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- Apr 6, 2016
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Hi all
I'm trying to generate some box-plots of data that meets several requirements.
Basically, I'm looping all data in shData, see if the value meets the conditions and if so, add the cell content to an array. Once the array is filled, I print min, max, avg... so I can make a boxplot.
Now it seems that the array I've made / filled doesn't respond well to some worksheetfunctions (read: none ?)
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I'm trying to generate some box-plots of data that meets several requirements.
Basically, I'm looping all data in shData, see if the value meets the conditions and if so, add the cell content to an array. Once the array is filled, I print min, max, avg... so I can make a boxplot.
Now it seems that the array I've made / filled doesn't respond well to some worksheetfunctions (read: none ?)
'All necessary variables are declared above
Dim shData As Worksheet, shOverview As Worksheet
'Start calculations
For k = 4 To (iColumn - 1) 'For as long as there are dates to evaluate
shOverview.Select ' working in the correct sheet
Startdate = shOverview.Cells(4, k) 'in column k, row 4 is the startdate
EndDate = shOverview.Cells(5, k) 'in column k, row 5 is the enddate
'i = 7 Start of table "thickness range" (purely for convenience of the sheet-layout, protected sheet in endues)
For i = 7 To shOverview.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'For as long as there are parameters to evaluate in row a ...
On Error Resume Next 'Title rows --> not a searcheable string --> skip
iParameter = fncTranslateParameter(shOverview.Cells(i, 1)) 'iParameter returns the column number of shData in which the desired data is (basically a vlookup function)
'Only if the evaluated parameter in the evaluated cell is available in sheet "selection criteria" (see vlookup)
If (iParameter <> 0) Then
'Initialize all necessary variables to be printed
iCount = 0
dblGemiddelde = 0
dblSum = 0
dblStdDev = 0
dblMin = 10000 'I know this is ugly programming, but here lies the problem
dblMax = 0 'Same remark
'Evaluate line per line of shData --> if value is valid, do some calculations
For j = 1 To shData.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'From row 1 to (amount of rows in sheet "data")
If (shData.Cells(j, 2) >= CDbl(Startdate) And shData.Cells(j, 2) <= CDbl(EndDate)) Then 'Correct data range
If (shData.Cells(j, fncTranslateParameter("Dikte")) >= shOverview.Cells(i, 2) And shData.Cells(j, fncTranslateParameter("Dikte")) < shOverview.Cells(i, 3)) Then 'it is the valid thickness range
If (shData.Cells(j, iParameter) <> 0 And Len(shData.Cells(j, iParameter)) > 0) Then
iCount = iCount + 1
If shData.Cells(j, iParameter) < dblMin Then dblMin = shData.Cells(j, iParameter)
If shData.Cells(j, iParameter) > dblMax Then dblMax = shData.Cells(j, iParameter)
ReDim Preserve aValues(iCount) As Double
aValues(iCount) = shData.Cells(j, iParameter) 'This actually works, I can print aValues() with a loop or something
dblSum = dblSum + aValues(iCount)
End If 'empty cell or zero
End If 'not the required thickness
End If 'not in the required date-range
Next 'j loop --> Evaluate the next line in shData
'Fill in the i-th line & line i until i+5 (necessary boxplot values)
If (iCount > 0) Then
dblGemiddelde = dblSum / UBound(aValues) ' average calculation
For a = 1 To UBound(aValues()) 'stdDev calculation
dblStdDev = dblStdDev + (aValues(a) - dblGemiddelde) ^ 2
Cells(i + 0, k) = Round(dblMin, 1) 'Round(dblGemiddelde, 1) 'WORKS
Cells(i + 1, k) = Round(Application.WorksheetFunction.Quartile(aValues(), 0), 1) 'Round(Application.WorksheetFunction.Quartile(aValues(), 1), 1) 'Bottom = Q1 ' RETURNS 0
Cells(i + 2, k) = Round(Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(aValues()), 1) 'Round(Application.WorksheetFunction.Quartile(aValues(), 2) - Application.WorksheetFunction.Quartile(aValues(), 1), 1) 'Q2 box = median - Q1 ' RETURNS 0
Cells(i + 3, k) = Round(Application.WorksheetFunction.Small(aValues(), 1), 1) 'Round(Application.WorksheetFunction.Quartile(aValues(), 3) - Application.WorksheetFunction.Quartile(aValues(), 2), 1) 'Q3 box = Q3- median ' RETURNS 0
Cells(i + 4, k) = "a" 'Round(Application.WorksheetFunction.Quartile(aValues(), 1) - dblMin, 1) 'whisker - ' calculation wrong, for debugging purposes
Cells(i + 5, k) = "a" 'Round(dblMax - Application.WorksheetFunction.Quartile(aValues(), 3), 1) 'whisker + ' calculation wrong, for debugging purposes
End If 'iCount was not zero --> line was filled in
i = i + 5 'because I fill in 5 rows per evaluated parameter
End If 'iParameter was not zero --> no error
iParameter = 0
Next 'i loop --> rows with data to evaluate
Next 'k loop --> columns 4 to (iColumn-1)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Any help would be greatly appreciated