The index formula is referencing the cells in the first table. The first table has the if statement in its cells.
The values (such as -0.2769 and -0.1216 in the first row of the first table) have the if statement in their cells.
The first table was referencing another table which you have not seen that had a bunch of DIV/0 errors when the averages were being generated,
so I generated the table you have seen because I was trying to get rid of DIV/0.
I think, maybe naively, the issue is with the index formula. Maybe the problem is with my if statement in the table that is being referenced to get the prediction.
I do not understand why sometimes the index statement works when referencing cells and sometimes it does not. I am currently sorting all the columns to get rid
of the cells (make them totally blank) that have "" from the if statement.