Examples and Thanks for your kindness, I am grateful!
our Time Clock tracks every minute and is a 60 minute clock
software Input 100 Minute Clock set to 15 minute increments
60 Minute Clock
78:44 Regular Time
OT :18
60 minute clock Totals 79:02
100 Minute Clock 78:62
I input as 78:77 + .25 does equal the 79.02 but prefer not to have to do that guy gets paid more
60 Minute clock 79:55 1
100 minute clock totals 79:10
Thanks for your assistance It appears to me that the 100 miute clock adds what is there together the 60 minute clock you have to add the minutes and divide by 60 first then the hours.
I have a chart that shows a 100 minute clock conversion, but the calculation for .18 is .3 that just doesn't work. So how do I do this and explain to these hard working people that $ are the same but arent?.
Thanks a lot