName As String, ByVal ColNum As Long) As Long
Dim WkS As Worksheet
Set WkS = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(SheetName)
LastRowColF = WkS.Cells(Rows.Count, ColNum).End(xlUp).Row
End Function
Date_Holiday = Date_HolidayF(WL_Date)
VBA Code:
'This function checks if the date is a holiday
Function Date_HolidayF(WL_Date As String) As String
Dim Stocks_Sheet As Worksheet
Dim Search_Range As Range
Dim Find_Range As Range
'Activate the Stock Sheet and Search for the date
Set Search_Range = Range("Holidays")
Set Find_Range = Search_Range.Find(What:=WL_Date, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
'Logic if the date is a Holiday or not
If Find_Range Is Nothing Then
Date_HolidayF = "No"
Date_HolidayF = "Yes"
End If
End Function
Checks to see if the Sheet Exists:
VBA Code:
Function SheetExistsF(SheetName As String) As String
Dim Obj As Object
On Error GoTo HandleError
Set Obj = Worksheets(SheetName)
FSheetExists = "Yes"
Exit Function
FSheetExists = "No"
End Function