I have a data sheet with 10,000 rows that (as a result of an array formula) returns "#N/A" for some values. Each of the rows is also classified as "customer a" and "customer b".
I am trying to sum the data column for only "customer a" values AND ignore the "#N/A" error. I have tried and both of these return #N/A:
=SUM(IF(base!F3:F44<>#N/A,IF(base!A3:A44="Customer A",1,0)))
=SUMPRODUCT( --(base!F3:F44<>"#N/A"), --(base!A3:A44="Traditional Segment"), base!F3:F44)
Any insight is appreciated. Thanks
I have a data sheet with 10,000 rows that (as a result of an array formula) returns "#N/A" for some values. Each of the rows is also classified as "customer a" and "customer b".
I am trying to sum the data column for only "customer a" values AND ignore the "#N/A" error. I have tried and both of these return #N/A:
=SUM(IF(base!F3:F44<>#N/A,IF(base!A3:A44="Customer A",1,0)))
=SUMPRODUCT( --(base!F3:F44<>"#N/A"), --(base!A3:A44="Traditional Segment"), base!F3:F44)
Any insight is appreciated. Thanks