Firstly - apologies for the awful explanation that is about to come your way. Please ask me some questions if you need to.
I am looking for a formula that goes into I1 - that looks at the students name, matches to a row on this next sheet.
then finds all the tests that have the spec reference of 1.1.1 (A5), and finds the average of those numbers (5, 3, 5 and 8)
This is what i have so far...
Could someone please help me fix this
Firstly - apologies for the awful explanation that is about to come your way. Please ask me some questions if you need to.
I am looking for a formula that goes into I1 - that looks at the students name, matches to a row on this next sheet.
then finds all the tests that have the spec reference of 1.1.1 (A5), and finds the average of those numbers (5, 3, 5 and 8)
This is what i have so far...
=AVERAGE(VLOOKUP(B1,'Y12 DQ'!B4:BX52,{17,19,23},FALSE))
But i have to input the columns myself (17,19 and 23) as I complete more tests against that spec the average wont change. I've tried messing around with filtering but I am not that excel savy.
Could someone please help me fix this
