' Create a new workbook
Dim wbThis
Set wbThis = Workbooks.Add
Set wbThis = ActiveWorkbook
' Variable Declarations for later
Dim R As Integer
Dim L As String
Dim string1 As String
Dim Data As String
' Dummy declarations to fill memory
R = 0
L = "string"
string1 = "string1"
Data = "Data"
' Prompt User to select the SAP sheet from THIS YEAR and open it
ChDir "G:\KCSRACCT\AAR STB Reporting"
msgBox ("Select the Opperating Expense Sheet from THIS YEAR and open it.")
' Assigns the wbSAP reference to the SAP workbook
wbSAP = ActiveWorkbook.Name
' Routine to copy ActiveWorksheet from the SAP workbook to FinalVariance
Workbooks(wbSAP).Sheets("R-1 Assign").Cells.Copy Destination:= _
' Input Box to get CX_Sheet workbook path and filename into Path and Filename strings
ChDir "G:\KCSRACCT\AAR STB Reporting"
msgBox ("Select the Variance Report from last year and open it.")
' Assigns the wbCX reference to the CX workbook
wbCX = ActiveWorkbook.Name
' Routine to copy ActiveWorksheet from the CX_Sheet workbook to FinalVariance AND CLOSE THE CX_SHEET WHEN DONE
Workbooks(wbCX).Sheets(1).Cells.Copy Destination:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
' Declare References to worksheets for later
Set wsR1 = wbThis.Worksheets("R-1 Assign")
Set wsVariance = wbThis.Worksheets("Variance Report")
Set wsStorage = wbThis.Worksheets("Sheet3")
' At this point in time, we now have a workbook that we created at the begining of the execution lines and two open workbooks from which we browsed to
' Inside our new workbook are 5 sheets: The 3 that are created by default, and the two sheets which have been copied.
' The SAP Workbook (with the R-1 assignments) worksheet will be referencing the active SAP workbook so it cannot be closed until the macro is done.
' The copied worksheet will be handled "values only" via the string copy to ActiveCell.Offset(X, X).FormulaR1C1 so that the final result in the
' FinalVariance CX_Sheet is values which are independent of any other workbook at close.
' Before we can copy the R-1 Assignments into the Variance Report, we need to run the sequence which clears current year into previous year.
' Copies CurrentYear to Storage Worksheet preserving cell format and data (and comments)
For X = 6 To 21 Step 5
Range(Cells(16, X), Cells(97, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(16, X), Cells(97, X))
Range(Cells(101, X), Cells(118, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(101, X), Cells(118, X))
Range(Cells(121, X), Cells(138, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(121, X), Cells(138, X))
Range(Cells(141, X), Cells(163, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(141, X), Cells(163, X))
Range(Cells(168, X), Cells(185, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(168, X), Cells(185, X))
Range(Cells(188, X), Cells(202, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(188, X), Cells(202, X))
Range(Cells(205, X), Cells(209, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(205, X), Cells(209, X))
Range(Cells(212, X), Cells(221, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(212, X), Cells(221, X))
Range(Cells(224, X), Cells(232, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(224, X), Cells(232, X))
Range(Cells(236, X), Cells(253, X)).Copy Destination:=wsStorage.Range(Cells(236, X), Cells(253, X))
Next X
'Clears the PriorYear and any comments attached to those cells
For X = 7 To 22 Step 5
Range(Cells(16, X), Cells(97, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(101, X), Cells(118, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(121, X), Cells(138, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(141, X), Cells(163, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(168, X), Cells(185, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(188, X), Cells(202, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(205, X), Cells(209, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(212, X), Cells(221, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(224, X), Cells(232, X)).Clear
Range(Cells(236, X), Cells(253, X)).Clear
Next X
' Returns the previously stored information to it's new home in the prior year (with comments still attached)
For X = 6 To 21 Step 5
Range(Cells(16, X), Cells(97, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(16, X), Cells(97, X))
Range(Cells(101, X), Cells(118, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(101, X), Cells(118, X))
Range(Cells(121, X), Cells(138, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(121, X), Cells(138, X))
Range(Cells(141, X), Cells(163, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(141, X), Cells(163, X))
Range(Cells(168, X), Cells(185, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(168, X), Cells(185, X))
Range(Cells(188, X), Cells(202, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(188, X), Cells(202, X))
Range(Cells(205, X), Cells(209, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(205, X), Cells(209, X))
Range(Cells(212, X), Cells(221, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(212, X), Cells(221, X))
Range(Cells(224, X), Cells(232, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(224, X), Cells(232, X))
Range(Cells(236, X), Cells(253, X)).Copy Destination:=wsVariance.Range(Cells(236, X), Cells(253, X))
Next X
' R (for right-hand) is the number that is read off the R-1 Assign Coulmn "A" string and stored to search for the Excel row
' L (for letter) is the character returned by the Right function and used to position the Excel Column
' Data is the variable which will hold the numbers from the SAP wkbk until they are transfered to the CX Sheet
' Activate the SAP Operational Expense SHEET @ Cell A3
' Activate loop for data input
counter = 0
' Establish Data from adjacent cell, read string in A as two parts (Number + Letter)
Data = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Text
R = Val(ActiveCell.Formula)
L = Right(ActiveCell.Formula, 1)
' Activate Cx Sheet for searching and input
'Loop to find correct row according to number R
If ActiveCell.Formula = R Then
Exit Do
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
End If
If L = "B" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).FormulaR1C1 = Data
ElseIf L = "C" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).FormulaR1C1 = Data
ElseIf L = "D" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 14).FormulaR1C1 = Data
ElseIf L = "E" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 19).FormulaR1C1 = Data
End If
counter = counter + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(counter, 0).Activate
string1 = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Formula
If string1 = "" Then
Exit Do
End If
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub