d. Create a summary report showing population subtotals by region. Use the Subtotal command to display the associated subtotal dialog bow. The subtotal should be calculated each change in region. Use the SUM function to add the total to the population field. Check the boxes to replace current subtotals and to place the summary below data..
I am mainly having a problem with d, if anyone can help
Yea you are right, but how to i calculate the subtotals by the region column?
I'm impressed to find people that are more worthless at explaining even the most basic excel tasks than my CIS labtech...Good job.
Ok guys...now that I've already turned in my homework and it's not an ethical problem, can anyone give me some real advice before I have the exam?
Ok I think we may have lost our way...
What exactly are you attempting to achieve? Please post some sample data with expected results and I'm sure one of us can provide you with the answer your looking for...