I began Self-Learning VBA toward the end of February this year and I am still trying to figure out the RULES of VBA.
The application I am working on relies heavily on pairs of ComboBoxes for selecting Annual Worksheets for multiple Property Locations, each having one or more Annual Worksheets based on their Propery ID and the Worksheet Year.
The image below should provide some clarity for want I wish to accomplish. The important Ranges are in columns "A", "L", and "M".
The following is the original code I am trying to modify.
As one may see from the Code above, the value of rw is determined by the cmbPropID.ListIndex value and I was able to get around the potential "Script Out of Range" error by automatically sorting the entire table so that the Properties with an Active Status were at the top of the range (which chewed up a significant amount of CPU time thereby slowing the processes).
What I am trying to do is add an additional column to the cmbPropID comboBox so that Column 1, the Bound Column contains the Row Number and Column 2 contains the PropertyID. I have adjusted the combobox's properties to reflect that change.
This is the modified code I am trying to implement which :
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for the help.
The application I am working on relies heavily on pairs of ComboBoxes for selecting Annual Worksheets for multiple Property Locations, each having one or more Annual Worksheets based on their Propery ID and the Worksheet Year.
The image below should provide some clarity for want I wish to accomplish. The important Ranges are in columns "A", "L", and "M".
The following is the original code I am trying to modify.
VBA Code:
Private Sub cnfgCmbPropID() [COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]'configure cmbPropID[/COLOR]
Dim rw As Long
For rw = 1 To propIDs.Count
If propIDs.Cells(rw, 1).Value2 <> vbNullString Then [COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]'Exclude Blank Rows[/COLOR]
If actStatus.Cells(rw, 1).Value2 = True Then [COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]'Only include Properties that are ACTIVE[/COLOR]
Me.cmbPropID.AddItem propIDs.Cells(rw, 1).Value2
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmbPropID_Change() [COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]'This subroutine configures cmbYears[/COLOR]
Dim i
Dim rw
rw = cmbPropID.ListIndex + 1 [COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]'This line has the potential to throw a "Script Out of Range" error [/COLOR]
MsgBox "rw = " & rw
frmElect.Visible = False
frmGas.Visible = False
wsStartYr = StartYr.Cells(rw, 1).Value2
MsgBox "rw = " & rw & vbCrLf & _
"wsStartYr = " & wsStartYr
With cmbYears
If cmbPropID.ListIndex >= 0 Then
For i = wsStartYr To wbCurYear
If wbCurYear <> wsStartYr Then
.AddItem i
ElseIf wbCurYear = wsStartYr Then
.AddItem wbCurYear
End If
Next i
End If
End With
lstDsplyUtil1.RowSource = ""
End Sub
As one may see from the Code above, the value of rw is determined by the cmbPropID.ListIndex value and I was able to get around the potential "Script Out of Range" error by automatically sorting the entire table so that the Properties with an Active Status were at the top of the range (which chewed up a significant amount of CPU time thereby slowing the processes).
What I am trying to do is add an additional column to the cmbPropID comboBox so that Column 1, the Bound Column contains the Row Number and Column 2 contains the PropertyID. I have adjusted the combobox's properties to reflect that change.
This is the modified code I am trying to implement which :
VBA Code:
Sub cnfgPropIDsDDL()
MsgBox "Call made to cnfgPropIDsDDL"
For rw = 1 To propIDs.Count
If propIDs.Cells(rw, 1).Value2 <> vbNullString Then
If actStatus.Cells(rw, 1).Value2 = True Then
propRW = rw
MsgBox "propRW = " & propRW & vbCrLf & _
"propID = " & propIDs.Cells(rw, 1).Value2
Me.cmbPropID.AddItem [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]propRW[/COLOR], propIDs.Cells(rw, 1).Value2 [COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]'this line throws "Type MisMatch" error regardless of how I declare propRW as a variable[/COLOR]
End If
End If
End Sub
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for the help.