Hi there!
I get a the Type Mismatch runtime error when the following code runs in Access:
The textboxes are formatted as follows:
Me.Textbox1 = Currency
Me.Textbox2 = General Number
Me.Textbox3 = Percent
So I assume the problem is that my equation is multiplying a general number with a percentage and Access isn't converting the percentage into number form (eg. 15% = 0.15).
Any ideas on how I can make this work?
Thanks in advance!
I get a the Type Mismatch runtime error when the following code runs in Access:
Me.Textbox1 = Me.Textbox2 * 136.4 - (Me.Textbox2 * 136.4 * Me.Textbox3)
The textboxes are formatted as follows:
Me.Textbox1 = Currency
Me.Textbox2 = General Number
Me.Textbox3 = Percent
So I assume the problem is that my equation is multiplying a general number with a percentage and Access isn't converting the percentage into number form (eg. 15% = 0.15).
Any ideas on how I can make this work?
Thanks in advance!