Looking for info on how to create a text input box on a new sheet that will allow user to input a part number hit a button and have it search data on another sheet and retrieve/display the data related to this item from the other cells.
example- sheet one will have all the part information, column a on sheet one will have the part number, column b will have part name, column c will have part vendor, column d will have the location.
sheet 2 will simply have a text input box with a label - "Input part number to lookup" then have a button "lookup" or "reset" reset will just clear the text box, when you hit lookup it will search column a on sheet one for a match, if matching part number is found it will populate the data for this part from columns a, b, c,& d from sheet one to information box on sheet 2 (same sheet where part number is entered). the text input box and the populated information should be on fixed fields on sheet 2 not a popup box.
example- sheet one will have all the part information, column a on sheet one will have the part number, column b will have part name, column c will have part vendor, column d will have the location.
sheet 2 will simply have a text input box with a label - "Input part number to lookup" then have a button "lookup" or "reset" reset will just clear the text box, when you hit lookup it will search column a on sheet one for a match, if matching part number is found it will populate the data for this part from columns a, b, c,& d from sheet one to information box on sheet 2 (same sheet where part number is entered). the text input box and the populated information should be on fixed fields on sheet 2 not a popup box.