Sumproduct to Table...


MrExcel MVP
Sep 6, 2002
Does anyone know of a utility / function or have themselves coded something that permits an end user to analyse a given Sumproduct formula in greater detail - ie returning the results of the generated array into tabular form ?

I've just sat down thinking this would be quite useful, ie I click on any sumproduct formula and run a routine to "Analyse" which in turn generates a new sheet with a matrix of the results...

However having just started coding this myself it is now dawning on me that this could prove very difficult (read beyond my abilities) ... breaking out the formula itself etc into component parts is pretty easy but actually evaluating each part is a little more difficult.

I suspect someone knows of an elegant way to do this and I'd love to see it... it may of course be that you can do this already but I don't know how...

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Excel Facts

When did Power Query debut in Excel?
Although it was an add-in in Excel 2010 & Excel 2013, Power Query became a part of Excel in 2016, in Data, Get & Transform Data.
Point 1 taken on board and code updated accordingly... :bow:

Also, similar theme -- added check to see LEN of formula once SUMPRODUCT replaced, if difference > 10 chars then embedded therefore no go.
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Upvote 0
Below is a reworked Step1 section reflecting your change etc...

Dim s_e_msgbox_str As Str

On Error Resume Next
s_c1_f_res = Evaluate(s_c1_f)
On Error GoTo 0
If InStr(UCase(s_c1_f), "SUMPRODUCT") = 0 Then e = 1                        'not a SUMPRODUCT formula
If Left(UCase(s_c1_f), 11) <> "=SUMPRODUCT" Then e = 2                      'not self contained SUMPRODUCT (eg =IF(x=y,1,SUMPRODUCT())
If Len(s_c1_f) - Len(Replace(s_c1_f, "SUMPRODUCT", "")) > 10 Then e = 3     'embedded SUMPRODUCTS (too complex)
If InStr(r_c1.Parent.Name, "SPA") Then e = 4                                'firing code from previously created SPA sheet!
'exit routine if formula not valid for analysis
If e <> 0 Then
    Select Case e
        Case 1
            s_e_msgbox_str = "Formula is not a SUMPRODUCT Formula"
        Case 2
            s_e_msgbox_str = "Formula is not a self contained SUMPRODUCT Formula" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                                "If appropriate split the SUMPRODUCT(S) and evaluate each separately."
        Case 3
            s_e_msgbox_str = "Formula contains embedded SUMPRODUCTS and is thus deemed too complex." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                                "If appropriate split the SUMPRODUCT(S) and evaluate each separately."
        Case 4
            s_e_msgbox_str = "This Formula does not reside on a valid Sheet"
    End Select
    MsgBox s_e_msgbox_str, vbCritical, "Analysis Not Possible"
    GoTo ExitHere
End If
Upvote 0
If anyone else reads this the below code is now suitable for testing... will generate matrix of results for any given SUMPRODUCT formula... this will in future be moved into an add-in (talk of COM... maybe .xla ;-)) but for testing insert as standard macro -- to run highlight formula and run the code.


hello again guys... I'll probably get in trouble with all these posts... anyway below is a reworked version doing a few more bits and pieces than before.

Richard I'm pretty happy with it now if you want to test.
I'm not intending to spend time making it "pretty" as it's meant to be an audit / training aid more than anything and the formats will be so varied it's awkward anyway.

I would however still like to look into returning underlying values where component incl "=" ... ie strip out the "=" and evaluate separately into a different range... need to think about formula constructs though as it could get quite messy pending prevalence of "=" within any given parentheses set.

Option Explicit
Sub Analyse_SumProduct_DONKEYOTE()
'coded (poorly) by DonkeyOte Weds 22 to Fri 24 Oct 2008
'with not inconsiderable help from messrs. rorya, RichardSchollar & CornflakeGirl (muliebrity notwithstanding) - a.k.a. Rory, Richard & Emma.
'SP - SumProduct
'SPA - SumProduct Analysis
'#DEFINE VARIABLES (Assign/Set where possible)
'Range Type Variable(s)
Dim r_c1 As Range: Set r_c1 = ActiveCell                    'to hold active cell as range
'String Type Variable(s)
Dim s_c1_f As String: s_c1_f = ActiveCell.Formula           'to hold SP formula being analysed
Dim s_c1_f_res As Long                                      'to hold result of SP formula being analysed
Dim s_c1_f_delim As String                                  'to hold SP component delimiter (eg "," or "*") set via InputBox
Dim s_c1_f_comp As String                                   'component part of formula as stored in row 5 on SPA sheet
Dim s_e_msgbox_str As String                                'used to hold error message displayed to end user on fatal error
Dim s_SPA_res_f As String                                   'used to hold formula written dynamically for 1+ column returns
'Integer Type Variable(s)
Dim i_c1_f_i As Integer                                     'to hold mid char point when iterating formula string
Dim i_c1_f_p_cnt As Integer                                 'to hold running total of parentheses
Dim i_c1_f_start As Integer                                 'to hold start char pos of SP component
Dim i_c1_f_c As Integer                                     'to hold count of "components" within SP formula
Dim i_insert_col_i As Integer                               'used for resizing SPA where 1+ rows / 1 + columns (1+ component)
Dim i_reset As Integer                                      'reset flag
Dim i_SPA_res_i As Integer                                  'counter used in conjunction with s_SPA_res_f
Dim i_SPA_res_cnt As Integer                                'counter used in conjunction with s_SPA_res_f
'Long Type Variable(s)
Dim l_calc As Long                                          'to hold calcuation settings
Dim l_e As Long                                             'used to hold possible cause of error on initial evaulation
Dim l_c1_f_comp_i As Long                                   'incremental column flag of component parts
Dim l_v_output_a_lbound As Long
Dim l_v_output_a_ubound As Long
Dim l_v_output_b_lbound As Long
Dim l_v_output_b_ubound As Long
Dim l_max_v_output_b_ubound As Long                         'used for error handling in dealing with arrays
Dim l_v_output_item_i As Long                                'used to populate col A on SPA
'Variant / Undefined Type Variable(s)
Dim v_c1_f_output                                           'used to store output array of component part
'#SET APP SETTINGS (store current)
l_calc = Application.Calculation
With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = False
    .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
On Error Resume Next
s_c1_f_res = Evaluate(s_c1_f)
On Error GoTo 0
If l_e = 0 And InStr(UCase(s_c1_f), "SUMPRODUCT") = 0 Then l_e = 1                      'not a SUMPRODUCT formula
If l_e = 0 And Left(UCase(s_c1_f), 11) <> "=SUMPRODUCT" Then l_e = 2                    'not self contained SUMPRODUCT (eg =IF(x=y,1,SUMPRODUCT())
If l_e = 0 And Len(s_c1_f) - Len(Replace(s_c1_f, "SUMPRODUCT", "")) > 10 Then l_e = 3   'embedded SUMPRODUCTS (too complex)
If l_e = 0 And InStr(r_c1.Parent.Name, "SPA") Then l_e = 4                              'firing code from previously created SPA sheet!
'exit routine if formula not valid for analysis
If l_e <> 0 Then
    Select Case l_e
        Case 1
            s_e_msgbox_str = "Formula is not a SUMPRODUCT Formula"
        Case 2
            s_e_msgbox_str = "Formula is not a self contained SUMPRODUCT Formula" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                                "If appropriate split the SUMPRODUCT(S) and evaluate each separately."
        Case 3
            s_e_msgbox_str = "Formula contains embedded SUMPRODUCTS and is thus deemed too complex." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                                "If appropriate split the SUMPRODUCT(S) and evaluate each separately."
        Case 4
            s_e_msgbox_str = "This Formula does not reside on a valid Sheet"
    End Select
    MsgBox s_e_msgbox_str, vbCritical, "Analysis Not Possible"
    GoTo ExitHere
End If
'#STEP 1a: DETERMINE DELIMITER (let user decide...)
s_c1_f_delim = Application.InputBox("Enter Delimiter" & vbCrLf & "Note: Normally one of , * ;", "Delimiter", ",", Type:=2)
Select Case Trim(s_c1_f_delim)
    Case ",", "*", ";"
    Case Else
        MsgBox s_c1_f_delim & "Not Valid for SUMPRODUCT Analysis"
        GoTo ExitHere
End Select
'#STEP 1b: RESET POINT -- used only where original routine has reset
'(due to computational issues based on original delimiter and array dimensions)
'set delimiter to blank (handled in split)
If i_reset = 1 Then
    s_c1_f_delim = ""               'reset delimimter
    i_reset = 0                     'reset the reset (!)
    i_c1_f_c = 0                    'reset count of components
    s_c1_f = ActiveCell.Formula     'reset formula being analysed
End If
'set name convention to utilise system time so as to remove possibility of duplication without need for ws testing / deletion
'set up headers
ActiveSheet.Name = "SPA_" & Format(Now(), "DDMMYY_HHMMSS")
Cells(1, 1) = "Formula Location:"
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(1, 2), Address:="", SubAddress:="'" & r_c1.Parent.Name & "'!" & r_c1.Address(0, 0), TextToDisplay:="'" & r_c1.Parent.Name & "'!" & r_c1.Address
Cells(2, 1) = "Formula: "
Cells(2, 2) = "'" & s_c1_f
Cells(3, 1) = "Result: "
Cells(3, 2) = s_c1_f_res
Cells(4, 1) = "Delimiter:"
Cells(4, 2) = IIf(s_c1_f_delim = "", "NA", s_c1_f_delim)
Cells(5, 1) = "Component Part(s):"
Cells(6, 1) = "Array Row(s):"
Cells(7, 1) = "Array Column(s):"
Cells(9, 1) = "Record:"
'first remove =SUMPRODUCT() leaving just innards behind...
'loop the remaining string using predefined component "delimiter" (eg "," or "*") to break into parts (check parentheses)
s_c1_f = Replace(s_c1_f, "=SUMPRODUCT(", "")
s_c1_f = Left(s_c1_f, Len(s_c1_f) - 1)
'default start pos of string to be 1
i_c1_f_start = 1
'default running count of parentheses to be 0
i_c1_f_p_cnt = 0
'if delimiter is blank this is because of a reset which means the entire formula must be computed without components
If s_c1_f_delim <> "" Then
    'iterate formula string
    For i_c1_f_i = i_c1_f_start To Len(s_c1_f) Step 1
        'ascertain current character and act appropriately
        Select Case Mid(s_c1_f, i_c1_f_i, 1)
            Case "("
                'opening parentheses so add 1 to parentheses count
                i_c1_f_p_cnt = i_c1_f_p_cnt + 1
            Case ")"
                'closing parentheses so remove 1 from parentheses count
                i_c1_f_p_cnt = i_c1_f_p_cnt - 1
            Case s_c1_f_delim
                'current char appears to be delimiter however only valid end point IF count of parentheses is 0
                If i_c1_f_p_cnt = 0 Then
                    'increment count of components
                    i_c1_f_c = i_c1_f_c + 1
                    'paste formula component as header in column B onwards (row 5)
                    Cells(5, 1 + i_c1_f_c) = Chr(34) & Mid(s_c1_f, i_c1_f_start, i_c1_f_i - i_c1_f_start) & Chr(34)
                    'reset start pos to be current string pos + 1
                    i_c1_f_start = i_c1_f_i + 1
                End If
        End Select
    Next i_c1_f_i
End If
'insert final component
'increment count of components
i_c1_f_c = i_c1_f_c + 1
'paste formula component as header in column B onwards (row 5)
Cells(5, 1 + i_c1_f_c) = Chr(34) & Mid(s_c1_f, i_c1_f_start, i_c1_f_i - 1) & Chr(34)
'default starting position to B (first column containing a component)
l_c1_f_comp_i = 2
'iterate components (use Do Until as opposed to For Next given requisite column insertions below for multi column output)
Do Until Cells(5, l_c1_f_comp_i) = ""
    'set result header
    Cells(9, l_c1_f_comp_i) = "Result(s)"
    s_c1_f_comp = Cells(5, l_c1_f_comp_i)
    s_c1_f_comp = "IF(ROW(1:1)," & Mid(Left(s_c1_f_comp, Len(s_c1_f_comp) - 1), 2) & ")"
    v_c1_f_output = r_c1.Parent.Evaluate(s_c1_f_comp)
    'set array boundaries
    '1+ row / 1 column will generate (1 to x (rows), 1 to 1 (columns))
    '1 row / 1 + column will generate (1 to x (columns), Nothing)
    '1+ row / 1 + column will generate (1 to x (rows), 1 to y (columns))
    On Error Resume Next
    l_v_output_a_lbound = LBound(v_c1_f_output, 1)
    l_v_output_a_ubound = UBound(v_c1_f_output, 1)
    l_v_output_b_lbound = LBound(v_c1_f_output, 2)
    l_v_output_b_ubound = UBound(v_c1_f_output, 2)
    'handling first component part ?
    If l_c1_f_comp_i = 2 Then
        'default max l_v_output_b_ubound to be first b_ubound value (set on first component)
        'used to establish later as to whether or not component parts of differing dimensions (requiring reset of calculation)
        l_max_v_output_b_ubound = l_v_output_b_ubound
        'populate SPA Col A with range details ?
        For l_v_output_item_i = 1 To Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(l_v_output_a_ubound, l_v_output_b_ubound) Step 1
            Cells(l_v_output_item_i + 9, 1) = l_v_output_item_i
        Next l_v_output_item_i
    End If
    'list array dimensions in SPA sheet -- if b array is nothing then purely column based SUMPRODUCT so rows = 0
    Select Case l_v_output_b_ubound
        Case 0
            'just columns
            Cells(6, l_c1_f_comp_i) = 1
            Cells(7, l_c1_f_comp_i) = l_v_output_a_ubound
        Case Else
            'both rows and columns
            Cells(6, l_c1_f_comp_i) = l_v_output_a_ubound
            Cells(7, l_c1_f_comp_i) = l_v_output_b_ubound
    End Select
    'before doing anything check current l_v_output_b_ubound to max thus far
    'point being if latest ubound value > prior max then need to do a singular return for this entire formula (no delimiter)
    If l_v_output_b_ubound <> l_max_v_output_b_ubound Then
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        i_reset = 1
        GoTo Reset
    End If
    'evaluate component, take different actions based on array boundaries
    On Error GoTo Fatality
    Select Case l_v_output_b_ubound
        Case 0
            'if 0 results require transposition (1+ columns, 1 row)
            Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output)).Value = Application.Transpose(v_c1_f_output)
            l_c1_f_comp_i = l_c1_f_comp_i + 1
        Case 1
            '1+ rows, 1 column
            Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output)).Value = v_c1_f_output
            l_c1_f_comp_i = l_c1_f_comp_i + 1
        Case Is > 1
            '1+ rows, 1+ columns
            'multi dimensional array so EITHER repeat evaluation but with SUM where SUM(components) = 1 or resize everything ?
            'base on number of components... if 1 return 1 answer
            Select Case i_c1_f_c
                Case 1
                    s_c1_f_comp = Replace(s_c1_f_comp, "ROW(1:1),", "ROW(1:1),SUM(") & ")"
                    v_c1_f_output = r_c1.Parent.Evaluate(s_c1_f_comp)
                    Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output)).Value = v_c1_f_output
                    l_c1_f_comp_i = l_c1_f_comp_i + 1
                Case Else
                    'resize SPA sheet and write back multi dimensional values ?
                    'insert columns based on adjacent column to right of current column
                    For i_insert_col_i = 1 To (l_v_output_b_ubound - 1)
                        Columns(l_c1_f_comp_i + 1).Insert
                    Next i_insert_col_i
                    Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output, 1), UBound(v_c1_f_output, 2)).Value = v_c1_f_output
                    'now completed insertion of code - adjust l_c1_f_comp_i counter such that next cell moved to contains next component (now moved)
                    l_c1_f_comp_i = l_c1_f_comp_i + i_insert_col_i
            End Select
    End Select
    'reset handler to default (for now...)
    On Error GoTo 0
'insert final column to total results
Cells(10, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Offset(-1, 1).Value = "Total(s)"
'different totals depending on whether the component arrays > 1 column
'can check this by dividing the count of non-blanks in first row of results (10) against count of non-blanks in header row (9)
Select Case Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("9:9"), "Result(s)") = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("10:10"))
    Case True
        Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output)).FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(OR(SUMPRODUCT(--(ISNUMBER(--(RC2:RC[-1]))=FALSE)),COUNTIF(RC2:RC[-1],FALSE)),0,PRODUCT(RC2:RC[-1]))"
    Case False
        'in these instances need to SUMPRODUCT the different arrays rather than PRODUCT the entire row
        'urgh... need to construct the formula on the fly given could have variable numbers of 1+ column arrays
        s_SPA_res_f = "=SUMPRODUCT("
        For i_SPA_res_i = 2 To (l_c1_f_comp_i - 1)
            Select Case UCase(Cells(9, i_SPA_res_i))
                Case ""
                    'column must be added to sum product so continue
                Case Else
                    'increment instances where RESULT found (ie commencement of component results)
                    i_SPA_res_cnt = i_SPA_res_cnt + 1
                    'must be commencement of new range
                    'close off first range in formula first (if necessary)
                    If i_SPA_res_cnt > 1 Then
                        s_SPA_res_f = s_SPA_res_f & "RC" & i_SPA_res_i - 1 & ","
                    End If
                    'create new range for SUMPRODUCT
                    s_SPA_res_f = s_SPA_res_f & "RC" & i_SPA_res_i & ":"
            End Select
        Next i_SPA_res_i
        'add last close to formula (given last header in range will be blank
        s_SPA_res_f = s_SPA_res_f & "RC" & i_SPA_res_i - 1 & ")"
        'insert formula across result range
        Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output)).FormulaR1C1 = s_SPA_res_f
End Select
'overwrite formulae with values (performance)
Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output)).Formula = Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output)).Value
'bold total column
Cells(10, l_c1_f_comp_i).Resize(UBound(v_c1_f_output)).Font.Bold = True
Range(Cells(5, 2), Cells(9, 2).End(xlToRight)).Columns.AutoFit
Cells(10, 1).Select
ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
'#RESET APP SETTINGS (based on store)
With Application
    .ScreenUpdating = True
    Select Case l_calc
        Case -4105
            .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
        Case -4135
            'no action (currently manual)
        Case 2
            .Calculation = xlCalculationSemiautomatic
    End Select
End With
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Fatal Error Occurred Processing Component Part", vbCritical, "Fatal Error"
If InStr(ActiveSheet.Name, "SPA_") Then
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
Resume ExitHere

End Sub
Upvote 0
Cool - looking good. I will see if I can break it! It should be feasible to adjust it to strip out just the SUMPRODUCT part of a given formula so that it would work even with embedded SUMPRODUCTs.
Upvote 0
Small bug when there is an array to be summed that aren't all whole numbers, the result on the analysis sheet shows the integer value.

Dim s_c1_f_res As Long                                      'to hold result of SP formula being analysed

should be dimmed as a Double
Upvote 0
I have just come across a pretty big issue, to do with the separator.

If you use my preferred way, =SP(--(cond1),--(cond2),values), everything pans out nicely and it analyses well. Similarly, if you use the other common format, =SP((cond1)*(cond2)*values), all is well and it analyses well. But, as we all know, this second form has a huge constraint, it won't handle text or blanks in the values array. One, good, way around this is to use the second form variation of =SP((cond1)*(cond2),values) - see the problem immediately, mixed separators. You either declare * as the separator and the values roll into the previous component, or you declare , as the separator and the * seprated components are evaluated as one. The former gives the wrong final result, the latter gives the correct final result, but both fail to deiver a full analysis, which is the whole point.

I am sure that the way is to determine the components regardless of the separator, by way of the parentheses count.
Upvote 0
Another good addition would be able to get the values of the ranges in each component - bit tricky that one.
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