Sub Calcs()
Dim Input2 As Range
Dim Input_Data As Range
Dim Colours As Range
Dim Output As Range
Dim Count_Ref As Integer
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim OutputRow As Integer
Dim Colour As String
Dim Foreground As String
Dim Text As String
Dim Val_1 As String
Dim Val_2 As String
Dim Val_3 As String
Dim Ref As String
Dim Name As String
For r = 2 To 1000
t = Timer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo ErrHandle:
Error_msg = ""
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("output")
Set Input2 = Worksheets("Input 2").Range("Input2")
Set Input_Data = Worksheets("data").Range("Input_data")
Set Colours = Worksheets("Colours").Range("Colours")
Set Output = Worksheets("output").Range("a1:G31")
OutputRow = 2
For Count_Ref = 1 To 5
Ref = Count_Ref
Error_msg = "Doing calcs for " & Count_Ref
If IsError(Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 1, False)) Or Not (Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input2, 2, False) = "y") Then
Name = "blank 1-5"
Foreground = "RGB(255,255,255)"
Text = "RGB(255,0,0)"
Val_1 = "10 mm"
Val_2 = "5 mm"
Val_3 = 1
Name = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 2, False)
Colour = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 3, False)
If IsError(Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 1, False)) Then Colour = "unknown" Else Colour = Colour
Foreground = Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 2, False)
Text = Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 3, False)
Val_1 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 4, False) * 2 & " mm"
Val_2 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 5, False) * 1 & " mm"
Val_3 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input2, 3, False)
End If
PrintOutput ws, "a", OutputRow, Ref
PrintOutput ws, "b", OutputRow, Name
PrintOutput ws, "c", OutputRow, Foreground
PrintOutput ws, "d", OutputRow, Text
PrintOutput ws, "e", OutputRow, Val_1
PrintOutput ws, "f", OutputRow, Val_2
PrintOutput ws, "g", OutputRow, Val_3
OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
Next Count_Ref
For Count_Ref = 6 To 10
Ref = Count_Ref
Error_msg = "Doing calcs for " & Count_Ref
If IsError(Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 1, False)) Or Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input2, 1, False) = "" Then
Name = "blank 6-10"
Foreground = "RGB(255,255,255)"
Text = "RGB(255,0,0)"
Val_1 = "10 mm"
Val_2 = "5 mm"
Val_3 = 1
Name = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 2, False)
Colour = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 3, False)
If IsError(Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 1, False)) Then Colour = "unknown" Else Colour = Colour
Foreground = Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 2, False)
Text = Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 3, False)
Val_1 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 4, False) * 1.5 & " mm"
Val_2 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 5, False) * 1 & " mm"
Val_3 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input2, 3, False)
End If
PrintOutput ws, "a", OutputRow, Ref
PrintOutput ws, "b", OutputRow, Name
PrintOutput ws, "c", OutputRow, Foreground
PrintOutput ws, "d", OutputRow, Text
PrintOutput ws, "e", OutputRow, Val_1
PrintOutput ws, "f", OutputRow, Val_2
PrintOutput ws, "g", OutputRow, Val_3
OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
Next Count_Ref
For Count_Ref = 10 To 20
Ref = Count_Ref
Error_msg = "Doing calcs for " & Count_Ref
If IsError(Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 1, False)) Or Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input2, 1, False) = "" Then
Name = "blank 10-20"
Foreground = "RGB(255,255,255)"
Text = "RGB(255,0,0)"
Val_1 = "10 mm"
Val_2 = "5 mm"
Val_3 = 1
Name = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 2, False)
Colour = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 3, False)
If IsError(Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 1, False)) Then Colour = "unknown" Else Colour = Colour
Foreground = Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 2, False)
Text = Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 3, False)
Val_1 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 4, False) * 3 & " mm"
Val_2 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 5, False) + 10 & " mm"
Val_3 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input2, 3, False)
Ref = Count_Ref
End If
PrintOutput ws, "a", OutputRow, Ref
PrintOutput ws, "b", OutputRow, Name
PrintOutput ws, "c", OutputRow, Foreground
PrintOutput ws, "d", OutputRow, Text
PrintOutput ws, "e", OutputRow, Val_1
PrintOutput ws, "f", OutputRow, Val_2
PrintOutput ws, "g", OutputRow, Val_3
OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
Next Count_Ref
For Count_Ref = 21 To 30
Ref = Count_Ref
Error_msg = "Doing calcs for " & Count_Ref
If IsError(Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 1, False)) Or Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input2, 1, False) = "" Then
Name = "blank 21-50"
Foreground = "RGB(255,255,255)"
Text = "RGB(255,0,0)"
Val_1 = "10 mm"
Val_2 = "5 mm"
Val_3 = 1
Name = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 2, False)
Colour = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 3, False)
If IsError(Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 1, False)) Then Colour = "unknown" Else Colour = Colour
Foreground = Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 2, False)
Text = Application.VLookup(Colour, Colours, 3, False)
Val_1 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 4, False) - 1 & " mm"
Val_2 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input_Data, 5, False) / 2 & " mm"
Val_3 = Application.VLookup(Count_Ref, Input2, 3, False)
End If
PrintOutput ws, "a", OutputRow, Ref
PrintOutput ws, "b", OutputRow, Name
PrintOutput ws, "c", OutputRow, Foreground
PrintOutput ws, "d", OutputRow, Text
PrintOutput ws, "e", OutputRow, Val_1
PrintOutput ws, "f", OutputRow, Val_2
PrintOutput ws, "g", OutputRow, Val_3
OutputRow = OutputRow + 1
Next Count_Ref
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
t = Timer - t
Worksheets("output").Range("j" & r) = t
Next r
Exit Sub
If Err.Number > 0 Then
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End If
MsgBox "The update has failed due to:" & vbNewLine & Error_msg & vbNewLine & "(error " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & ")" & vbNewLine & "Please check for errors in code or data set", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Test Programm"
End Sub
Option Private Module
Sub PrintOutput(ws As Worksheet, sCol As String, OutputRow As Integer, sValue As String)
ws.Range(sCol & OutputRow).Value = sValue
End Sub
Option Private Module
Sub PrintOutput(ws As Worksheet, sCol As String, OutputRow As Integer, sValue As String)
ws.Range(sCol & OutputRow).Value = sValue
End Sub