I have been having issues with loading a password into a userform. And i am wondering where below i am asking the VB to match a value in combobox1 if it can be more than 1 option.
With this i mean i have 30 managers who have 3 people working issues they have. Is there anyway i can write the following
If UserForm2.ComboBox1 = "Manager1", "Manager2", "Manager 3" etc..
If it doesnt match the first set it looks at the next set of names. I think i may need to create a loop for the 3 sets but i am unsure of how to do this.
All help appreciated
I have been having issues with loading a password into a userform. And i am wondering where below i am asking the VB to match a value in combobox1 if it can be more than 1 option.
With this i mean i have 30 managers who have 3 people working issues they have. Is there anyway i can write the following
If UserForm2.ComboBox1 = "Manager1", "Manager2", "Manager 3" etc..
If it doesnt match the first set it looks at the next set of names. I think i may need to create a loop for the 3 sets but i am unsure of how to do this.
All help appreciated
Dim gotcha As Boolean
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lRow As Integer
Dim Pword
Dim cell As Range
Dim I As Long
Set myBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\Users\MAZZA\Documents\Gavin\Car Park\FYvData.xls") 'Home
Set ws = myBook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
If UserForm2.ComboBox1 = "Laura Haynes" Then
Pword = InputBox("Please enter password")
If Pword = "ticket" Then
MsgBox "Please contact your administrator for a password"
myBook.Close True
Exit Sub
End If
End If
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