Thank you for the formula and responses.
Yeah getting the data right is something I am having trouble with.
My end goal is to have a seperate sheet from the main data table that would have a column of checkboxes for all the crafted items, and next to it, a textbox or some type of way to define a quantity for that item. Below that I want a button that when pressed would be able to compile a list of all ingredients required to craft the selection. As an example if I chose 100 Wooden Shields that needed 5 wood each the list would output 500 wood. I have had some iterations where I could get this to work with items that only require other items that are not crafted, but as soon as I need crafted items to also be used as ingredients I am finding it hard to properly extract the information. An example would be a tier 4 crafted item needing a tier 1, 2, and 3 crafted item to be made. Ideally I would want the list that gets compiled to be able to extract resources for all the items selected, as well as the sub recipes.
In your examples Jon I am currently using a variation of the second alternative. The first column are all items, crafted and raw. The second is type, the third is rarity, and the fourth is an ingriedients and quanity header that has 8 sub columns that list each ingredient, and each quantity in their own cells, like this:
Ingredients and Quantity |
Wood | 2 | Stone | 1 | Metal | 5 | Wooden Shield | 1 |
The first row would represent the Wooden Shield recipe, and the one below it would represent an Iron Shield recipe. I can't figure out how to define the Wooden Shield within the Iron Shield recipe. I have redone the table multiple different times and now that I am unable to really get this version going I am feeling like the data could be stored more efficiently in a different way.
I have had some success but utimately hit a road block here. The VBA and formulas do seem to be a little big and unwieldy when I feel like they probably shouldn't be. Not to mention they haven't fully worked.