=VLOOKUP($A$3, 'SAP Data'!$A$3:$A$7,1,FALSE,INDEX('SAP Data'!$AL$3:$AL$4805,SMALL(IF('SAP Data'!$AK$3:$AK$4805>=H3,IF('SAP Data'!$AK$3:$AK$4805<=N3,ROW('SAP Data'!$AL$3:$AL$4805)-ROW('SAP Data'!$AL$3)+1)),ROWS(H$3:H3))))
The above is the formula I'm using, just a little long. I'm using MSExcel'10
What I'm trying to accomplish is I'm trying to poplulate a SS with info from another SS where the exact item and correponding qty are pulled IF it meets a specified timeframe. The specified timeframe is based on dates in seperate colums, in this case columns H & N of SS-1. The formula uses this set-up date parameter to search a column of dates in SS-2 (aka SAP Data, SS-2 col AK), & once it locates a qty (SS-2, col AL) that meets the timeframe constarint from SS-1, it should populate the SS-1 formula col with the data.
However, my prob with this formula is it's pulling any qty whose item name closely resembles each other, so that's why I tried to use VLOOKUP, but once I added it to my formula was told it was too long, too many arguments.
Need some help--Please!!
Also, not sure what the formula would do if there were 2 qtys for the same exact item name--they can't both pop the formula cell, unless there's a way it can be written in the formula that the 2+ qtys can be added together---any ideas on how to accomplish that?
thank you for your expertise
The above is the formula I'm using, just a little long. I'm using MSExcel'10
What I'm trying to accomplish is I'm trying to poplulate a SS with info from another SS where the exact item and correponding qty are pulled IF it meets a specified timeframe. The specified timeframe is based on dates in seperate colums, in this case columns H & N of SS-1. The formula uses this set-up date parameter to search a column of dates in SS-2 (aka SAP Data, SS-2 col AK), & once it locates a qty (SS-2, col AL) that meets the timeframe constarint from SS-1, it should populate the SS-1 formula col with the data.
However, my prob with this formula is it's pulling any qty whose item name closely resembles each other, so that's why I tried to use VLOOKUP, but once I added it to my formula was told it was too long, too many arguments.
Need some help--Please!!

Also, not sure what the formula would do if there were 2 qtys for the same exact item name--they can't both pop the formula cell, unless there's a way it can be written in the formula that the 2+ qtys can be added together---any ideas on how to accomplish that?
thank you for your expertise