Does anyone know how to make a sort of interactive task tracker? I have a tracker that has different tabs, one for each client. Each tab has deliverables for that client and the due date. I want the "Summary tab" (main tab) to show the items that are pending, in-progress, to-do, etc but with the corresponding due dates. Ideally I would like the due dates to show in order of priority (what's due next) and alert the user if something is past due. If a VBA code is required thats ok. Any advice or guidance would be highly appreciated! TIA!
Does anyone know how to make a sort of interactive task tracker? I have a tracker that has different tabs, one for each client. Each tab has deliverables for that client and the due date. I want the "Summary tab" (main tab) to show the items that are pending, in-progress, to-do, etc but with the corresponding due dates. Ideally I would like the due dates to show in order of priority (what's due next) and alert the user if something is past due. If a VBA code is required thats ok. Any advice or guidance would be highly appreciated! TIA!