I've got the following code that gives me an error on the vlookup portion, indicating a type mismatch.
Duplicate.xls 1 tab for each month/year combination with the dates of the month in column B. Column B is in Date format and column J is a number.
I have tried count as integer (which it should be), long and variant...all with no luck.
Sub neu()
Dim days(7) As Date
Dim sheettab As String, count As Variant
Dim i As Integer, monat(7) As Integer, jahren(7) As Integer
days(1) = Range("B10")
monat(1) = Month(days(1))
jahren(1) = Year(days(1))
For i = 2 To 7
days(i) = days(i - 1) + 1
monat(i) = Month(days(i))
jahren(i) = Year(days(i))
Next i
Workbooks.Open ("M:\REPORT\Duplicate.xls")
For i = 1 To 7
If monat(i) = 1 Then
sheettab = "Jan " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 2 Then
sheettab = "Feb " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 3 Then
sheettab = "March " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 4 Then
sheettab = "April " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 5 Then
sheettab = "May " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 6 Then
sheettab = "June " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 7 Then
sheettab = "July " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 8 Then
sheettab = "Aug " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 9 Then
sheettab = "Sept " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 10 Then
sheettab = "Oct " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 11 Then
sheettab = "Nov " & jahren(i)
ElseIf monat(i) = 12 Then
sheettab = "Dec " & jahren(i)
End If
count = count + Application.VLookup(days(i), Sheets(sheettab).Range("B3:N33"), 9, False)
Next i
Range("F10") = count
End Sub
I have tried count as integer (which it should be), long and variant...all with no luck.