I have been looking through the forums to find an answer to my query and I seem to be close but don't know what I need to do next. I have found this post which sums numbers in a comma delimited text string and modified it to count using Chr(10) as the delimiter.
My code is now as follows:
However, when I run it on a simple cell with "1, 2, 3" seperated by the carriage return after each number I get "123" as the sum and not "6"
Also the actual text is a little more complicated than this as I have text before each number in the format below:
Enquiry1: (+10m)
Enquiry2: (-15m)
Enquiry3: (+11m)
So the sum should be (+10-15+11)=6.
There will be varying lengths of text in one cell so the function will need to be as dynamic as possible!
Hope someone can help me

I have been looking through the forums to find an answer to my query and I seem to be close but don't know what I need to do next. I have found this post which sums numbers in a comma delimited text string and modified it to count using Chr(10) as the delimiter.
My code is now as follows:
Function SumNums(rngS As Range, Optional strDelim As String = "Chr(10)") As Double
Dim vNums As Variant, lngNum As Long
vNums = Split(rngS, strDelim)
For lngNum = LBound(vNums) To UBound(vNums) Step 1
SumNums = SumNums + Val(vNums(lngNum))
Next lngNum
End Function
However, when I run it on a simple cell with "1, 2, 3" seperated by the carriage return after each number I get "123" as the sum and not "6"

Also the actual text is a little more complicated than this as I have text before each number in the format below:
Enquiry1: (+10m)
Enquiry2: (-15m)
Enquiry3: (+11m)
So the sum should be (+10-15+11)=6.
There will be varying lengths of text in one cell so the function will need to be as dynamic as possible!
Hope someone can help me