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- Sep 16, 2015
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Dear all,
I have a problem with the VBA in excel, the full problem, I have added below as word document.
Word document
I have an issue and I have no idea why it is happening and also no idea how to solve it.
For my excel do I have a couple of sheets with a single chart and 1 sheet with multiple charts
Each chart is called PIE07, PIE08, PIE09, PIE10, BAR11 and BAR12. I started with 07 as the other sheets are charts 01-06. Those left 2 in the code I use them to get the integer number 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. That will used to get my own color index.
Then I have a sheet with all colors and per chart 2-4 columns, representing the bar/pie point and label. And in the a-column the number that is used to get my own color index in a variables (Chart number, bar/point number & label). Where the problem I have is with PIE08, which got the color index 36 & 39.
Then for testing I have the sheet to see for each chart if the colors do match with that what I want. And also mentioned the color code and color in there.
As you can see the PIE08 is blue and green. However, all charts work perfect, except for the 8, as you can see above the PIE08 is taking the colors from the BAR11 (192 & 24704) even it should be the blue (9063466) and green (4631663), as you may see in this screen.
Now as I wanted to get 4 colors in the same range for the gradient, in my code I take the number index and run thru a different procedure to get the 4 colors in a variable.
This will call the procedure to get the 4 colors. As you can see below the chart number is 8 representing the PIE08
In the end of the 4 color procedure, it will show indeed the correct color code 9063466, representing the blue. . Below I have set a test to see if this was still okay.
So far so good, but then the strange thing is happening, when it jumps out this procedure and go back to set the color, this varBarColors (1, intchart, intline) becomes 192, without anything could happen in between.
And as I mentioned, all others working perfect, except this PIE08. I have try and deleted this PIE and created a new one, but it still takes the wrong color.
Can anybody explain to me or help me, how this can happen and what I can do to avoid this?
Just so you know, the intline and fnpoint are all 1.
Thanks in advance.
Below the code that I use that in the end brings the wrong result.
I have a problem with the VBA in excel, the full problem, I have added below as word document.
Word document
I have an issue and I have no idea why it is happening and also no idea how to solve it.
For my excel do I have a couple of sheets with a single chart and 1 sheet with multiple charts
Each chart is called PIE07, PIE08, PIE09, PIE10, BAR11 and BAR12. I started with 07 as the other sheets are charts 01-06. Those left 2 in the code I use them to get the integer number 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. That will used to get my own color index.
Then I have a sheet with all colors and per chart 2-4 columns, representing the bar/pie point and label. And in the a-column the number that is used to get my own color index in a variables (Chart number, bar/point number & label). Where the problem I have is with PIE08, which got the color index 36 & 39.
Then for testing I have the sheet to see for each chart if the colors do match with that what I want. And also mentioned the color code and color in there.
As you can see the PIE08 is blue and green. However, all charts work perfect, except for the 8, as you can see above the PIE08 is taking the colors from the BAR11 (192 & 24704) even it should be the blue (9063466) and green (4631663), as you may see in this screen.
Now as I wanted to get 4 colors in the same range for the gradient, in my code I take the number index and run thru a different procedure to get the 4 colors in a variable.
This will call the procedure to get the 4 colors. As you can see below the chart number is 8 representing the PIE08
In the end of the 4 color procedure, it will show indeed the correct color code 9063466, representing the blue. . Below I have set a test to see if this was still okay.
So far so good, but then the strange thing is happening, when it jumps out this procedure and go back to set the color, this varBarColors (1, intchart, intline) becomes 192, without anything could happen in between.
And as I mentioned, all others working perfect, except this PIE08. I have try and deleted this PIE and created a new one, but it still takes the wrong color.
Can anybody explain to me or help me, how this can happen and what I can do to avoid this?
Just so you know, the intline and fnpoint are all 1.
Thanks in advance.
Below the code that I use that in the end brings the wrong result.
VBA Code:
Dim test As String
Dim btChartNumber As Integer
For PuFn = 7 To 12
test = Chart_Overview.ChartObjects(PuFn - 6).Name
btChartNumber = CSng(Mid(Chart_Overview.ChartObjects(PuFn - 6).Name, 4, 2))
Chart_Overview.ChartObjects(PuFn - 6).Select
If btChartNumber = 8 Then Stop
For prifn = 1 To Chart_Overview.ChartObjects(PuFn - 6).Chart.SeriesCollection.Count
With Chart_Overview.ChartObjects(PuFn - 6).Chart.SeriesCollection(prifn)
'Type -4102 = Pie
If .Type = -4102 Then
For fnPoints = 1 To Chart_Overview.ChartObjects(PuFn - 6).Chart.SeriesCollection(prifn).Points.Count
'To set the 4 type of colors for gradient
Call SetChartColor(byteBAR(btChartNumber, fnPoints), byteBarLABEL(btChartNumber, fnPoints), prifn, prifn, 4)
.Points(fnPoints).Interior.Color = varBarColors(1, btChartNumber, fnPoints)
.Points(fnPoints).Format.Fill.ForeColor.Brightness = varColorSettings(btChartNumber, 4)
If byteBarLABEL(btChartNumber, prifn) = Empty Then
.HasDataLabels = False
.HasDataLabels = True
End If
If .HasDataLabels = True Then
.Points(fnPoints).DataLabel.Font.Color = varLabelColors(1, btChartNumber, fnPoints)
End If
End If
'Type 3 = BAR
If .Type = 3 Then
Call SetChartColor(byteBAR(btChartNumber, prifn), byteBarLABEL(btChartNumber, prifn), PuFn, prifn, 2)
.Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = varBarColors(1, btChartNumber, prifn)
.Border.Color = vb3DDKShadow
If .Fill.Pattern < 0 Then
.Format.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = varBarColors(1, btChartNumber, prifn)
.Border.Color = vb3DDKShadow
If .Fill.Pattern < 0 Then
.Format.Fill.TwoColorGradient Left(varColorSettings(6, 2), 2), 1
.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Insert varBarColors(1, btChartNumber, prifn), varColorSettings(7, 2)
.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Insert varBarColors(2, btChartNumber, prifn), varColorSettings(8, 2)
.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Insert varBarColors(2, btChartNumber, prifn), varColorSettings(9, 2)
.Format.Fill.GradientStops.Insert varBarColors(4, btChartNumber, prifn), varColorSettings(10, 2)
.Format.Fill.ForeColor.Brightness = varColorSettings(5, 2)
End If
End If
If byteBarLABEL(btChartNumber, prifn) = Empty Then
.HasDataLabels = False
.HasDataLabels = True
End If
If .HasDataLabels = True Then
.DataLabels.Interior.Color = varLabelColors(1, btChartNumber, prifn)
.DataLabels.Border.Color = vb3DDKShadow
.DataLabels.NumberFormat = New_Settings_ChartColors.Range("C113").NumberFormat
.DataLabels.Font.Color = varFontColors(btChartNumber, prifn)
.DataLabels.Format.Fill.OneColorGradient Left(varColorSettings(6, 5), 2), 1, varColorSettings(7, 5)
.DataLabels.Format.Fill.ForeColor.Brightness = varColorSettings(5, 5)
End If
End If
'Type 4 = Line
If .Type = 4 Then
Call SetChartColor(ByteLINE(btChartNumber, prifn), byteLineLABEL(btChartNumber, prifn), PuFn, prifn, 3)
.Format.Line.ForeColor.RGB = varBarColors(1, btChartNumber, prifn)
If byteLineLABEL(btChartNumber, prifn) = Empty Then
.HasDataLabels = False
.HasDataLabels = True
End If
If .HasDataLabels = True Then
.DataLabels.Interior.Color = varLabelColors(1, btChartNumber, prifn)
.DataLabels.Border.Color = vb3DDKShadow
.DataLabels.NumberFormat = New_Settings_ChartColors.Range("C112").NumberFormat
.DataLabels.Font.Color = varFontColors(btChartNumber, prifn)
.DataLabels.Format.Fill.OneColorGradient Left(varColorSettings(6, 5), 2), 1, varColorSettings(7, 5)
.DataLabels.Format.Fill.ForeColor.Brightness = varColorSettings(5, 5)
End If
End If
End With
Chart_Overview.ChartObjects(PuFn - 6).Select
varChartColors = New_Settings_ChartColors.Range("A3:AL94")
With New_Settings_ColorsOverview
.Range("AM3:AP11, AR3:AV11").ClearContents
.Range("AM3:AP11, AR3:AV11").Interior.Color = -4142
varGainLossColors = .Range("AK3:AV11")
For PuFn = 1 To 9
Call SetChartColor(varGainLossColors(PuFn, 2), varGainLossColors(PuFn, 8), PuFn, 1, 3)
.Range("AM" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varBarColors(1, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AM" & PuFn + 2).Interior.Color = varBarColors(1, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AN" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varBarColors(2, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AN" & PuFn + 2).Interior.Color = varBarColors(2, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AO" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varBarColors(3, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AO" & PuFn + 2).Interior.Color = varBarColors(3, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AP" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varBarColors(4, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AP" & PuFn + 2).Interior.Color = varBarColors(4, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AS" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varLabelColors(1, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AS" & PuFn + 2).Interior.Color = varLabelColors(1, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AT" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varLabelColors(2, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AT" & PuFn + 2).Interior.Color = varLabelColors(2, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AU" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varLabelColors(3, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AU" & PuFn + 2).Interior.Color = varLabelColors(3, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AV" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varLabelColors(4, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AV" & PuFn + 2).Interior.Color = varLabelColors(4, PuFn, 1)
.Range("AR" & PuFn + 2).Value2 = varChartColors(varGainLossColors(PuFn, 7), 4)
Dim col As Byte, src As Byte
For prifn = 1 To 32
.Cells(1, 50 + (2 * prifn)).Value2 = New_Settings_ColorPicker.Cells(2, prifn).Value2
If New_Settings_ColorPicker.Cells(204, prifn).Value2 = "Changed" Or .Range("AL" & prifn + 13).Value2 & "," & .Range("AM" & prifn + 13).Value2 & "," & .Range("AN" & prifn + 13).Value2 <> .Range("AO" & prifn + 13).Value2 Then
.Range("AO" & prifn + 13).Value2 = "Changed"
End If
If .Range("AO" & prifn + 13).Value2 = "Changed" Then
.Range(Cells(3, 50 + (2 * prifn)), Cells(203, 51 + (2 * prifn))).ClearContents
.Range(Cells(3, 50 + (2 * prifn)), Cells(203, 51 + (2 * prifn))).Interior.Color = -4142
End If
For PuFn = 3 To 203
col = 14
src = 0
For prifn = 1 To 32
src = src + 1
If .Range("AM" & prifn + 13).Value2 = "Yes" And .Range("AO" & prifn + 13).Value2 = "Changed" Then
If .Range("AN" & prifn + 13).Value2 = "From Dark to Light" Then
col = .Range("AX" & PuFn).Value2 + 2
col = .Range("AY" & PuFn).Value2 + 2
End If
.Cells(PuFn, 50 + (2 * prifn)).Value2 = New_Settings_ColorPicker.Cells(col, src).Value2
.Cells(PuFn, 50 + (2 * prifn)).Interior.Color = New_Settings_ColorPicker.Cells(col, src).Value2
.Cells(PuFn, 51 + (2 * prifn)).Value2 = New_Settings_ColorPicker.Cells(col, src).Font.Color
End If
For PuFn = 14 To 45
.Range("AO" & PuFn).Value2 = .Range("AL" & PuFn).Value2 & "," & .Range("AM" & PuFn).Value2 & "," & .Range("AN" & PuFn).Value2
New_Settings_ColorPicker.Cells(204, PuFn - 13).Value2 = ""
End With
End Sub
Private Function SetChartColor(iBar As Variant, iLabel As Variant, intChart As Integer, intLine As Integer, byteChart As Byte)
On Error Resume Next
Dim intLabel As Long, intbar As Long, test As Variant
If Not IsEmpty(iLabel) Then
varFontColors(intChart, intLine) = varChartColors(iLabel, 4)
End If
If iBar <> 0 Then
intbar = varChartColors(iBar, 3)
puRED = (intbar Mod 256) * varColorSettings(1, byteChart)
puGREEN = ((intbar \ 256) Mod 256) * varColorSettings(1, byteChart)
puBLUE = (intbar \ 65536) * varColorSettings(1, byteChart)
varBarColors(1, intChart, intLine) = RGB(puRED, puGREEN, puBLUE)
puRED = (intbar Mod 256) * varColorSettings(2, byteChart)
puGREEN = ((intbar \ 256) Mod 256) * varColorSettings(2, byteChart)
puBLUE = (intbar \ 65536) * varColorSettings(2, byteChart)
varBarColors(2, intChart, intLine) = RGB(puRED, puGREEN, puBLUE)
puRED = (intbar Mod 256) * varColorSettings(3, byteChart)
puGREEN = ((intbar \ 256) Mod 256) * varColorSettings(3, byteChart)
puBLUE = (intbar \ 65536) * varColorSettings(3, byteChart)
varBarColors(3, intChart, intLine) = RGB(puRED, puGREEN, puBLUE)
puRED = (intbar Mod 256) * varColorSettings(4, byteChart)
puGREEN = ((intbar \ 256) Mod 256) * varColorSettings(4, byteChart)
puBLUE = (intbar \ 65536) * varColorSettings(4, byteChart)
varBarColors(4, intChart, intLine) = RGB(puRED, puGREEN, puBLUE)
varBarColors(1, intChart, intLine) = -4142
varBarColors(2, intChart, intLine) = -4142
varBarColors(3, intChart, intLine) = -4142
varBarColors(3, intChart, intLine) = -4142
End If
If iLabel <> 0 Then
intLabel = varChartColors(iLabel, 3)
puRED = (intLabel Mod 256) * varColorSettings(1, 5)
puGREEN = ((intLabel \ 256) Mod 256) * varColorSettings(1, 5)
puBLUE = (intLabel \ 65536) * varColorSettings(1, 5)
varLabelColors(1, intChart, intLine) = RGB(puRED, puGREEN, puBLUE)
puRED = (intLabel Mod 256) * varColorSettings(2, 5)
puGREEN = ((intLabel \ 256) Mod 256) * varColorSettings(2, 5)
puBLUE = (intLabel \ 65536) * varColorSettings(2, 5)
varLabelColors(2, intChart, intLine) = RGB(puRED, puGREEN, puBLUE)
puRED = (intLabel Mod 256) * varColorSettings(3, 5)
puGREEN = ((intLabel \ 256) Mod 256) * varColorSettings(3, 5)
puBLUE = (intLabel \ 65536) * varColorSettings(3, 5)
varLabelColors(3, intChart, intLine) = RGB(puRED, puGREEN, puBLUE)
puRED = (intLabel Mod 256) * varColorSettings(4, 5)
puGREEN = ((intLabel \ 256) Mod 256) * varColorSettings(4, 5)
puBLUE = (intLabel \ 65536) * varColorSettings(4, 5)
varLabelColors(4, intChart, intLine) = RGB(puRED, puGREEN, puBLUE)
varLabelColors(1, intChart, intLine) = -4142
varLabelColors(2, intChart, intLine) = -4142
varLabelColors(3, intChart, intLine) = -4142
varLabelColors(4, intChart, intLine) = -4142
End If
If iLabel = 0 Then
varLabelColors(1, intChart, intLine) = varBarColors(1, intChart, intLine)
varLabelColors(2, intChart, intLine) = varBarColors(2, intChart, intLine)
varLabelColors(3, intChart, intLine) = varBarColors(3, intChart, intLine)
varLabelColors(4, intChart, intLine) = varBarColors(4, intChart, intLine)
End If
test = varBarColors(1, intChart, intLine)
End Function