Hi all,
I have several hundred thousand business rules I need to edit. I have a list of codes to remove from the strings, and so I created an Access Form button that runs VBA to check for certain conditions, and if those conditions are met, to cycle through my list of codes to remove. It seems to work pretty well ... the last thing I need to address is that in long strings ending with a ")" it drops the parenthesis. If anyone could review my code and make suggestions I would be very, very thankful!!!
My query "qry_SET_NEW_SVP" just copies the data to a new column so that I can edit the new column.
And some sample data:
X028 NE ('S3,XT,NT,NS,XQ,C1')
(T022 EQ 'L,+,=,Q,W,4,8,4,9') OR (X028 EQ 'BT,BX,BY,ST,XX,XY,YA,YB,YF,YH,YU,YI' AND P467 EQ '6,7,8' AND P103 NE '0') OR (X028 EQ 'BT,BX,BY,ST,XX,XY,YA,YB,YF,YH,YU,YI' AND P467 NE '6,7,8') OR (P467 NE '6,7,Q1' AND P103 NE '0')
X028 EQ 'XI,P1,ST,QT,S3' OR (P467 NE '1,8,Q1' AND P103 NE '2')
I have several hundred thousand business rules I need to edit. I have a list of codes to remove from the strings, and so I created an Access Form button that runs VBA to check for certain conditions, and if those conditions are met, to cycle through my list of codes to remove. It seems to work pretty well ... the last thing I need to address is that in long strings ending with a ")" it drops the parenthesis. If anyone could review my code and make suggestions I would be very, very thankful!!!
VBA Code:
Option Compare Database
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim i As Integer
'Declare DAO recordset and populate with data from our table
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_SVP_TEST;")
'Declare array of code values to replace or delete out
Dim code As Variant: code = Array("S3", "Q1")
'Create working column, a copy of original column OLD_SVP to NEW_SVP
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_SET_NEW_SVP"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Loop through each row of the recordset
Do Until rs.EOF = True
Dim count As Integer
Dim strCnt As Integer
Dim str As String
count = Len(rs!OLD_SVP) - Len(Replace(rs!OLD_SVP, "'", "")) 'count of tics in each row
strCnt = count / 2 'count of substrings in each row
'Loop through each code
For i = 0 To 1
'Declare our test cases
Dim tst1 As String: tst1 = "'" & code(i) & ","
Dim tst2 As String: tst2 = "," & code(i) & "'"
Dim tst3 As String: tst3 = "," & code(i) & ","
Dim str1 As String
Dim str2 As String
Dim str3 As String
Dim intTic1 As String
Dim intTic2 As String
'for each substring, if and only iff tests true for the code and true for 'X028' then perform string processing
For m = 0 To strCnt
'I need the initial str to be equl to rs!NEW_SVP only on the first run, otw equal to updated str3
If i = 0 And m = 0 Then
str = rs!NEW_SVP 'Set string to record
ElseIf i <> 0 And m = 0 Then
str = newstr
str = str3
End If
If Nz(str, "") <> "" Then
'Find first tick
intTic1 = InStr(1, str, "'", vbTextCompare)
If intTic1 > 0 Then
'Find second tick
intTic2 = InStr(intTic1 + 1, str, "'", vbTextCompare)
If intTic2 > 0 Then
'break into substrings for processing
str1 = Left(str, intTic1 - 1)
str2 = Mid(str, intTic1, intTic2 - (intTic1) + 1)
str3 = Right(str, Len(str) - intTic2) 'saved for next loop processing (end of string)
'test if str1 contains service code
If InStr(1, str1, "X028", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
Dim testval As String
'test if str2 contains code to be deleted
If InStr(str2, code(i)) > 0 Then
testval = Nz(Mid(str2, InStr(str2, code(i)) - 1, 4))
If testval = tst1 Then
str2 = "'" & Replace(str2, testval, "")
ElseIf testval = tst2 Then
str2 = Replace(str2, testval, "") & "'"
ElseIf testval = tst3 Then
str2 = Left(str2, InStr(str2, testval)) & Right(str2, Len(str2) - InStr(str2, testval) - 3)
End If
End If
End If
'newstrings to be assembled after all substrings processed
If m = 0 Then
If Len(str3) < 3 Then
newstr = str1 & str2 & str3
newstr = str1 & str2
End If
If Len(str3) < 3 Then
newstr = newstr & str1 & str2 & str3
newstr = newstr & str1 & str2
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next m
Next i
rs!NEW_SVP = newstr
'Move to next record and start loop over
Set rs = Nothing
MsgBox "Done!"
End Sub
My query "qry_SET_NEW_SVP" just copies the data to a new column so that I can edit the new column.
And some sample data:
X028 NE ('S3,XT,NT,NS,XQ,C1')
(T022 EQ 'L,+,=,Q,W,4,8,4,9') OR (X028 EQ 'BT,BX,BY,ST,XX,XY,YA,YB,YF,YH,YU,YI' AND P467 EQ '6,7,8' AND P103 NE '0') OR (X028 EQ 'BT,BX,BY,ST,XX,XY,YA,YB,YF,YH,YU,YI' AND P467 NE '6,7,8') OR (P467 NE '6,7,Q1' AND P103 NE '0')
X028 EQ 'XI,P1,ST,QT,S3' OR (P467 NE '1,8,Q1' AND P103 NE '2')