Thanks much in advance for reading. It's really not an overly confusing concept, and I've tried to lay it out as simply as possible!
I have some VBA code (not my own) that successfully returns combination sums between a defined range. A quick summary of what that even means, then my issue.
Example: my range is 5 ("Q1") to 10 ("S1"). My number list is 1, 1, 3, 4, 9 (column "A")
VBA would return strings of 1,1,3 (sum of 5); 1,1,3,4 (sum of 9); 1,1,4 (sum of 6), and so on and so forth. Literally every unique combination that sums between 5 -10. It returns the string in a cell ("C2"), moving down a row for every string. Lots of rows usually, I'm sure you can imagine.
Hopefully that's simple enough to track.
My problem is that I want to LIMIT the length of the strings it returns. I only want strings with 1-3 numbers included. So in my above example, the 1,1,3,4 (sum of 9) would preferably not return. Without this limitation, when my number lists get longer, Excel explodes due to having so many qualifying strings to return. I want to reduce the processing required - and only need the data from the smaller 1-3 number strings anyways.
Any suggestions? I wish I was more familiar with VBA, and I've wasted a lot of time already trying to work it out myself as a layman..
My main thought so far is adding a 3rd If statement in the 2nd paragraph of code that somehow accomplishes this.
Thanks much in advance for reading. It's really not an overly confusing concept, and I've tried to lay it out as simply as possible!
I have some VBA code (not my own) that successfully returns combination sums between a defined range. A quick summary of what that even means, then my issue.
Example: my range is 5 ("Q1") to 10 ("S1"). My number list is 1, 1, 3, 4, 9 (column "A")
VBA would return strings of 1,1,3 (sum of 5); 1,1,3,4 (sum of 9); 1,1,4 (sum of 6), and so on and so forth. Literally every unique combination that sums between 5 -10. It returns the string in a cell ("C2"), moving down a row for every string. Lots of rows usually, I'm sure you can imagine.
Hopefully that's simple enough to track.
My problem is that I want to LIMIT the length of the strings it returns. I only want strings with 1-3 numbers included. So in my above example, the 1,1,3,4 (sum of 9) would preferably not return. Without this limitation, when my number lists get longer, Excel explodes due to having so many qualifying strings to return. I want to reduce the processing required - and only need the data from the smaller 1-3 number strings anyways.
Any suggestions? I wish I was more familiar with VBA, and I've wasted a lot of time already trying to work it out myself as a layman..
My main thought so far is adding a 3rd If statement in the 2nd paragraph of code that somehow accomplishes this.

VBA Code:
Dim inparr() As Double, outarr() As String
Sub test()
Dim arr, i As Long
arr = Range(Cells(2, "A"), Cells(Rows.count, "A").End(xlUp)).Value
ReDim inparr(1 To UBound(arr))
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
inparr(i) = arr(i, 1)
Next i
ReDim outarr(1 To 1)
check_next_one "", 0, 0
If Range("C2") <> "" Then Range("C2").CurrentRegion.Clear
With Range("C2").Resize(UBound(outarr) - 1, 1)
.Value = Application.Transpose(outarr)
End With
End Sub
Sub check_next_one(ByVal currentset As String, ByVal currentsum As Double, ByVal currentposition As Long)
Dim i As Long
If currentsum <= Range("S1") Then 'else do nothing
If currentsum >= Range("Q1") Then 'it's one of solutions
i = UBound(outarr)
ReDim Preserve outarr(1 To i + 1)
outarr(i) = currentset
End If
For i = currentposition + 1 To UBound(inparr)
check_next_one currentset & inparr(i) & ",", currentsum + inparr(i), i
Next i
End If
End Sub