User saving file wrong Causing VBA error


Board Regular
Jun 24, 2013
Background I have a excel workbook that builds a monthly to do sheet with VBA macros... I also have Users that have only basic excel knowledge.

Problem... Users go in and save the workbook without the Macros enabled. This causes an error which results in the owner rebuilding the entire form from scratch.

I have some begginer VBA experience though rusty and I was hoping to find some solutions

Goal... Is there a way that I can Lock the Workbook format to be macro enabled save only? or
Is there a way to edit the code to get the system back on track without loosing the individual sheets.

'Create Schedule macros'  Will Singer

Public Sub CreateSchedule()
    Dim NewName As String
    'check to make sure there is a time entered for each row used
    For r = 6 To 38
        If Len(Trim(Cells(r, 6))) > 0 Then
            If Cells(r, 21).Value = 0 Then
                If Len(Trim(Cells(r, 8))) = 0 Then
                    MsgBox "Please enter a time for line " & Trim(CStr(r))
                    MsgBox "Please enter a time for component " & Cells(r, 8)
                End If
                Range("U" & Trim(CStr(r))).Select
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    Sheets("Dates").Cells(2, 22) = False
    DialogSheets("dlgGetMonthYear").DialogFrame.Height = 115.5
    If DialogSheets("dlgGetMonthYear").Show = False Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    If Sheets("Dates").Cells(2, 22) = True Then
        NewName = "Week " & Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 22) & " - " & Left(Trim(GetMonth(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 17))), 3) & ", " & GetYear(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20))
        NewName = Left(Trim(GetMonth(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 17))), 3) & ", " & GetYear(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20))
    End If
    'if sheet already exists, delete it
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    'create new sheet
    Sheets("ScheduleTemplate").Copy After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
    Sheets("ScheduleTemplate (2)").Visible = True
    Sheets("ScheduleTemplate (2)").Select
    Sheets("ScheduleTemplate (2)").Name = NewName
    'Fix month, year title
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=""Month: "" & GetMonth(Dates!R[-2]C[8]) & "", "" & GetYear(Dates!R[-2]C[11])"
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
    Dim Title
    Title = Sheets("Language").Cells(97, 3)
    ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=GetMonth(Dates!R[1]C[14]) &"", "" & GetYear(Dates!R[1]C[17]) & "" "" & """ & Title & """"
'    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
    'Hide columns for days that do not exist
    FixMonth NewName, Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 17), Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20)
    Dim nTime
    Dim AddMon
    For r = 7 To 39
        If Len(Trim(Cells(r, 5).Value)) > 0 Then
            nTime = Cells(r, 4)
            If Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "D" Or Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "S" Then 'daily
                For c = 9 To 39
                    If Columns(c).ColumnWidth > 0 Then
                        If Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "D" Then
                            Cells(r, c) = nTime
                            Cells(r, c) = nTime * 3
                        End If
                    End If
                Dim nMo As Integer
                Dim nYr As Integer
                nMo = Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 17)
                nYr = GetYear(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20))
                Dim begdt As Date
                Dim enddt As Date
'                begdt = CDate(nMo & "/1/" & nYr)
                'doesn't work with british dates
                If IsDate(CStr(nMo) & "/31/" & CStr(nYr)) Then
                    enddt = CDate(CStr(nMo) & "/31/" & CStr(nYr))
                    begdt = enddt - 30
                    If IsDate(CStr(nMo) & "/30/" & CStr(nYr)) Then
                        enddt = CDate(nMo & "/30/" & nYr)
                        begdt = enddt - 29
                        If IsDate(CStr(nMo) & "/29/" & CStr(nYr)) Then
                            enddt = CDate(CStr(nMo) & "/29/" & CStr(nYr))
                            begdt = enddt - 28
                            If IsDate(CStr(nMo) & "/28/" & CStr(nYr)) Then
                                enddt = CDate(CStr(nMo) & "/28/" & CStr(nYr))
                                begdt = enddt - 27
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "W" Then  'weekly
                    DoWeekly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime
                ElseIf Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "F" Then  'FortNightly
                    DoFortNightly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime
                ElseIf Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "M" Then  'Monthly
                    DoMonthly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, 0
                ElseIf Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "T" Then  'Quarterly
                    AddMon = Sheets("Misc").Cells(22, 25) - 1
                    If nMo = (1 + AddMon) Or nMo = (4 + AddMon) Or nMo = (7 + AddMon) Or nMo = (10 + AddMon) Then
                        DoMonthly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, 1
                    End If
                ElseIf Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "SA" Then  'Semi=Annually
                    AddMon = Sheets("Misc").Cells(23, 25) - 1
                    If nMo = (1 + AddMon) Or nMo = (7 + AddMon) Then
                        DoMonthly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, 2
                    End If
                ElseIf Sheets(NewName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "A" Then  'Annually
                    AddMon = Sheets("Misc").Cells(24, 25) - 1
                    If nMo = (1 + AddMon) Then
                        DoMonthly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, 3
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    'if week
    If Sheets("Dates").Cells(2, 22) = True Then
        Dim dDate
        Dim nDOM
        dDate = GetFirstDate(nMo, nYr, 1)
        If dDate + ((Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 22) - 1) * 7) > enddt Then
            MsgBox "This is not a valid week for this month"
            On Error Resume Next
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            On Error GoTo 0
            Exit Sub
        End If
        nDOM = Day(dDate)
        nDOM = nDOM + ((Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 22) - 1) * 7)
        colray = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "AA", "AB", "AC", "AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AH", "AI", "AJ", "AK", "AL", "AM")
        Dim endcol
        endcol = 0
        If nDOM > 22 Then 'could overlap into the following month
            For i = 7 To 14
'                If Columns(i + nDOM).width = 0 Then
                If (Columns(i + nDOM).Hidden = True) Or (i + nDOM) = 40 Then
                    endcol = i - 1
                    Exit For
                End If
            If endcol = 0 Then
                GoTo RegProc
            End If
            Range(colray(7 + nDOM) & "6:" & colray((endcol - 1) + nDOM) & "39").Select
            'do the next months scehdule
            tmpsheet = CreateTempSchedule
            Range(colray(8) & "6:" & colray((13 - endcol) + 8) & "39").Select
            Range(colray(endcol + 1) & "6").Select
            'delete tmpsheet
            On Error Resume Next
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            On Error GoTo 0
'            Exit Sub
            Range(colray(7 + nDOM) & "6:" & colray(13 + nDOM) & "39").Select
        End If
        Cells(6, 9) = "M" & Chr(10) & Cells(6, 9)
        Cells(6, 10) = "T" & Chr(10) & Cells(6, 10)
        Cells(6, 11) = "W" & Chr(10) & Cells(6, 11)
        Cells(6, 12) = "T" & Chr(10) & Cells(6, 12)
        Cells(6, 13) = "F" & Chr(10) & Cells(6, 13)
        Cells(6, 14) = "S" & Chr(10) & Cells(6, 14)
        Cells(6, 15) = "S" & Chr(10) & Cells(6, 15)
        With Selection.Borders(xlRight)
            .Weight = xlThin
            .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        End With
    End If
    'end weekly
'    Range("A7:AM40").Select
'    Selection.Copy
'    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues
    'place pics
'    PutSchedPics NewName
    'cleanup numbers on sheet
'    Range("I7:AM39").Select
'    Selection.ClearContents
    If Sheets("Dates").Cells(5, 22) = 1 Then 'run/stop
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("F7"), Order1:=xlDescending, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
    ElseIf Sheets("Dates").Cells(5, 22) = 2 Then  'Frequency
        Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("AN7"), Order1:=xlAscending, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom
    End If
    'place pics
    PutSchedPics NewName
    'get rid of unecessary adjust buttons
    For i = 7 To 39
        If ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 41).Value = 0 Then
            ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("AR" & CStr(i) & "LB").Select
            ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("AR" & CStr(i) & "RB").Select
            ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("AR" & CStr(i) & "LD").Select
            ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("AR" & CStr(i) & "RD").Select
            If ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 5).Value = "D" Or ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 5).Value = "S" Then
                ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("AR" & CStr(i) & "LB").Select
                ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("AR" & CStr(i) & "RB").Select
                ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("AR" & CStr(i) & "LD").Select
                ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("AR" & CStr(i) & "RD").Select
            End If
        End If
    'Add buttons for weekly
    If Left(ActiveSheet.Name, 4) = "Week" Then
        Dim NewSheetName As String
        NewSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name
        Sheets("Misc").Visible = True
        ActiveSheet.Columns(16).ColumnWidth = 7.2
        ActiveSheet.Columns(18).ColumnWidth = 0
        ActiveSheet.Columns(19).ColumnWidth = 1.48
'        GoTo m1end
        For i = 7 To 39
            If (Cells(i, 9).Value > 0 Or Cells(i, 10).Value > 0 Or Cells(i, 11).Value > 0 Or _
               Cells(i, 12).Value > 0 Or Cells(i, 13).Value > 0 Or Cells(i, 14).Value > 0 Or _
               Cells(i, 15).Value > 0) And (Cells(i, 5) <> "S" And Cells(i, 5) <> "D") Then
                Range("AD" & CStr(i)).Select
                Range("P" & CStr(i)).Select
            End If
        Sheets("Misc").Visible = False
    End If
'moved to put schedule pics
'    'Adjust heights
'    Dim ZeroRows As Integer
'    Dim ShiftlyRows As Integer
'    ZeroRows = 0
'    ShiftlyRows = 0
'    For i = 7 To 39
'        If ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 41).Value = "" Then
'            ZeroRows = ZeroRows + 1
'        ElseIf ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 5).Value = 0 Then
'            ShiftlyRows = ShiftlyRows + 1
'        End If
'    Next
    Dim T As Long
    T = Len(Cells(5, 9))
        Cells(2, 3) = Right(Cells(5, 9), T - 6) + " Inspection Check Sheet"
    ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Public Function GetFreqRank(str)
    If str = "S" Then
        GetFreqRank = 1
    ElseIf str = "D" Then
        GetFreqRank = 2
    ElseIf str = "W" Then
        GetFreqRank = 3
    ElseIf str = "F" Then
        GetFreqRank = 4
    ElseIf str = "M" Then
        GetFreqRank = 5
    ElseIf str = "T" Then
        GetFreqRank = 6
    ElseIf str = "SA" Then
        GetFreqRank = 7
    ElseIf str = "A" Then
        GetFreqRank = 8
        GetFreqRank = 9
    End If
End Function

Private Sub FixMonth(SheetName, mn, yr)
    If mn = 2 Then
        If yr = 2 Or yr = 6 Then
            Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
            Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
        End If
    End If
    If mn = 4 Or mn = 6 Or mn = 9 Or mn = 11 Then
        Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub DoWeekly(r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime)
    Dim nDOW As Integer 'day of week
    Dim dBOM As Date 'Beginning of Month
    nDOW = Sheets("Misc").Cells(3, 23)
    dBOM = GetFirstDate(nMo, nYr, nDOW)
    Dim tDate As Date
    Dim dates
    tDate = dBOM
    Do While tDate <= enddt
        If tDate >= begdt Then
            dates = AAdd(dates, tDate)
        End If
        tDate = tDate + 7
    Dim nDOM As Integer 'day of month
    For i = 0 To UBound(dates)
        nDOM = Day(dates(i))
        Cells(r, 8 + nDOM) = nTime
End Sub

Private Sub DoFortNightly(r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime)
    Dim nDOW As Integer 'day of week
    Dim dBOY As Date 'Beginning of Year
    nDOW = Sheets("Misc").Cells(4, 23)
    dBOY = GetFirstDate(1, nYr, nDOW)
    If Sheets("Misc").Cells(20, 24).Value = 2 Then
        dBOY = dBOY + 7
    End If
    Dim tDate As Date
    Dim dates
    tDate = dBOY
    Do While tDate <= enddt
        If tDate >= begdt Then
            dates = AAdd(dates, tDate)
        End If
        tDate = tDate + 14
    Dim nDOM As Integer 'day of month
    For i = 0 To UBound(dates)
        nDOM = Day(dates(i))
        Cells(r, 8 + nDOM) = nTime
End Sub

Private Sub DoMonthly(r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, nRowMod)
    Dim nDOW As Integer 'day of week
    Dim dBOM As Date 'Beginning of Month
    Dim AddDays As Integer
    If nRowMod = 0 Then 'monthly
        AddDays = (Sheets("Misc").Cells(21, 24).Value - 1) * 7
    ElseIf nRowMod = 1 Then  'Quarterly
        AddDays = (Sheets("Misc").Cells(22, 24).Value - 1) * 7
    ElseIf nRowMod = 2 Then  'Semi-Annually
        AddDays = (Sheets("Misc").Cells(23, 24).Value - 1) * 7
    ElseIf nRowMod = 3 Then  'annually
        AddDays = (Sheets("Misc").Cells(24, 24).Value - 1) * 7
    End If
    nDOW = Sheets("Misc").Cells(5 + nRowMod, 23)
    dBOM = GetFirstDate(nMo, nYr, nDOW)
    Cells(r, 8 + Day(dBOM) + AddDays) = nTime
End Sub

Private Function GetFirstDate(nMo, nYr, nDOW)
    Dim StartRow As Integer
    If nYr = 1999 Then
        StartRow = 3
    ElseIf nYr = 2000 Then
        StartRow = 15
    ElseIf nYr = 2001 Then
        StartRow = 27
    ElseIf nYr = 2002 Then
        StartRow = 39
    ElseIf nYr = 2003 Then
        StartRow = 51
    ElseIf nYr = 2004 Then
        StartRow = 63
    ElseIf nYr = 2005 Then
        StartRow = 75
    ElseIf nYr = 2006 Then
        StartRow = 87
    ElseIf nYr = 2007 Then
        StartRow = 99
    ElseIf nYr = 2008 Then
        StartRow = 111
    ElseIf nYr = 2009 Then
        StartRow = 123
    ElseIf nYr = 2010 Then
        StartRow = 135
    ElseIf nYr = 2011 Then
        StartRow = 147
    ElseIf nYr = 2012 Then
        StartRow = 159
    ElseIf nYr = 2013 Then
        StartRow = 171
    ElseIf nYr = 2014 Then
        StartRow = 183
    ElseIf nYr = 2015 Then
        StartRow = 195
    ElseIf nYr = 2016 Then
        StartRow = 207
    ElseIf nYr = 2017 Then
        StartRow = 219
    ElseIf nYr = 2018 Then
        StartRow = 231
    ElseIf nYr = 2019 Then
        StartRow = 243
    ElseIf nYr = 2020 Then
        StartRow = 255
    End If
    GetFirstDate = Sheets("Dates").Cells(StartRow + (nMo - 1), 4 + nDOW)
End Function

Private Sub PutSchedPics(NewName)
    'Adjust heights added 1/8/00
'    Dim MTRows As Integer
    Dim ZeroRows As Integer
    Dim ShiftlyRows As Integer
'    MTRows = 0
    ZeroRows = 0
    ShiftlyRows = 0
    For i = 7 To 39
        If ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 5).Value = "" Then
            If ZeroRows < ShiftlyRows Then
                Rows(i).RowHeight = 0
                ZeroRows = ZeroRows + 1
            End If
        ElseIf ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 5).Value = "S" Then
            Sheets(NewName).Rows(i).RowHeight = 30
            ShiftlyRows = ShiftlyRows + 1
        ElseIf ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 41).Value = 0 Then
            Rows(i).RowHeight = 14.5
            Rows(i).RowHeight = 14.5
        End If
    For r = 7 To 39
        If Cells(r, 5) = "S" Then
'            Sheets("Misc").DrawingObjects("bmpShiftly").Select
'            Sheets("Misc").DrawingObjects("bmpScheduled").Select
        End If
        For c = 9 To 39
            If Cells(r, c) > 0 Then
                Selection.Left = ActiveSheet.Columns(c).Left + 1
                Selection.Top = ActiveSheet.Rows(r).Top + 1
                Selection.Height = ActiveSheet.Rows(r).RowHeight - 2
                Selection.Width = ActiveSheet.Columns(c).Width - 2
                Selection.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
                Selection.PrintObject = True
                Selection.Name = Selection.Name + "0" + CStr(r) + "0" + CStr(c)
            End If
         Next c
    Next r
End Sub

Public Sub SetDlgforSingleWeek()
    If Sheets("Dates").Cells(2, 22) = False Then
        DialogSheets("dlgGetMonthYear").DialogFrame.Height = 115.5
        DialogSheets("dlgGetMonthYear").DialogFrame.Height = 147
        Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 22) = 1
    End If
End Sub

Public Function CreateTempSchedule()
    Dim tmpName As String
    'check to make sure there is a time entered for each row used
    tmpName = "tmp " & Left(Trim(GetMonth(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 17))), 3) & ", " & GetYear(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20))
    'if sheet already exists, delete it
    On Error Resume Next
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    Sheets("ScheduleTemplate").Copy After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
    Sheets("ScheduleTemplate (2)").Visible = True
    Sheets("ScheduleTemplate (2)").Select
    Sheets("ScheduleTemplate (2)").Name = tmpName
    'Hide columns for days that do not exist
    If Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 17) < 12 Then
        FixMonth tmpName, Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 17) + 1, Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20)
        FixMonth tmpName, 1, Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20) + 1
    End If
    Dim nTime As Integer
    Dim AddMon As Integer
    For r = 7 To 39
        If Len(Trim(Cells(r, 5).Value)) > 0 Then
            nTime = Cells(r, 4)
            If Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "D" Or Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "S" Then 'daily
                For c = 9 To 39
                    If Columns(c).ColumnWidth > 0 Then
                        If Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "D" Then
                            Cells(r, c) = nTime
                            Cells(r, c) = nTime * 3
                        End If
                    End If
                Dim nMo As Integer
                Dim nYr As Integer
                nMo = Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 17)
                If nMo < 12 Then
                    nMo = nMo + 1
                    nYr = GetYear(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20))
                    nMo = 1
                    nYr = GetYear(Sheets("Dates").Cells(3, 20))
                    nYr = nYr + 1
                End If
                Dim begdt As Date
                Dim enddt As Date
'                begdt = CDate(nMo & "/1/" & nYr)
                'doesn't work with british dates
                If IsDate(CStr(nMo) & "/31/" & CStr(nYr)) Then
                    enddt = CDate(CStr(nMo) & "/31/" & CStr(nYr))
                    begdt = enddt - 30
                    If IsDate(CStr(nMo) & "/30/" & CStr(nYr)) Then
                        enddt = CDate(nMo & "/30/" & nYr)
                        begdt = enddt - 29
                        If IsDate(CStr(nMo) & "/29/" & CStr(nYr)) Then
                            enddt = CDate(CStr(nMo) & "/29/" & CStr(nYr))
                            begdt = enddt - 28
                            If IsDate(CStr(nMo) & "/28/" & CStr(nYr)) Then
                                enddt = CDate(CStr(nMo) & "/28/" & CStr(nYr))
                                begdt = enddt - 27
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "W" Then  'weekly
                    DoWeekly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime
                ElseIf Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "F" Then  'FortNightly
                    DoFortNightly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime
                ElseIf Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "M" Then  'Monthly
                    DoMonthly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, 0
                ElseIf Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "T" Then  'Quarterly
                    AddMon = Sheets("Misc").Cells(22, 25) - 1
                    If nMo = (1 + AddMon) Or nMo = (4 + AddMon) Or nMo = (7 = AddMon) Or nMo = (10 + AddMon) Then
                        DoMonthly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, 1
                    End If
                ElseIf Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "SA" Then  'Semi=Annually
                    AddMon = Sheets("Misc").Cells(23, 25) - 1
                    If nMo = (1 + AddMon) Or nMo = (7 + AddMon) Then
                        DoMonthly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, 2
                    End If
                ElseIf Sheets(tmpName).Cells(r, 5).Value = "A" Then  'Annually
                    AddMon = Sheets("Misc").Cells(24, 25) - 1
                    If nMo = (1 + AddMon) Then
                        DoMonthly r, begdt, enddt, nMo, nYr, nTime, 3
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    CreateTempSchedule = tmpName
End Function

Code errors out at this Line "If Len(Trim(Cells(r, 5).Value)) > 0 Then"

I apologize in advance... been awhile since I've played with codes. I know enough to sometimes save the day but the deep stuff can get me in trouble.

Goal... Is there a way that I can Lock the Workbook format to be macro enabled save only?

No and there are no bullet proof ways to ensure macro security is enabled. The most common method I've seen (and used) is to have all pages except a macro warning sheet invisible by default.

Then include start up code that hides your warning and unhides all other sheets.

To preserve you'll also need "before close" event code to rehide all your sheets and unhide the warning page! Make sense?
Upvote 0
Actually that sounds great... Can you point me in a direction where I can view a sample code?


No and there are no bullet proof ways to ensure macro security is enabled. The most common method I've seen (and used) is to have all pages except a macro warning sheet invisible by default.

Then include start up code that hides your warning and unhides all other sheets.

To preserve you'll also need "before close" event code to rehide all your sheets and unhide the warning page! Make sense?
Upvote 0
Add these to the ThisWorkbook class module and change "Sheet1" to the name of your new warning sheet. A couple of notes

wbSave preserves the saved state of the workbook so it automatically resaves (if saved=true) to prevent reprompting the user when sheets are hidden.
The open code contains a "resume next" to account for an error created if Excel tries to make all sheets invisible, at any point during the code execution.

xlSheetVeryHidden (or 2 as it is known on the weekends) prevents users from unhiding the sheet without using VBA.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

Dim WS As Worksheet, wbSave

wbSave = ThisWorkbook.Saved

For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
    If WS.Name = "Sheet1" Then
        WS.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        WS.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
    End If

If wbSave = True Then ThisWorkbook.Save

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

On Error Resume Next

Dim WS As Worksheet, svSh As Worksheet
For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
    If WS.Name <> "Sheet1" Then
        WS.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        Set svSh = WS
        WS.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
    End If

svSh.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden

End Sub
Last edited:
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