I got the below code while searching in MrExcel.
My request is to update the code to work in the fastest way possible. I have many thousands of rows of data and it is taking hours.
The code should not work in the sheet "Secret code". Please help.
My request is to update the code to work in the fastest way possible. I have many thousands of rows of data and it is taking hours.
The code should not work in the sheet "Secret code". Please help.
VBA Code:
Sub blah2()
For Each cll In Sheets("USA").UsedRange.Cells
myPhrase = Trim(cll.Value)
phraseLength = Len(myPhrase)
For j = phraseLength To 4 Step -1
For i = 1 To phraseLength - 3
myNewPhrase = Trim(Mid(myPhrase, i, j))
myNewPhraselength = Len(myNewPhrase)
If myNewPhraselength > 0 Then
clr = cll.Font.Color
For Each sht In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
If sht.Name <> "USA" Then
For Each celle In sht.UsedRange
x = InStr(1, celle.Value, myNewPhrase, vbTextCompare)
If x > 0 Then
celle.Characters(Start:=x, Length:=myNewPhraselength).Font.Color = clr
x = InStr(x + 1, celle.Value, myNewPhrase, vbTextCompare)
If x > 0 Then celle.Characters(Start:=x, Length:=myNewPhraselength).Font.Color = clr
Loop Until x = 0
End If
Next celle
End If
Next sht
End If
Next i
Next j
Next cll
End Sub