Trying to sort strings in two-dimensional array VBA


New Member
May 12, 2011
Hi Guys,

I have been trying to sort a two-dimensional array in excel using VBA.
the values of the array are all strings not numbers, which has been causing my head to explode.

I have an excel sheet that contains data 4 rows by 4 columns.
I then want to put that data in to an array so I can use it.

This is the first time I have been playing with 2D Arrays in VBA. From what I gathered this is how it should look:

    Dim MyArray(1 To 4, 1 To 4)
    MyArray(1, 1) = "A col1 row1"
    MyArray(1, 2) = "C col1  row2"
    MyArray(1, 3) = "D col1  row3"
    MyArray(1, 4) = "B col1  row4"
    MyArray(2, 1) = "D col2  row1 - sort this col"
    MyArray(2, 2) = "B col2   row2 - sort this col"
    MyArray(2, 3) = "A col2   row3 - sort this col"
    MyArray(2, 4) = "C col2   row4 - sort this col"
    MyArray(3, 1) = "A col3  row1"
    MyArray(3, 2) = "D col3 row2"
    MyArray(3, 3) = "B col3 row3"
    MyArray(3, 4) = "C col3 row4"
    MyArray(4, 1) = "D col4 row1"
    MyArray(4, 2) = "C col4 row2"
    MyArray(4, 3) = "B col4 row3"
    MyArray(4, 4) = "A col4 row4"
so going by this principal i tried to sort the array by the 2nd column. I tried various examples from other sites but they all say that "subscript out of range"

can anyone please let me know if I am going about this completely the wrong way. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks

    Dim MyArray(1 To 4, 1 To 4)
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

    MyArray(1, 1) = "A col1 row1"
     MyArray(1, 2) = "C col1  row2"
     MyArray(1, 3) = "D col1  row3"
     MyArray(1, 4) = "B col1  row4"
     MyArray(2, 1) = "D col2  row1 - sort this col"
     MyArray(2, 2) = "B col2   row2 - sort this col"
     MyArray(2, 3) = "A col2   row3 - sort this col"
     MyArray(2, 4) = "C col2   row4 - sort this col"
     MyArray(3, 1) = "A col3  row1"
     MyArray(3, 2) = "D col3 row2"
     MyArray(3, 3) = "B col3 row3"
     MyArray(3, 4) = "C col3 row4"
     MyArray(4, 1) = "D col4 row1"
     MyArray(4, 2) = "C col4 row2"
     MyArray(4, 3) = "B col4 row3"
     MyArray(4, 4) = "A col4 row4"
 SortColumm1 = 1
 SortColumn2 = 3
 For i = LBound(MyArray, 1) To UBound(MyArray, 1) - 1
      For j = LBound(MyArray, 1) To UBound(MyArray, 1) - 1
          Condition1 = MyArray(j, SortColumn1) > MyArray(j + 1, SortColumn1)
          Condition2 = MyArray(j, SortColumn1) = MyArray(j + 1, SortColumn1) And _
                     MyArray(j, SortColumn2) > MyArray(j + 1, SortColumn2)

          If Condition1 Or Condition2 Then
               For y = LBound(MyArray, 2) To UBound(MyArray, 2)
                   t = MyArray(j, y)
                   MyArray(j, y) = MyArray(j + 1, y)
                   MyArray(j + 1, y) = t
                   Next y
               End If
This will be your sorting code then

I haven't had the change to optimize it.
You might want to take a look at speedSort on the internet.


Only 2 issues I found:
Firstly is that it treats strings that begin with a lowercase letter as higher value than the uppercase letters.


the other is a bit odd. when I use both sorts for Col(B) and Col(A) the last 2 entries in the list shouldnt be there as they begin with D and not Z.
It looks like they are sorted by Col(A) only and not Col(B)

Thanks, though this is awesome
[COLOR=Navy]Sub [/COLOR]PleaseWork()
    [COLOR=Navy]Dim [/COLOR]tCount [COLOR=Navy]As Long[/COLOR], Row [COLOR=Navy]As Long[/COLOR], Col [COLOR=Navy]As Long[/COLOR], i [COLOR=Navy]As Long[/COLOR], j [COLOR=Navy]As Long[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Navy]Dim [/COLOR]srcNumRows [COLOR=Navy]As Long[/COLOR], srcNumCols [COLOR=Navy]As Long[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Navy]Dim [/COLOR]myArray() [COLOR=Navy]As String[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Green]    'get the number of cols in the source sheet[/COLOR]
    srcNumCols = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
[COLOR=Green]    'get the number of rows in the source sheet[/COLOR]
    srcNumRows = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Application.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

[COLOR=Green]    'using reDim as I am not using constant expression for the values[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Navy]ReDim[/COLOR] myArray(1 [COLOR=Navy]To[/COLOR] srcNumRows, 1 [COLOR=Navy]To [/COLOR]srcNumCols)

    [COLOR=Navy]For [/COLOR]Row = 1 [COLOR=Navy]To [/COLOR]srcNumRows    [COLOR=Green]'for each row in the source sheet[/COLOR]
        [COLOR=Navy]For [/COLOR]Col = 1 [COLOR=Navy]To [/COLOR]srcNumCols   [COLOR=Green]'for each col in the source sheet[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green]            'populate the array with the values from the source sheet[/COLOR]
            myArray(Row, Col) = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(Row, Col).Value
        [COLOR=Navy]Next [/COLOR]Col
    [COLOR=Navy]Next [/COLOR]Row

[COLOR=DarkGreen]    'Sort Code[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green] [COLOR=Black]    [COLOR=Navy]For [/COLOR]i = 1 [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]To [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]srcNumRows - 1
        [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]For [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]j = i + 1 [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]To [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]srcNumRows
            [COLOR=Navy]If [/COLOR]myArray(i, 2) > myArray(j, 2) [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]Then[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]                [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]For [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]k = 1 [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]To [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]srcNumCols
                    temp = myArray(i, k)
                    myArray(i, k) = myArray(j, k)
                    myArray(j, k) = temp
                [COLOR=Navy]Next [/COLOR]k
            [COLOR=Navy]End If[/COLOR]
            [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]If [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]myArray(i, 1) > myArray(j, 1) [COLOR=Navy]Then[/COLOR]
                [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]For [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]k = 1 [COLOR=Navy]To [/COLOR]srcNumCols
                    temp = myArray(i, k)
                    myArray(i, k) = myArray(j, k)
                    myArray(j, k) = temp
                [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]Next [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]k
            [COLOR=Navy]End If[/COLOR]
        [/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black][COLOR=Navy]Next [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=Green][COLOR=Black]j
    [COLOR=Navy]Next [/COLOR]i[/COLOR][/COLOR]

[COLOR=Green]    'now to iterate through the array and spit out the values in the destination sheet[/COLOR]
    [COLOR=Navy]For [/COLOR]i = [COLOR=Navy]LBound[/COLOR](myArray, 1) [COLOR=Navy]To UBound[/COLOR](myArray, 1)
        [COLOR=Navy]For [/COLOR]j = [COLOR=Navy]LBound[/COLOR](myArray, 2) [COLOR=Navy]To [/COLOR][COLOR=Navy]UBound[/COLOR](myArray, 2)
            Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(i, j).Value = myArray(i, j)
        [COLOR=Navy]Next [/COLOR]j
    [COLOR=Navy]Next [/COLOR]i
[COLOR=Navy]End Sub[/COLOR]
Upvote 0
it would be easier just to dump it to the sheet and click 'Sort' but this has started to become a battle I dont want the VBA to win.
The VBA could dump the data to the destination worksheet and sort it in situ by as many columns as you want. The user wouldn't have to click anything other than to start the macro.
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Only 2 issues I found:
Firstly is that it treats strings that begin with a lowercase letter as higher value than the uppercase letters.


the other is a bit odd. when I use both sorts for Col(B) and Col(A) the last 2 entries in the list shouldnt be there as they begin with D and not Z.
It looks like they are sorted by Col(A) only and not Col(B)

Thanks, though this is awesome

:P the reason by lowercase is higher than capitals is due to something called ascii table. When any programming is comparing characters they follow the value of characters which is designated in ASCII table :P
To avoid this, you would use UCase() when you're comparing the text.

as for the sorting of col(A) or col(B). That was how I understood ur problem.
Sort by col(B) THEN by col(A), could you elaborate on ur problem more then? like give examples with 3 x 3 matrix or somethin :P
Upvote 0
:P the reason by lowercase is higher than capitals is due to something called ascii table. When any programming is comparing characters they follow the value of characters which is designated in ASCII table :P
To avoid this, you would use UCase() when you're comparing the text.
Yeh :) I thought it would be something along those lines.

as for the sorting of col(A) or col(B). That was how I understood ur problem.
Sort by col(B) THEN by col(A), could you elaborate on ur problem more then? like give examples with 3 x 3 matrix or somethin :P

I tried playing with the macros just to give a better indication of what I meant. Sorry, I should have done that earlier to avoid any confusion.

Original Data:
Rich (BB code):
       Col(A)         Col(B)            Col(C)           Col(D)
R1    B Row 1      Harry Row 1     Foo Row 1      Bar Row 1
R2    A Row 2      **** Row 2      Foo Row 2      Bar Row 2
R3    C Row 3      Tom Row 3      Foo Row 3      Bar Row 3
R4    D Row 4      **** Row 4      Foo Row 4      Bar Row 4

Ideal Result, but not the ideal way to accomplish it:
Rich (BB code):
       Col(A)        Col(B)             Col(C)           Col(D)
R1    A Row 2      **** Row 2      Foo Row 2      Bar Row 2
R2    D Row 4      **** Row 4      Foo Row 4      Bar Row 4
R3    B Row 1      Harry Row 1     Foo Row 1      Bar Row 1
R4    C Row 3      Tom Row 3      Foo Row 3      Bar Row 3

Created Using:
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("B1:B4"), _
        SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("A1:A4"), _
        SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Sort
        .SetRange Range("A1:D4")
        .Header = xlGuess
        .MatchCase = False
        .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
        .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
Using Excel to sort the data in the sheets means that I cannot use the sorted array later unless to dump the data to the sheet and then create an array using the new sheets data.

The VBA could dump the data to the destination worksheet and sort it in situ by as many columns as you want. The user wouldn't have to click anything other than to start the macro.

In an ideal world the array itself would be sorted and then would give more flexibility for further use without having to dump to a sheet. But I agree, this would have been the quicker and simpler solution.

Using the last version of the sort code gives the following result:
Rich (BB code):
        Col(A)        Col(B)            Col(C)           Col(D)
R1    A Row 2      **** Row 2      Foo Row 2      Bar Row 2
R2    B Row 1      Harry Row 1     Foo Row 1      Bar Row 1
R3    C Row 3      Tom Row 3      Foo Row 3      Bar Row 3
R4    D Row 4      **** Row 4      Foo Row 4      Bar Row 4

Created Using:
     For i = 1 To srcNumRows - 1
        For j = i + 1 To srcNumRows
            If myArray(i, 2) > myArray(j, 2) Then
                 For k = 1 To srcNumCols
                    temp = myArray(i, k)
                    myArray(i, k) = myArray(j, k)
                    myArray(j, k) = temp
                Next k
            End If
            If myArray(i, 1) > myArray(j, 1) Then
                For k = 1 To srcNumCols
                    temp = myArray(i, k)
                    myArray(i, k) = myArray(j, k)
                    myArray(j, k) = temp
                Next k
            End If
        Next j
    Next i

Upvote 0
Rich (BB code):
     For i = 1 To srcNumRows - 1
        For j = i + 1 To srcNumRows
            If myArray(i, 2) > myArray(j, 2) Then
                 For k = 1 To srcNumCols
                    temp = myArray(i, k)
                    myArray(i, k) = myArray(j, k)
                    myArray(j, k) = temp
                Next k
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
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Hi, Thanks for still helping.
Rich (BB code):
    For i = 1 To srcNumRows - 1
        For j = i + 1 To srcNumRows
            If myArray(i, 2) > myArray(j, 2) Then
                 For k = 1 To srcNumCols
                    temp = myArray(i, k)
                    myArray(i, k) = myArray(j, k)
                    myArray(j, k) = temp
                Next k
            End If
        Next j
    Next i

Doesnt do the 2 layer sort, but works when sorting just 1 column again.

      Col(A)      Col(B)         Col(C)        Col(D)
R1    B Row 1     Harry Row 1    Foo Row 1     Bar Row 1
R2    D Row 2     **** Row 2     Foo Row 2     Bar Row 2
R3    C Row 3     Tom Row 3      Foo Row 3     Bar Row 3
R4    A Row 4     **** Row 4     Foo Row 4     Bar Row 4

Using the Sort:
      Col(A)      Col(B)         Col(C)        Col(D)
R1    D Row 2     **** Row 2     Foo Row 2     Bar Row 2
R2    A Row 4     **** Row 4     Foo Row 4     Bar Row 4
R3    B Row 1     Harry Row 1    Foo Row 1     Bar Row 1
R4    C Row 3     Tom Row 3      Foo Row 3     Bar Row 3
Last edited:
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I have no idea what you mean anymore..
Your original data has changed as well

Col(A) Col(B) Col(C) Col(D)
R1 B Row 1 Harry Row 1 Foo Row 1 Bar Row 1
R2 A Row 2 **** Row 2 Foo Row 2 Bar Row 2
R3 C Row 3 Tom Row 3 Foo Row 3 Bar Row 3
R4 D Row 4 **** Row 4 Foo Row 4 Bar Row 4

Col(A) Col(B) Col(C) Col(D)
R1 B Row 1 Harry Row 1 Foo Row 1 Bar Row 1
R2 D Row 2 **** Row 2 Foo Row 2 Bar Row 2
R3 C Row 3 Tom Row 3 Foo Row 3 Bar Row 3
R4 A Row 4 **** Row 4 Foo Row 4 Bar Row 4

So, there's no way they could look the same after the sort since they are two different data.
If you want B column to be sorted, just change
Rich (BB code):
If myArray(i, 1) > myArray(j, 1) Then
Rich (BB code):
If myArray(i, 2) > myArray(j, 2) Then

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